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Sort of freaked by 3 unusual things between this morning and just now: Wonder if it means anything

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posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 04:32 AM
Hi. Just 3 unusual things between morning & tonight that have me a bit freaked & wondering if it means anything.

1. I awoke from my usual 3 hour sleep at 8 am. Not unusual in itself. But what woke me was the last part of the extremely real dream I was having. I was standing on my balcony in my dream. It was more winter than early spring as it actually is this year. I didn't feel cold.
A black man looking a lot like Chris Rock the actor/comedian just a tiny bit lighter and a blue hue to his skin, blue lips, serious in the extreme, sporting white blue huge wings was holding me. Yet not. More I was encircled by his arms and wings.
I haven't been feeling well.
He'd said something I don't remember but my reply was I was not feeling well. He got a worried expression atop his serious expression.
It looked like a very long more light blue finger touched my cheek. Yet it didn't. Very close. He looked at me with gold coloured eyes.
He said, " You will be okay. "
I said," B b but but I?"
He shook his head no and flew off into the cloudy grey blue morning sky, his wings such a huge mass and matching the colour of the sky so perfectly that I only saw him for awhile because I knew he was there.
I heard him say," Wake now."
I woke, just inside my balcony doors looking out a cloudy grey blue skies feeling lost and as though I'd been there awhile.
I'm not a sleep walker.

2. I heard horn harp noises in the sky again. And at noon, when I looked in the mirror, is a red mark on the left side of my cheek where it still felt he'd touched.
I felt unsettled all day. My cousin/flat mate came home sick and a friend called in tears so I talked said friend into coming over and spending the remainder of the evening and night with myself and cousin/flat mate.

3. !st of all, though my laptop computer sits on an odd sort of small table with an obvious hand painted Ouija top. It has NEVER been used as a Ouija Board, ONLY as a laptop table desk. Plus my very religious Aunty had stitching made & blessed by one of the Bishops here, for protection. I like to burn a white candle and look into the flame of it since my parents passed away such a shot time ago, in a glass heart candle holder. It soothes me.
I was making an ATS reply on the 3 Harvard books found, bound in human skin. I began at midnight. It took awhile, & Ii kept glancing at the flame off & on throughout which in it's glass heart holder sitting atop the table between what looks line a round land mine, the letter Z, a C resent Moon, and what looks like a rune or a sigel, it is a triangle that points toward my futon where I sit. It has what looks like a capital T through the left side of it, so sideways _
|- V- something like that.
The 3 of us heard such a loud crack it sounded similar to a small 22 going off outside the apartment building so we all looked at the glass balcony door before my cousin/flatmate said," Holy! Your candle holder made that noise! The 3 of us looked, the white candle still standing upright on it's own, flame still going higher, the glass heart shaped candle holder's point toward the futon, completely in half in a straight horizontal line. I pushed it together and blew out the candle, but it was too hot to move and is now stuck there by white wax only on the bottom & I the 3 of us seen a floating dark long shadow near the balcony doors though as a safety precaution, I'd been removing the candle surprisingly easy, the same time the 3 of us saw the shadow. I barfed. No apparent reason and my futon is vibrating as I always feel it do when there's been or going to be an Earthquake up to 700 miles in the USA though only about 100 miles from the USA border.

I haven't seen anything on Quake Watch yet, it is - 3 *C here atm yet it sounds like thunder outside. It is now 3 25 am but I'm feeling too on edge to sleep + my connection keeps cutting out making this take so much longer and both my ears hurt badly & are ringing. I can't shake the ominous feeling something is happening or about to & I'm off balance feeling inner vibrations like when there's been or going to be an Earthquake up to 700 miles in the USA though only about 100 miles from the USA border. Finished at 3 33 am. Just.

And I wonder if this has any kind of meaning any of the ATS ers may know or have an idea about? Other than a possible overactive mind, any ideas? Anyone? Please?

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by StormyStars

We seek out meaning in everything we do!

Your emotional connection to these events is entirely up to you ok.

What do these events MEAN to you?

Start there an when you finally know what they mean to you then you will be in a better position to know what to do about it!

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 04:41 AM
drugs, alcohol? stress? caffeine?

too much bad news, horrors or otherwise disturbing videos or stories?

if you are sensitive enough, should take a break from very deep research sometimes.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by StormyStars

When you get a chance, look around and see if you notice any animals behaving strangely.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 04:57 AM
I wish I could bring you some sort of comfort, but in all honesty I'm at a loss as to what may be going on with you.

I do find it curious you used a blue font much like you describe the Chris rock being to look like. Do you always do this or just this time? I'm also trying to of figure out if you woke up the same place you went to sleep. From what I get from it you didn't and that you were in a different place yes?

Are you known to be a sensitive? I mean have you had other things in past happen that you had a premonition about that has come true more or less?

I know my ears have been ringing like crazy the last few months and it has been driving me crazy. Sometimes it reaches the point akin to having foil in my mouth and chills going up and down my spine. For a week or so I couldn't even use a regular fork, just touching it made me cringe. Had to use plastic for awhile.

Maybe with all the earthquakes going on you are just picking up on the vibrations of it all. Is the Yellowstone area close to you? That seems to be quite active at present.

I really wish I had answers for you, hopefully another members insight may help you out. You might want to think about getting rid of that little table though , good things never seem to come from that sort of thing.

Try and rest and perhaps you will have a little more clarity in the morning.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 05:50 AM
reply to [url=]post by ZonedO

What do these events MEAN to you?

Start there an when you finally know what they mean to you then you will be in a better position to know what to do about it!

The Angel, I am not sure. I've never heard of anyone ever seeing a Black Angel, only things like," Oh, isn't that ( Person ) an Angel?" Reply," Sure! with black tipped wings." or, " Yes, with black wings." When someone didn't see a nice person, only a saccharine person. But never a Black Angel with white Blue Wings.

The white candle a symbol of purity & in memory of my late parents.
The candle holder, I've had for 5 years, shaped like a heart for love but not anyone specific, all my loved ones, clear for pure, to have it crack like that, a break up if I was with or in love with someone, but I'm not so love lost?

The dark shadow was just like the one in my parents home where family met up directly after hers, then 4 months later my Dad's, my daughters & I are on the outs but have been since the loss of my parents.

The horn and harp sound in the sky, I've heard off & on for 3 years like a calling but a huge amount of people have heard them world wide. My late Mom never heard them & wondered if that were bad & she cried, I told her maybe only bad for those of us that do hear them.

I have never ever slept walked before. Not to my knowledge.

Touched by an Angel, I dreamt of a long blond haired female one in 1994 & in my dream was afraid if I let her touch my hand I'd die but she did. I got divorced just prior to that, but did not have a mark on my hand where she touched it.

I wasn't afraid of this one, I'd wanted him to stay or to go with him but he shook his head no, & I still have & feel the mark on my left cheek where it seemed he touched but didn't.

I've never figured out the hearing of horns and harps though each time a loved one passed away, but others that hear them haven't had that.....they JUST stopped now at 541 am.

The futon shaking and the inner tremors, there's always been an Earthquake somewhere in the US, I guess I'm sensitive to them? And only one ear affected before was a stronger one, this time both ears and majority of balance, but haven't read or heard of any yet

The horn just became horns and harp.

It feels something bad is happening or about to.....

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by StormyStars

Thank you for your deeply detailed and profound reply!

I am sorry to hear that the feelings surrounding these events is not a positive one!

I say be as prepared as you can for anything untowards happening and after becoming prepared to stop worrying as it will happen if the universe intends it to happen.

Now that you have identified these unpleasant feelings you can choose to focus on more rewarding ventures.

As for dark skinned angels .. my memory invokes Madonna's music video of Like A Prayer and I also note that Morgan Freeman has been depicted as God in Bruce Almighty movie.

I hope things turn out very well for you ok!

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by demus

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 04:41 link quote reply drugs, alcohol? stress? caffeine?

too much bad news, horrors or otherwise disturbing videos or stories?

if you are sensitive enough, should take a break from very deep research sometimes.

No, none of the above as of late, so it seems even more a ominous or dire warning than usual, I forgot to mention I am an Empath which served me well during my Medical Career that I quit yesterday to pursue my writing and art.....
I do get vision but don't know how to control them, and they seem useless as they usually occur exactly at the time of the event.
I know I'll be calling my daughters & sons to make sure they are all okay & my Grandchildren too but it doesn't FEEL like it is any of them...
Candle flame usually gets a high flame when I'm emotional but I wasn't....

Maybe I need a nap as it will be about 2.5 hours before I can call anyone, though I feel hyper, I don't know if I'll sleep but my eyes are beginning to blur...... thank you

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 06:15 AM
Dreams are not dreams, they are our astral bodies visiting other dimensions and realities.

I have heard of a race of ETs with blue skin and have heard of ufo encounters with the sound of a harp and horn.

Visit YouTube: Rich2150x for all the answers.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by Snarl

When you get a chance, look around and see if you notice any animals behaving strangely.

I don't have animals myself but some of the people in the building do.....I can probably check that when the mail arrives as that is usually when & where I see them....
If they also are acting jumpy, what does it mean though? A huge tragedy affecting many?
I just don't know, this is a new type of odd occurrence even for me...
Thank you for your suggestion, I WILL look & ask......

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by StormyStars

if you are in the process of big and important change in your life emotions build up and may burst creating effects described.

there were several big earthquakes in last two days and I was reading something about Yellowstone Supervulcano so maybe it tipped you off.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 06:50 AM
reply to post by StormyStars

If they also are acting jumpy, what does it mean though?

Animals are more in tune with the environment than people. We're more in tune with our own deductive reasoning. Not sure what you'll be able to take specifically from anecdotal animal behaviors, but if something's wrong, they'll know it's coming sooner than you or the people around you are able.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by onehuman

I wish I could bring you some sort of comfort, but in all honesty I'm at a loss as to what may be going on with you.

I do find it curious you used a blue font much like you describe the Chris rock being to look like. Do you always do this or just this time? I'm also trying to of figure out if you woke up the same place you went to sleep. From what I get from it you didn't and that you were in a different place yes?

Your reading and trying to help is somewhat comforting but I just can't shake this feeling even though the horn and harp noises in the sky seem to be gone again....

I sometimes use purple or pink to separate my replies from quotes but this past week I've been using blue, it against the black reminds me of when Ii died 5+ minutes in 2008 & my Oma sent me back but I didn't make the association till now oddly...

Yes, I went to sleep & woke at the balcony doors, which are glass, they were open about 2 inches and I was wearing dark blue P.J's I didn't wear to bed but as far as * know, I've never slept walked or was somnambulistic in any way before

Are you known to be a sensitive? I mean have you had other things in past happen that you had a premonition about that has come true more or less?

Yes, ever since I can remember which used to frighten people till I learned to reign it & my mouth in & closed...but they began asking when I got older, though I can't just usually call it up as I could when I was a child.....

I know my ears have been ringing like crazy the last few months and it has been driving me crazy. Sometimes it reaches the point akin to having foil in my mouth and chills going up and down my spine. For a week or so I couldn't even use a regular fork, just touching it made me cringe. Had to use plastic for awhile.

I haven like that almost 5 weeks now, I never knew anyone else did as my Grand-Mere taught me not to tell anyone....weird

Maybe with all the earthquakes going on you are just picking up on the vibrations of it all. Is the Yellowstone area close to you? That seems to be quite active at present.

Yes, I'm extremely sensitive to Earthquakes even at great distance but I am only an hour & a half away from the U.S Border.... I have lived in the U..S and would become very ill when an Earthquakes were coming, but I still get sensitive to aftershocks that basically almost fade when those reach here,,,,,,

I really wish I had answers for you, hopefully another members insight may help you out. You might want to think about getting rid of that little table though , good things never seem to come from that sort of thing.

Try and rest and perhaps you will have a little more clarity in the morning.

People do tend to focus on the table but I've had in only since September, and stuff like this has always happened to me, just not/never this bad or this extent for this long, it is freaking me out as I can only see bad signs coming from this, more ominous, bigger, more danger to more people but it also even involves me to some horrifying extent..... It feels even worse than ever because for the 1st time ever, I can't even seem to get sign/hint of what it could be, just very big affecting a large mass of people, animals or things even, if I could just settle a bit it may come to me, but they've always been to a lesser extent which usually takes a day up to around 3 or 4 weeks before I find out but it's coming harder, stronger, more devastating than ever before, I can usually make myself calm down to a degree of comfort within 2 to 6 hours....not this ....

No, you are correct, good things very rarely come from this stuff and it has been odder & more unsettling & threatening than ever before but so far, you all have helped at least begin to focus, & this is the 1st time in years upon years something like this has had me unsettled though never before as much as now.....
Thank you, I appreciate you input thus support.....

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 08:20 AM
My reply to you won't be filled with the hocus pocus crap the rest of these contain. You state that you woke from your usual 3 hours sleep at 8am. So basically you go to bed at 5am sleep three hours and get up at 8am. What kind if drugs are you doing that keeps you awake for twenty one out of twenty four hours each day. How can you even entertain the thought that any of those occurrences are not hallucinations. You desperately need sleep. At least three more hours than you claim you've been getting. I just get sad when I read these types of threads so full of mental illness and other members just feeding the delusion. See a doctor and get the right meds to help you sleep and I just bet these feelings of anxiety will diminish in short order.
Ok flame away you guys because again I refuse to buy into the bs. This person is calling out for help and all you guys do is pat her hand and say there there now. Pathetic. Not helping this lady at all.
Offer some real helpful advice or don't comment. Don't feed the delusions. That doesn't help anyone.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by ZonedOut

Now that you have identified these unpleasant feelings you can choose to focus on more rewarding ventures.

As for dark skinned angels .. my memory invokes Madonna's music video of Like A Prayer and I also note that Morgan Freeman has been depicted as God in Bruce Almighty movie.

I may have identified the unpleasant feelings but focus on much else is still difficult atm.

Yes, I've seen a lot of Black men portray God, Jesus & Santa Clause so that wouldn't have surprised me, it would've felt like a dream.

Chris Rock did play a 13th apostle in the movie but not an Angel, and not serious.
I can't remember the black guy who played the guardian Angel in The Preacher's Wife, starring Whitney Houston but no wings & again not that serious.
I didn't get watch your video as it's apparently not allowed in my Country.
But thank you for your encouraging words, I will try to be positive but it was just all too unsettling to calm down & focus still, but I appreciate your efforts.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by vivid1975

Dreams are not dreams, they are our astral bodies visiting other dimensions and realities.

I have heard of a race of ETs with blue skin and have heard of ufo encounters with the sound of a harp and horn.

Visit YouTube: Rich2150x for all the answers.

I knew not all dreams are dreams but this WAS/IS indeed the MOST lucid realistic dream I've ever had......In the dream I ask him with a little laugh why he so resembled Chris Rock and he said ' they ' thought it would be the form I'd be most comfortable with.
I guess ' they ' were right. Although I still don't get the Black part. Or that he wasn't Black as Chris Rock, he had a light blue hue to his skin, his lips were a darker more solid blue sort of like that dark aquamarine clay used in beauty salons, his lips were thin for a Black man/Angel. His wings were a white blue that blended so well with the clouds I would never have seen him if I hadn't watched his fly off.
His fingers were very long, and the inside, palm side were the same blue as his lips but a bit lighter. His eyes looked so golden almost yellow but there was something off about them, not quite a round pupil, more a oval pupil like egg shaped but all in all, very attractive, more buff than Chris Rock and a very deep voice.
Yet I didn't fear HIM, I wanted to go with him. What he'd told me that I can't recall, was my fear. Even though he was so serious and intense, I felt love and comfort till he left.
But like he was preparing me for some Grand scale fight, war or something not good.
And to wake at the balcony doors, only inside, they were open about 2 inches and I was wearing my dark blue PJ's though I'd gone to bed in a black tank top and black sweat like bottoms. I still feel the non total contact touch which is still reddened.
I'm still feeling little occasional tremor.......
E.T did cross my mind but not like any I remember ever seeing or read about....

Thank you for your reply, I will look for E.T's & Angel fitting his description but I think I can finally have that nap......

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 10:58 AM
Hi StormyStars,

Have you heard of Charlotte King? She's known for predicting earthquakes, not as a clairvoyant or anything but by the way it affects her body. She has drawn a relationship between certain ailments to different regions of earthquake activity.

She was on Ground Zero last week and called in just the other day.

Here's the link to the past shows. Her most recent call is the third one from the top. She has some literature she sends people who may be affected in the way that she is.

Ground Zero soundcloud

May be worth looking in to!

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by StormyStars

ive had glass candle holders crack from just getting to hot when the flame got too low.

everything else could just be psychosomatic. or not whatever you prefer to believe, nothing else left in the matter then choosing a belief.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by demus

if you are in the process of big and important change in your life emotions build up and may burst creating effects described.

there were several big earthquakes in last two days and I was reading something about Yellowstone Supervulcano so maybe it tipped you off.

I'm not in the process of big and important change in my life currently. my last real emotional day was February 11th 2014 marking a full year my Dad passed away and a full year & 4 months since my Mom passed away. I don't have any siblings left but I am fortunate I have many loving people around me always. That last emotional day I wanted to be alone but it ended up being a gathering of friends and cousins to pay their respects. I know they didn't want me to go through that day alone. I will be the 1st to admit though that even being happy of my friends & 1st & 2nd cousins as well as 1 Aunty being here for me, I spent close to an hour in the w/r the night of February 11th to mourn quietly, and realize I was being a tad short with my loved ones, rejoined the by then larger gathering of most of the people I have left, who I know all love me and instead celebrated what is left of life.

I honestly didn't watch or look at Earth's Quakes or Quake Watch this week but Yellowstone is only about 6 hours drive away so that is possible.
I found out though, that my own Province has quite a few various types of Volcanos, though about 5 to 9 hours away from me that have suddenly become active again though no where near enough to cause any Earthquakes yet.

But I do really appreciate the answers, suggestions, support and compassion you've given me this far. Very much so. Thank you again. I've only managed about an hours sleep as of yet, but awoke to more little tremors, nausea, ringing ears and a slight headache. I've still blurred vision from lack of sleep from yesterday morning & it is 2 pm now, so I'm thinking a bite to eat, a cup of Chamomile Tea, and trying for a bit more sleep may help this whole situation as well as my blurred vision.

You are much appreciated though, so I hope to figure this out soon, and again, thank you......( Sleepier :Z )

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by vivid1975

Hi again vivid1975

I just finished watching this:
You were correct.
i know it appears I am always on but I'm not.
There are 3 of us who live here & we are all ATS ers, though one or the other reads ATS from my laptop, the very rare times they reply, they do so on their devices and user names.

I mention this because I've only been home from work since midnight, watched the video & am now replying again.
The guy is phenomenal & very comforting.
So I still haven't slept much.

It is a good thing I put my notice for early retirement to pursue something new, as I feel I'm going to be watching every video he has done.
By April 15th, I will be able to do so.

I just found out a 3rd cousin passed away, but we were not that close so that wasn't the thing coming. I still don't know when or what but the guy gave me such comfort, I am not as freaked out.
I still am, but he cut in half so I just wanted to give you a big well deserved, " THANK YOU."

Take care & blessings

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