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If you started a Secret Organisation

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posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 10:04 AM
If you were to start a "Secret Organisation/Society" what would you name it and what would your goals be?

Bit of harmless fun amidst all this world domination and secret society stuff.

At least something we can do without arguing hey

And what steps would you take to keep it secret

[edit on 26/11/2004 by Bondi]

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by Bondi
If you were to start a "Secret Organisation/Society" ...

what steps would you take to keep it secret

Well, first, I'd not post the details of my group to a public forum ...

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 02:51 AM
I'd name it S.O.D. Which would stand for: Sons Of Democracy. We would be around to secretly destroy the N.W.O. and to secretly keep tabs on the politicians handing over American soverienty, no matter what political affilliation. We would not control the government perse. But any elected offical who betrayed America, it's constitution, or democracy would be seriously "dealt" with.

To remain secret, we would spread imbellished false rumors of us on the net. The false rumors would eventually turn us into an "urban myth". We would be kinda like the M.I.B.. We would exist in myth and rumor in the public eye only. The only people who would know of our existance would be S.O.D. "agents" and the "unfortunate" right before they were eradicated.

Don't think I'm psycho. I just thought that up on the spot. I kinda like the idea though.

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 03:15 AM
If I was to start an secret agency, we'd be called the O.P.E the organization for purifying the Earth, we would slowly leak into every facet of everything, and make the world better.

[edit on 11/27/2004 by iori_komei]

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by Midnight Watchman

Originally posted by Bondi
If you were to start a "Secret Organisation/Society" ...

what steps would you take to keep it secret

Well, first, I'd not post the details of my group to a public forum ...

I like that post, made me laugh since I rarely do on these conspiracy forums. Of course, it does defeat the purpose of starting a secret society if we were to divulge its details on here,

But for the fun of it, I'm not wanting to start one, but if I was, I'd call it: "NWOTPW"...New world order, the proper way. *g*

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 03:23 AM
Well, I would name it the Secret Society of Anti-Secret Societists. Our goal would be to rid the world of all secret societies. What the majority of my members wouldn't know is that I would have started a super-secret society within our very own ranks called the Anti-Secret Society of Anti-Secret Societies, whose goal would be to destroy the Secret Society of Anti-Secret Societists from within in order to save the world becoming a boring place with no conspiracies and secret societies.
And what the Anti-Secret Society of Anti-Secret Societists wouldn't know, is that I would actually be using them gain control of all the other secret societies in the world, who think I'm helping them. Then, once I have total control over all the secret societies in the world, my work would be done.

What you all don't know is this is actually happening, right now, as we speak, under your very noses. Our home base is a ship called the SS A.S.S., which of course stands for Secret Society of Anti-Secret Societists.

[edit on 27-11-2004 by an3rkist]

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by an3rkist
Well, I would name it the Secret Society of Anti-Secret Societists. Our goal would be to rid the world of all secret societies. What the majority of my members wouldn't know is that I would have started a super-secret society within our very own ranks called the Anti-Secret Society of Anti-Secret Societies, whose goal would be to destroy the Secret Society of Anti-Secret Societists from within in order to save the world becoming a boring place with no conspiracies and secret societies.
And what the Anti-Secret Society of Anti-Secret Societists wouldn't know, is that I would actually be using them gain control of all the other secret societies in the world, who think I'm helping them. Then, once I have total control over all the secret societies in the world, my work would be done.

What you all don't know is this is actually happening, right now, as we speak, under your very noses. Our home base is a ship called the SS A.S.S., which of course stands for Secret Society of Anti-Secret Societists.

[edit on 27-11-2004 by an3rkist]


posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 04:32 AM
lmao u dont need a society to establish an idealism. organization without centralization. the best way is just to expose everything all the time. using the tactics of your enemy in this case only plays into their hands. (halloween and anarkist)

cant give them anything solid to attack or liquid to corrupt, u got to be free as the gas and just as explosive.

besides i think there are specific anti illuminati organizations.

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by NuTroll
lmao u dont need a society to establish an idealism. organization without centralization. the best way is just to expose everything all the time. using the tactics of your enemy in this case only plays into their hands. (halloween and anarkist)

cant give them anything solid to attack or liquid to corrupt, u got to be free as the gas and just as explosive.

besides i think there are specific anti illuminati organizations.

Tell me that when I control the world NuTroll.

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 04:54 AM
sure, mind telling me your real name?

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by NuTroll
besides i think there are specific anti illuminati organizations.

Yes, there are, The 'Fourth Reich' and the 'White Knights', probably more.

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 12:18 PM
My secret society would be the E.A.T.U.P.P

Earthlings Against the Unearthly Potato-People

The abductions, the carrot mutilations, and the brainwash-style promotion of a meat-based diet have gone on too long. The time to act is NOW! We will have crack teams of anti-potato task forces who will sneak into homes and root out the potato-people from their hiding places in refrigerators everywhere. No longer will the Potato-People be able to disguise themselves as ordinary innocent-seeming vegetables. We wil mash them where they stand, and then add some butter, salt and cream and serve them next to the peas. WHO'S WITH ME?
... ...

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 02:53 PM
Uhhh..... How about no.

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 03:07 PM
I would call my club Green Circle:

Any club I created in the interest of promoting a sensible expression of the basic human right to keep secret counsel and gather in private would involve the practice of an evolving illuminative art which makes use of an astral-projection-based discipline which is not enhanced power-wise by the practice of vampirism. Vampirism would be against our membership rules. The idea is to promote the illumination of each individual member via the active maintenance of an accurate knowledge pool, which competes with anything kept in secret on the planet presently. It is via knowledge and hard work that illumination and talent in our chosen arts would be developed. The idea is to practice hard work with the utmost efficiency in our collective and individual development, and also meet both in the physical and the astral to practice our collective disciplines which are designed to illuminate individual members and ourselves as a group. Illumination promotes knowledge and knowledge further attracts illumination.

We would be practicing the acquisition of illumination from an opposite archetypal perspective compared with the vampirism based NWO - Life verses Death. We would of course become targets for their vampirism, so we would protect ourselfs by dressing in a complete manner by day (unless sunning), wearing adequate bed-clothing and using heavy bed coverings, and also by learning to practice astral projection on a regular enough basis to guarantee that any work done via vampirism by enemy syndicates on our etheric doubles would be effectively kept to a minimum and also resisted like one would resist a disease.

One central practice we would experiment with is that of voluntary human crystal gazing where one member plays the phallic star role and physically sits or stands inside one of our astral ritual circles and becomes a crystal ball through which we can learn, though this practice does involve potential dangers and might have to be abandoned if the practice cannot be adapted over to a non-vampiric practice, at least to the point where the practice is never destructive and only "hammer forges" the volunteer to a healthy degree, without any violation of privacy. One practice we would definitely develop is the ability to counter their superior voyeuristic capability with a developed intuitive capacity and sensitivity, which would allow us to immediately change our thoughts and put on a robe for protection once an invading astral presence is sensed. In our astral ritual practice, we would wear white robe-hood combinations with green lining on the inside, and be fully clothed under the robes.

Membership would be open to all who can learn the disciplines and participate. Infiltration would not even be an issue by virtue of our collective understanding and organizational structure which is essentially "anti-mafia."

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 03:17 PM
I kind of like Gay Nazi Surf Punks for Christ.

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Off_The_Street
I kind of like Gay Nazi Surf Punks for Christ.

Hey that's a complete rip off of my SS, Porn Stars for the Lord.

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 03:21 PM
An3rkist says:

"What you all don't know is this is actually happening, right now, as we speak, under your very noses. Our home base is a ship called the SS A.S.S., which of course stands for Secret Society of Anti-Secret Societists."

You are not to mention that name in a non-secure location. We have gone over this before. One more instance of that, and we're going to Mr. Big

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 03:49 PM
LOL! Mr. Big...what is the world coming to...

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by Off_The_Street
An3rkist says:

"What you all don't know is this is actually happening, right now, as we speak, under your very noses. Our home base is a ship called the SS A.S.S., which of course stands for Secret Society of Anti-Secret Societists."

You are not to mention that name in a non-secure location. We have gone over this before. One more instance of that, and we're going to Mr. Big

Hey, used used it in your little "pickup line" that night to get a sweet young thang to come home with you. You know that's against the blood oath we took! Anyone who is potentially attracted to us sexually is probably a spy! Why else would they show interest? You can take me to Mr. Big if you like, it's not like I haven't been there before! I'm sure he'd be more than happy let my little mishap go when he finds out your transgressions. You'll be tied to the Alter of Sacrifices and left there for weeks in hopes that our Pagan gods will find you atleast worthy of being their lunch!

[edit on 27-11-2004 by an3rkist]

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 10:43 AM
An3rkist says:

"...happy let my little mishap go when he finds out your transgressions."

Look, I told you that wasn't my fault. I didn't know she was thirteen. Dang it, she told me she was fourteen! Besides, I disposed of the evidence after the "questioning". And anyway, whe was only an Earthling.

But you keep my secrets and I'll keep yours, okay? Truce.

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