posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 01:23 PM
I've been a lurker here for a week or so getting my bearings and thought it was time to dive in and contribute in the excellent conversation and
debate that occurs here. I have many interests but I am making a post soon about the Mormons / Mason connection and hope that this will be a useful
source of information as it is something I have struggled with for a while after cutting my association with that organization. Oh by the way good
story. I was reading in the government conspiracy forums at work the other day, I work in a school with all the institutional protections such as
fire doors, compartmentalization, etc. I was really getting into the content of the posts when all of a sudden the power went out and the fire doors
clanged shut. For a split second of irrationality I thought maybe I had stumbled onto more then I was supposed to lol. Sorry I guess you had to be