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Is Governmental Disclosure Enough?

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posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 12:56 PM
I posed a question in another thread, but the more I thought about it, the more I kept circling around my own answers.

So, let's say that a top governmental official (Powel, or Condee, or Rumsfield) conducted a live interview, and in that interview disclosed the fact that they have PROOF of the existence of Extra Terrestrials. But, they could and would not give details on how, when, where, and why they have this proof. Or could give no details on what they intend to do with this proof. Basically, they just tell us what we already know, but they have never admitted.

So, now in the hypothetical world, we finally have the full admission of the gov' what? Is that enough for those who have been waiting all their lives for this, or do you still think that the gov't owes us more?

[edit on 26-11-2004 by mpeake]

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 01:08 PM

So, now in the hypothetical world, we finally have the full admission of the gov' what? Is that enough for those who have been waiting all their lives for this, or do you still think that the gov't owes us more?

Well, compare it to the government announcement just after September 11 "We have proof that Al Qaida was behind the attacks" That was not only to justify the war against Afghanistan, but the war on Iraq, and now the upcoming war on Iran. As well as the flood of anti-terrorism laws, and re-election of Bush.

So I say, loud and clear, it is going to be enough.

[edit on 26-11-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 01:20 PM
I had thought about that as well...But, with the HUGE amount of denial by this gov't, and the obvious coverups that has been employed over the past decades, you'd think that announcing something like that without it being legit would be highly unlikely. But, then again, this is the hypothetical world I'm talking about, so I guess anything is possible.

[edit on 26-11-2004 by mpeake]

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 02:07 PM
You don't get the point: religious people don't want to know there are aliens. How do you explain that aliens are different? Is there another god othern than theirs? Other poeple could be so afraid that they would never go out again. Millions will seek legal damages from the the US government for failing to protect them from alien abductions, and so on...

So, my friend, the alien thing will never be disclosed unless aliens show up and the event can't be covered up.

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by WisdomMaster
You don't get the point: religious people don't want to know there are aliens. How do you explain that aliens are different? Is there another god othern than theirs? Other poeple could be so afraid that they would never go out again. Millions will seek legal damages from the the US government for failing to protect them from alien abductions, and so on...

So, my friend, the alien thing will never be disclosed unless aliens show up and the event can't be covered up.

Honestly, I don't think you get the point. Did you poll the entire population of the world? Oh, you didn't? So, I guess you can't say that "religious" people don't want to know, now can you? I am not talking theology here anyway. This question is being ask to those here that do beleive. So, get off your high horse and read the question the way it was posed. For those that have been waiting their whole lives for such a statement from the government (of course this is in my magical hypothetical world), would just the admission be enough.

Save the theology for another time and place...

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 02:31 PM

So, now in the hypothetical world, we finally have the full admission of the gov' what? Is that enough for those who have been waiting all their lives for this, or do you still think that the gov't owes us more?



Because they've done this before. In July of 1947 to be exact.

"RAAF Captures Flying Saucer"....ring a bell?

Just as they did then, someone could quickly come on and denounce the whole thing as bogus.

Until they actually show us a press conference where they take us inside the ship, and interview an alien....I'm not going to buy it until this point...and I'm a believer!

[edit on 26-11-2004 by Gazrok]

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 02:32 PM
If the major religions cant take the heat, then TOOO DAMN BAD FOR THEM. They cant handle the truth. They cant handle the natural process of the universe, and the process of life.

They would rather live the world a lie, than to witness the truths of the matter.

[edit on 26-11-2004 by kyateLaBoca]

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 02:35 PM
If lets say, Bush has something to gain from divulging the existense of aliens, I wouldnt believe it.
If, there is nothing to be gained i would believe it.
Guess you might say I'd politisize it

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 03:01 PM

Because they've done this before. In July of 1947 to be exact.

"RAAF Captures Flying Saucer"....ring a bell?

True...But back in 1947, there wasn't such an obvious coverup as there has been since then. Really, 1947 was the beginning. So, with all that said, any type of disclosure from active gov't officials still wouldn't satisfy? I mean, it's not like back then when all they had to to was retract the news article that was printed. With the way the media would be all over this, it would be impossible to retract a statement of this magnitude so easily right?

If lets say, Bush has something to gain from divulging the existense of aliens, I wouldnt believe it. If, there is nothing to be gained i would believe it.
Guess you might say I'd politisize it

Let's say that in my wonderful hypothetical world, Bush is not the pres...just some guy that is running the country the way it should be. Do you still debate the motive?

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 03:18 PM

With the way the media would be all over this, it would be impossible to retract a statement of this magnitude so easily right?


Example Below:

CNN: "In what appears to be a malicious prank, done by a departing press liasion...Colin Powell was the victim of a practical joke just moments ago. Mr. Powell's teleprompter had been altered, causing him to utter words announcing that the US had proof of Extraterrestrials, instead of the intended statement that the US had proof of Chemical Weapons in Iraq. The rest of Mr. Powell's statement, that details were not being given at this time, is correct, and refers to the proof of Chemical Weapons, not, as the prankster would have us believe....Extraterrestrials (news anchor chuckles....) Back to you Wolf..."

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 03:28 PM
Yup, I too agree that unless the public were allowed to visit a special site, for example, with a space ship, a dead or alive alien, or other things not previously released by the government, there is no way I'd believe the report, for exactly the reason Gazrok presents above. Too easy to retract the statement.

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 03:31 PM
That is really funny! I never heard about that. But, I guess I still invision a press conference that would not allow a retract for my proposed question. One where aliens are not just mentioned, but are the topic of the press conference. For instance, Powell steps up and says, "Today we, the US gov't will be disclosing the fact that we have undeniable proof of the existence of ET life"...This is the kind of statement I am posing...something that leaves absolutely no room for retraction or, again I ask...Hypothetically, if a statement was made, by the most respected of gov't officials, with the backing of other highly respected officials, that ET existence is a fact proof is in the hands of the proper officials, would this still not be enough?

PS...I love Remo Williams!

Remo: "You know Chun, there are times when I really like you..."
Chun: "Of course...I am Chun!"
Remo: "And then there are times I could really kill you!"
Chun: "Good! We will practice that....after dinner!"

[edit on 26-11-2004 by mpeake]

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 03:35 PM
Let's say that in my wonderful hypothetical world, Bush is not the pres...just some guy that is running the country the way it should be. Do you still debate the motive?

No, i would believe it. Will it ever happen? No, i dont think so. They would tell us who really shot JFK and the real reason we went to Iraq first before they came out with news of ET's. The government doesnt think we can handle such news. I dont see why not. Most anyone with a brain knows we couldnt be the only ones in this Universe. Charriots of fire were in ancient paintings. Inexplicable UFO's since the dawning of time and not many of us left who dont believe in the coverup. I guess it must all boil down to religion. I believe in God, but i believe he created us all earthlings and aliens as well. Why would this be such a shock to religious fanatics?
I guess ignorance is really bliss. Silly to think we're all alone in the universe, and selfish, too.

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 03:44 PM
Yes, I also assumed that mpeake, was talking about an official disclosure with no retractions. However, even if there was a retraction, there would be mass exposure, and there would be an explosion in the number of cover-up conspritators, and likewise, an explosion in the percentage of people who believe in a cover-up.

However, as I described above, if it was a government disclosure of the existence of alien life, then everyone will believe it. Just like they believe everything else on CNN. You are giving too much credit to the peoples intelligence

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