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Are We All Guilty of Ridicule...

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posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 08:01 AM
The information I have been gathering for over a year now, is due to an event that happened to me quite a few years back now. It has lead me on such a path, that I refer to it as enlightenment. It has opened my eyes, it has made me angry at times and it has made me take a look at myself and how I conduct myself, here, in this life.

For all its negative looking appearance to people outside this way of thinking, it has in turn, made me a better person. I am calmer, I am more thoughtful about the world and the people that are in it, I view religion differently and I feel like for the first time, I have answered some of the questions that everyone has. I believe I am seriously onto something that requires a lot of attention, so much attention that I am risking ridicule and the possibility of alienation. It is important enough, to write this.

So just for a moment at least, humour me.

What if we were not alone? What if the hundreds of thousands of people calming to have seen (me included) flying objects, had in fact been witnessing extra-terrestrial spacecraft?

What if those thousands of people all over the world, who tell about their encounters with alien beings, through friendly contact or through even forced abductions, where actually telling the truth?

What if our government had known about an ET presence for more than half a century?

If they were in position of alien technology that had the potential of changing our world and the way its run?

What if they chose to keep the public in the dark, through a secret campaign of suppressed information?

What if that acted as a chain around the ankles of humanity, keeping us from rising to a whole new level of consciousness and understanding of ourselves, our planet and the universe around us?

What if that understanding meant that they would surly and eventually, lose complete control of the world populations, their prescribed statuses, their beliefs and their economic infrastructure?

For those that can’t, won’t, or don’t even know how to begin to wake up and de-programme yourself from the mainstream agenda, hopefully this will help you as it has helped me.

Some of us now don’t even have the drive to rebel against the things that we know are wrong anymore. Some of us don’t even have the intellectual capacity, to know how to articulate our own problems anymore, because they have been so indoctrinated, so psychologically sedated, by the mainstream agenda.
I present statements in my work, I present facts from valid sources, I present feasible answers to questions that many of us have, and what do people do? They laugh, they jibe and they dismiss.

There is a lot that is hidden, deliberately, dis-informed information that is circulating in the public, you know what I’m talking about to an extent. Because as an average intellectually gifted person, you know there is something very wrong with what’s going on in our world. These subjects in particular about hiding the truth about many things, including that about the existence of EBEs (Extra-Terrestrial Biological Entities) you can do your homework on these subjects that thousands of people are discussing and investigating as you read this. They are out there for your perusal. It really is just knowing where to look.

Don’t get me wrong, there are dozens if not hundreds of falsified reports, ADOBE Photoshoped’ sightings, completely ridicules statements about the ‘satanic’ side of music industry’s artists, in connection to the Illuminati. People cobbling together the way people hold themselves on stage, all the way to saying that doing the ‘OK’ sign with their hands means that they are representing 666. Half the problem for us is that unfortunately, this particular topic does attract those kind of minds.

Devastating for us, admirable for ‘their’ cause. Polluting the already very murky water surrounding this issue. Those subjects are easily found and heard. The key subjects that the mainstream are keeping from us intentionally. If we come up for air at some point from the mainstream toilet then I implore you look at what is really going on behind the scenes. The problem that we face now is that the work that 'they' had to engineer before to suppress and maintain the secrecy of certain knowledge’s, once was a full scale co-opted job, had to be controlled by 'them' at every turn. Now, the secret campaign for suppression has relaxed over the last 40 years because of one thing. It has been going on for so long that we now suppress it for them...

Every time that something is presented by someone who might seem out there or incomprehensible, something that may shake the foundations of your opinion, or what you believe in, you dismiss it and ridicule it immediately, because you have been taught to, because that’s what we all do.

We do it to each other every day. Whenever we step out of these 'norms' and we start to express ourselves and our views and information’s that’s outside the limited possibilities of the person’s mind that you are talking to, what happens? Who starts jumping on you? It’s not the presidents or the prime ministers, trying to hush up the man with the words that have substance, it’s the rest of the population, it’s your friends, your family, work colleagues’ and people down the pub. The fear of what other people think they know and the limitation of the human understanding of possibility, those two, very real things, are undermining the hope of an understanding and are devastating for human control.

Listen to your neighbour, the man that saw what he said he saw, listen to the 'possibilities' of what we are actually capable of as a race of super species (compared to the rest of the planet), the technology that we have access to but are drip fed over the years. Most of us know this fact, the agencies of the government, Army, Air force and Navy have to stay ahead of the game, they’re not going to flood the market with the newly developed pieces of kit that can give you the edge in a warzone. Everybody running around with night vision goggles isn’t going to be very productive for the inferred, battlefield messages of ‘invisible’ flashing light from lens to lens. Suddenly those messages would not be so secret anymore. All of which, you probably already knew in some form or another. In fact we might say that the government is withholding numerous amounts of technology that they have drop feed us over a period of maybe 10 to 20 years, is in fact, according to the information that the Staff Sargent Robert O. Dean has provided the world with, is closer to 70 years. And if we look at what the NSA had in computers during the mid-60’s that had a processing clockspeed of roughly 650 megahertz (MHZ). It took 35 years for consumer market PCs to reach that speed.

My data has been sourced from a number of websites including You Tube. It is also apparent that a source such as YouTube is not a reliable one. However, I implore you to look at it from every aspect. There is a large amount of variation in the content that is published on that site. The problem is deciphering those pieces of information and categorising them into what we believe to be correct folders of information. I have done my best to do that, I did not chose sources of information without looking at the source, in its entirety.

SirDrinksalot - I ask you. Do not post here if you are going to attempt to personally attack me for spellings. It has nothing to do with my experience.
edit on 3-4-2014 by D0M1N0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by D0M1N0

What if that understanding meant that they would surly and eventually, lose complete control of the world populations, their prescribed statuses, their beliefs and their economic infrastructure?

That is not the worst of it at all ... now that science is starting to prove that there is an afterlife and so death is no escape anymore!

When we find out who what where when and why [taping into the universal collective conscious will allow this to be very accurate] ... THEN WE WILL HUNT THEM IN THIS LIFE AND THE NEXT AND GIVE THEM NO REST FOR ETERNITY!

Imagine that!

That is only just the start of the horror for them ... we are not just going to kill them!

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 08:27 AM
I don't think your post is an more outlandish than the next guy's (is that ridiculing?) and perhaps, there is something larger going on. The only suggestion I have is that we, as a people, need to relearn how to work collectively again. Our nation, and to some extent the rest of the world, is on a path of personal isolation. As such, we find ourselves fighting and questioning everything because we don't trust anyone else. We need to coalesce and ask the same questions, but as a group, and led by a democratic process (no hidden agendas). I bet many answers could be solved and more importantly, we may be able to prioritize what is important in life. While aliens and afterlife are groundbreaking topics, I suspect there are larger issues to tackle, such as the state of society, natural resources, the future of mankind. If aliens and the afterlife provide answers, then so be it. I would just caution folks to focus on more immediate concerns (food, shelter, water, government, etc.) and consider the other topics in light of how they can affect our daily lives.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by ZonedOut

I believe in what you said, it is becoming evermore evident that this, could indeed, be possible.

What happens then, when they say, you do not die, you will live. There is already an issue with suicides and murders. What happens when people no longer fear death? Will the laws be re-written? People just wont care enough about life, it will have lost its importance to an extent.

For that reason, it is hard to imagine, that if there becomes proof of such a concept, that we will never hear about this fact.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 09:59 AM

What if that acted as a chain around the ankles of humanity, keeping us from rising to a whole new level of consciousness and understanding of ourselves, our planet and the universe around us?

What if that understanding meant that they would surly and eventually, lose complete control of the world populations, their prescribed statuses, their beliefs and their economic infrastructure? - See more at:

This is it in a nutshell. Also they play with dark things, and consequently not all ufology is ufology. They can't come out and tell people they've been enslaving and murdering them for thousands of years now can they? And doing so at the bidding of some big heavy duty dark hat entities!

But the other side of the issue is there is a real ufology. Civilizations that have expanded past their planets, and are very high tech. That is how we think of it. Yet even on the positive, some of it crosses over to what we would perceive as spiritual, or different floors of the building, levels/realms.

So, even if people were informed, it could take a while to free the mind. Unless they landed and started working with us, in bodies, so to speak, it would be hard for many to accept. Just being told about it, even by authorities, would mean a large number of fundamentalists would say, they're all demons.

Also, I've been told there is a push to say that ET operates under federations which are akin to one world governments, or NWO, with much class system divisions.

People are so roped into money and divisions and slavery they don't get that positive ETs, and Higher Ups are not.

Any ET bearing monetary systems, pyramid systems, haves and have nots, and religion is Not The Et Anyone Wants To Meet.

So there is a little more involved than halting our progression, that is a part of it for some at the top. Others its more, they'd hang us if they realized what has been going on. Hiding their crimes, and some of this involves, their ritual dark type of occultism.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by D0M1N0

I propose you look at your questioning the situation from another side, not so typically as a standard human, even a modern one.

The veil over humanity's eyes is being slowly lifted. The veil has been kept in place by material-based Science that should never have been imposed in the first place but was allowed to happen by the practically minded that totally disallowed any form of mysticism except those narrow limits sanction (and remarkably held sacred) by religions.

Quantum physics is poorly understood by even the most accomplished scientists today, but continued disclosures of what is possible in that area formerly considered totally impossible comes forth to amaze us every few days. Those areas span from co-mingling of particles to proven results of conscious intent of mind interacting with physical states and mind-to-mind. The bottom line is that the Universe seems to be conscious of itself.

With the UFO phenomena, we have a meeting of two formerly unthinkable domains of traditional Science but mesh well with quantum thinking, the impossible physical ability of UFO craft to defy traditional physics and the horrible realization that direct mind control of human individuals by ETs is possible and has been repeatedly demonstrated.

There is a new paradigm that must emerge, that is emerging in a tenuous form as we argue over whether the impossibles are true or not. The so-called New World Order is the physical side of what must take place. The mental conversion must be in your head and that of others. As shown to be true with changing political ideologies on Earth, far greater still will be the dramatic changes to what we think it means to be human. In short, we humans are in an early stage of transition out of the pure animal stage into being truly aware and starting to seriously think.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by D0M1N0

It is one thing to be deprogramed but what then? There are many false teachings out there and we don't want to go from the frying pan into the fire. Only true spirituality will make us free.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 04:03 PM

D0M1N0 dismiss it and ridicule it immediately, because you have been taught to, because that’s what we all do

The key word there is "taught"...

The thing is, we haven't just been taught, we've been lied to, conditioned, mind controlled, etc.

This is anything BUT education.

And yet still, people blindly believe it as if somehow teachers were somehow incapable of lying.

This makes JUST as much sense as the girl in this State Farm commercial:

(Substitute Education for "The Internet")

Where did you hear that?
The Internet.
And you believed it?
Yeah. They can't put anything on the Internet that isn't true.
Where did you hear that?
The Internet.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by D0M1N0

My subject matters of choice may differ from yours but I can understand where you're coming from. Underwent a few changes myself that led me to re-evaluate many things and look a whole lot deeper. Sometimes there are events that one experiences that basically throw one's entire perception into total flux. It is the essence of cognitive dissonance and for some, the instinctual response is to evaluate and research. What those things are can be different because we do all have a myriad of experience but the feelings that it can arise from an individual stay the same. Ignorance can be bliss depending on what one finds. It's a process that is cathartic, terrible and, yet, ultimately better for it because it forces the recalibration of worldview. Ignorance can be bliss.

My gift to you in your subject is this. My grandfather was stationed at Roswell, NM as a intelligence officer. When I made that connection, I started asking him about what happened there. Unlike with most other subjects, he was extraordinarily flighty on the subject of the Roswell Incident. He even went so far as to claim that he was never stationed there, which was promptly rebuked by my grandmother. He did say that what crashed was not a weather balloon and that many people at the base were very "upset". He, himself, got in trouble with my grandmother for staying out late consoling a friend at a bar. That is the best that I got out of him before he passed. It's anecdotal but interesting to me and I sometimes wonder what actually happened. Sometimes I think that it might have been a close atomic incident but then I toss that out because he flat out told me about a bomber crashing in the Sandia Mountains outside of Albuquerque that happened to be carrying an atomic payload. The crash site burned for three days and they were not sure if the thing would detonate. He told me about that but was incredibly evasive about Roswell. I find it interesting.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 06:13 PM
Rule by fear. Throughout history religion and governments rule by fear. Anything they do not want us to know they make sure they have a system in place for damage control.

The reasons people are afraid that I have nailed down as a problem for getting real answers.

1: If so many people are exposed to secrets from the military or the government why don’t a few break all the rules and go public from time to time?
Just for example purposes let us remember Bob Lazar.
Hoax? Or was his credentials completely flushed? Either way you look at it, if you have any survival instincts at all, or if you care about your family, you would think twice about what you would be bringing upon yourself. Just reading this site for a few minutes you will find enough reasons a sane person does not want to draw the wrath of the government.

2: The last decade or so things are tolerated a bit more. Threats of being locked up in the Looney bin or nut house and straight jackets kept the paranormal issues in check. Being the outcast people whispered about was punishment enough to keep most people from being open about things they had encountered.

3: Religion historically keeps most people from talking because most everything can be linked to the occult if it does not fit the teachings. Stories such as the Tower of Babel, biblical witches…..List is to long to post. The actual point is, we are conditioned to allow fear to rule our actions.

4 The burden of proof. Right now, there is no way to truly prove anything. You can disprove ANYTHING. Get enough people working against something and it will fall. Proving something is the trick.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by D0M1N0

hi and thanks for posting this.
you're on the right track, but it goes even deeper than that.
people have been "conditioned" to think this way (as Murgatroid was saying) and relate to it all as physical "aliens"
in the same way they'd have us explore space by using rockets, etc
they're pushing the same agenda here..
(simply put) materialism
ask youself, "do aliens have souls?" and you'll start to see what the problem with all this is..

someone tried this back in 2010 it seems.. (only 4 pages)

there is no hard-and-fast answer for this, you have to work through layers and layers of programming, that's why it's a near-flawless scam, and what makes it so difficult to bust through
but the spiritually minded person has always had problems with it
that's why all the UFO/alien "research" eventually leads to this "fake spirituality"
greer channeling aliens in the desert
bob dean, jordan maxwell and david icke (and many others) all doing the same thing, making it "spiritual" (believable, relatable)
there are so many of these disinfo shills i can't keep track of them all

i tried back in late 2012 to get this info out (albeit in a frenzied, haphazard way) to all those tinfoil hat folks who thought the world was ending, with this video presentation

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by EnPassant

This is an essential point, and a well made one. We are breaching the idea of again, 'trust'. Where will we find this source. I just want it on the table now. What are we doing, where are we going, I don't care what it looks like when we get there. I have faith in our race, lets just do this!

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by Murgatroid

Great Post mate, this may interest you.

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by UNIT76

Dude, I am totally aware of this. And I'm afraid, I have to disagree.
I am one of the least religious people I have met, but self-investigatory research has... changed the answer from a black and white perspective.

What tends to happen is: Big enough thing to talk about = you talk about it, sometimes regardless of the way it sounds.

You soon realise that what you are saying sounds so far-fetched, so we have to start basic with people on the average envelope of this topic, which is basically, when people don’t have a clue they ask questions like this, “Do you believe in UFO’s?”, “Do you believe in Aliens?” “Do you think Area 51 is real?”

Those questions are so far away from the real questions that ‘informed’ people ask. They are like preschool questions. Those are the questions that people ask who have absolutely no idea about any of this.

When I suggest that someone goes and ‘looks for themselves’ it’s like that wise teacher. “You must travel this path…Alone.” Because it’s through your own experience that we get to the foundations of what we are discussing. Other people can’t do that off the bat. They have to follow the unbelievable bread crumb trail, or they won’t believe a thing you say when you mention the ‘spiritual’ side of things.

As I say to them, (for those that will listen) “All these scientists, regardless of background, agenda or whether or not they know each other, which tends not to be the case until later on with their research. They all end up at the same conclusion… After the science, whether people want to acknowledge it or not, they arrive at the same conclusion, spirituality. I’m afraid they go hand in hand.”

So I am right there with you on this in a way. But there is 'another' slant on this. It is not material, its beyond. Your subconscious can help with this. Explore it.
edit on 4-4-2014 by D0M1N0 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-4-2014 by D0M1N0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 11:15 AM

You can disprove ANYTHING. Get enough people working against something and it will fall. Proving something is the trick.

This is what is happening to religion. Ok religion is corrupt but there is great wisdom in it if it is interpreted properly.

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 02:04 PM

So I am right there with you on this in a way. But there is 'another' slant on this. It is not material, its beyond. Your subconscious can help with this. Explore it.

i'd love the place if i didn't have to live there.
we seem to meet eachother along the way here, but my subconscious isn't God.
that's what i'm looking for in all this. how about you?

i can only reiterate; "fake spirituality" - greer channeling aliens in the desert

edit on 4-4-2014 by UNIT76 because: i re-read everything... and i'm right back where i started anyway...

..who made the aliens?

you said something about 'all arrive at the same destination eventually'
..i think vallee & hyneck were onto something

i think of amos 5:8 - "seek the one who has created pleiades & orion"
..i just don't think a created being is responsible for anything like that
edit on 4-4-2014 by UNIT76 because: questions, questions

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by D0M1N0

Listen to your neighbour, the man that saw what he said he saw, listen to the 'possibilities' of what we are actually capable of as a race

I like to follow the UFO + close encounter phenomena. I follow it not because I'm interested in aliens but because I'm interested in people. A fringe topic like this really distills how poorly we interact with each other.

We should listen to our neighbor. A little bit of compassion and caring goes a long way to developing a strong and efficient society. If our social development took off like our technological development then our standard of living would probably be 100 times what it is right now. In other words, our social immaturity is acting as friction in the overall system.

I came to an interesting conclusion after reading UFO material for several years. And the funny part is that it has nothing to do with the UFOs. My conclusion is that we must learn to get along, cooperate, and mature socially.

If ETs are flying about contacting people then I reach the conclusion that it is imperative we learn to get along.

If it isn't happening but people are treating each other so poorly then I reach the same conclusion.

So, I believe in the end, it doesn't matter about UFOs and ETs. We have a far more interesting and pressing problem of trying to harness the positive aspects of our human nature to overcome the bad side. I think we have a lot of positive traits and some bad ones as well. Some of them are intermixed such as fear. We are afraid of being judged (i.e. alienated). However, the other positive side of that coin is that we are only afraid of being alone because we want to be together. So a vicious cycle can start or a very positive one can start as well. Both cycles can be reinforced by the feedback of the duality in our nature.

The good news is that information exchange such as your post and others are the seeds of a positive feedback loop that will continue to grow. It is a natural thing because it is derived from our human nature in a directed and disciplined fashion.

I applaud your growth and your desire to speak out. I'm sorry that you were confronted with attacks based upon your difference in writing styles in your other thread. Rise above it and break the feedback loop. Don't lash out but remain convicted and calm. And foremost have compassion for your fellow man (all of them).

If people feel the system is broken then we only have ourselves to blame. We all come from the same gene pool even if we are born into different social and power structures. The people at top are no more responsible than any of us. We must each change and mature.

edit on 4-4-2014 by compressedFusion because: changed "fellow men" to "fellow man"

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 09:28 AM
It's strange that you would call your experience "enlightenment" as it has none of the qualities associated to it.

It's just a thought experiment where you postulate that the alien phenomenon is mainly flesh and bones creatures visiting us from other planets, while the vast majority of serious analysis on the subject have shown the alien hypothesis is less likely and probably incorrect.

Interesting and thought provoking but nothing new nor enlightening. And nothing that could help others with their life. It's simply you who managed to deal and accept your own fears (that a secret cabal among governments is trying to control the world and hide the alien reality - classical conspiracy theme).

Reality is infinitely more complex and chaotic than the "evil controlling governments" scenario so common around here (because it's an American site and Americans distrust and demonize governments).

You just learned to accept and deal with some rather paranoid ideas, not at all close to "enlightenment". Just a small step of the journey.

When you get closer to commonly accepted enlightenment, believe me, the thought that we are visited by aliens and that governments hide the fact will be the least of your concern.

edit: Also, please, to support your hypothesis, can you direct me to at least one technological breakthrough that mankind made and that could only be possible if it was thank to the help of aliens. I see none so I hope you can help me with this. I think it's sad when we picture mankind as ignorant and thus believe only alien help could explain the pyramids or the space program.

edit on 8-4-2014 by SpaceGoatFarts because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2014 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: SpaceGoatFarts

It's strange that you would call your experience "enlightenment" as it has none of the qualities associated to it.

It's just a thought experiment where you postulate that the alien phenomenon is mainly flesh and bones creatures visiting us from other planets, while the vast majority of serious analysis on the subject have shown the alien hypothesis is less likely and probably incorrect.

Would you perhaps elaborate on this please? I am seeking further knowledge on this.

Interesting and thought provoking but nothing new nor enlightening. And nothing that could help others with their life.

I fail to see how showing people, in a format that is palatable, how mis-judging we can be and how being ‘plugged in’ to a manufactured lifestyle, and showing them that it can cause people to have an automated emotional response to information that is presented to them, does not help people understand the complexity of what we consider to be a fact?

It's simply you who managed to deal and accept your own fears (that a secret cabal among governments is trying to control the world and hide the alien reality - classical conspiracy theme).

It is a very classical one indeed. As is a prayer in a temple, church or mosque. Seems very strange that so many prolific sources are in many cases condemned by a majority that where neither present at the conception of the source of such ‘classic ideas’ and have no idea if the reason we do these things, or have these ‘ideas’ are based on fact or fiction. I choose to follow and attempt to understand the facts.

Reality is infinitely more complex and chaotic than the "evil controlling governments" scenario so common around here

I completely understand you here sir, this is the tippy top here. I am merely attempting to present some keys to a very long corridor of doors.

(because it's an American site and Americans distrust and demonize governments).

This I do not understand, you are speaking on behalf of all Americans here when you say that Americans demonize ‘ALL’ governments, I refer you back to your fourth paragraph sir.

You just learned to accept and deal with some rather paranoid ideas, not at all close to "enlightenment". Just a small step of the journey.

May I ask what the term Enlightenment means? I was under the impression that it meant understanding, insight, education, learning, knowledge, awareness, information, erudition, wisdom, instruction or teaching. I believe that I am in fact, enlightened, unless you are referring to it in the emphasizing of reason and individualism rather than tradition?

When you get closer to commonly accepted enlightenment, believe me, the thought that we are visited by aliens and that governments hide the fact will be the least of your concern.

I am again, in total agreement with you here sir, or ma’am for that matter. I am fortunate enough to have spent many hours, and I say this with anguish, attempting to decipher the code of life. I would except some enlightenment on this particular issue, should you have any for me.

edit: Also, please, to support your hypothesis, can you direct me to at least one technological breakthrough that mankind made and that could only be possible if it was thank to the help of aliens. I see none so I hope you can help me with this. I think it's sad when we picture mankind as ignorant and thus believe only alien help could explain the pyramids or the space program.

There are sources that mention items that we use and have that are a direct result of disassembled pieces of foreign craft and technology, I present you with this link to an interview hosted by Dr Greer from the Disclosure and Sirius projects.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 04:05 AM

originally posted by: D0M1N0
Would you perhaps elaborate on this please? I am seeking further knowledge on this.

All your thinking here is based on one unverified hypothesis. That the UFO and "aliens" phenomenon is extraterrestrial in nature. This is a common preconception in this space age, but by limiting your thinking to it, you exclude a lot of other sightings and encounters that do not fit the extraterrestrial hypothesis. The only correct approach is to analyze all sightings (even from before the 20th century) and only THEN to draw conclusions. When serious people do that, they all conclude the extraterrestrial hypothesis is not only a projection of our current level of development, but also very unlikely. Actually the UFO and alien phenomenon is even often tied to altered consciousness states (magic, shamanism, drugs, channeling, schizophrenia, ...) and points more to some kind of extra-dimensional reality.

Read Jacques Vallée works on the subject as he's probably one of the best and most serious author on the subject (Dimensions, Confrontations, Revelations, Messengers of Deception).

originally posted by: D0M1N0
I fail to see how showing people, in a format that is palatable, how mis-judging we can be and how being ‘plugged in’ to a manufactured lifestyle, and showing them that it can cause people to have an automated emotional response to information that is presented to them, does not help people understand the complexity of what we consider to be a fact?

You don't show people how we mis-judge things by offering them your own interpretation on a plate. You have to lead them to question things themselves, do their own researches and come to their own conclusions.

The hypothesis you present here is actually quite common in the conspiracy world, so it's not even like the audience of this site will be surprised by it.

And at worse you will reinforce the beliefs some already have that the fact you list in the OP are the actual reality. What you share here is a conspiracy theory, and conspiracy theories can be very damaging for fragile and suggestible minds. By sharing this view and presenting it like the only explanation possible (when the truth is that you don't know and probably exaggerated a few things in the process), you actually even reinforce the delusion some people already live in, and which make them feel powerless and depressed.

If you really want people to start thinking for themselves, present them facts, nothing but facts, not the results of your own reflections.

originally posted by: D0M1N0
It is a very classical one indeed. As is a prayer in a temple, church or mosque. Seems very strange that so many prolific sources are in many cases condemned by a majority that where neither present at the conception of the source of such ‘classic ideas’ and have no idea if the reason we do these things, or have these ‘ideas’ are based on fact or fiction. I choose to follow and attempt to understand the facts.

It's not strange at all. Ideas that get attacked the most is because they don't survive proper examination and are only relayed by misinformed or deluded people.

It's much easier to spread a seducing lie than to promote a boring truth. I don't care if the truth is boring, if the facts support it, I'll accept it. Many people delve into conspiracies and the esoteric because they are bored and want more "magic" in their life. It's not a sane approach and it shouldn't be encouraged.

originally posted by: D0M1N0
I completely understand you here sir, this is the tippy top here. I am merely attempting to present some keys to a very long corridor of doors.

originally posted by: D0M1N0
This I do not understand, you are speaking on behalf of all Americans here when you say that Americans demonize ‘ALL’ governments, I refer you back to your fourth paragraph sir.

It was indeed a generalization, but to show you that, as someone who isn't American, my perspective on the subject is completely different. Conspiracy theories are most popular in the anglo-saxon world, especially in the US. Where I live, subject like aliens and the esoteric are discussed openly. We don't feel like it's anything secret at all. During the Belgian UFO wave when I was a kid, the news reported everything, the army shared their videos and radar reading, and a civil organization was created to study the phenomenon.

The feeling that a cabal of people are controlling the world in the shadows and are aware of every secret there is has lived and died. But strangely it remains extremely popular in the US with many shows and sites like here. Heck, even History channel is now focusing on aliens and prophecies instead of real history. That's how popular these subjects are for the common American.

And I believe American love conspiracy theories because it's in their culture to be defiant and distrusting of all form of authority, sometimes to the point of mild paranoia.

originally posted by: D0M1N0
May I ask what the term Enlightenment means? I was under the impression that it meant understanding, insight, education, learning, knowledge, awareness, information, erudition, wisdom, instruction or teaching. I believe that I am in fact, enlightened, unless you are referring to it in the emphasizing of reason and individualism rather than tradition?

It has two main meaning. Yours is one, be the other that is usually the most commonly used isn't about intellectual but spiritual insight.

And even with your meaning of "understanding", that would only apply if what you shared was more than a simple thought experiment (that facts don't seem to support).

originally posted by: D0M1N0
I am again, in total agreement with you here sir, or ma’am for that matter. I am fortunate enough to have spent many hours, and I say this with anguish, attempting to decipher the code of life. I would except some enlightenment on this particular issue, should you have any for me.

On this issue in particular I refer you to Vallée again, and in general, to try to apply timeless wisdom in your life and an uncompromising and sharp critical look in your reflections.

originally posted by: D0M1N0
There are sources that mention items that we use and have that are a direct result of disassembled pieces of foreign craft and technology, I present you with this link to an interview hosted by Dr Greer from the Disclosure and Sirius projects.

I'm aware of Greer and the Sirius project, but nothing they mention can only be explained by alien tech, and actually all of it can be traced back to the original inventors.

Also Greer is seen as a scam artist even among the UFO crowd. He makes big claims but never delivers. Lately he claimed to have a tiny alien body and made it autopsied. He never published the results, it was all a marketing stunt so people buy his Sirius movie.

The UFO mystery is a fascinating subject and can be analyzed scientifically, but people like Greer are not doing that and merely use people's fascination on the subject to become famous.

Thank you for having taken the time to answer me.

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