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Another hospital announces Obamacare layoffs

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posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 02:12 PM
Note to MODs: I check with search, didn't see a thread as of yet and if you feel I've posted this in the wrong forum please feel free to move or delete.

Now, let me explain why I am posting this article in Politicians & People.
I still believe the Affordable Care Act ( Obamacare ) had nothing to do with We The People.
We The People were used by the Politicians ( I don't have to name them, you all aren't Stupid ) to enrich the Health Insurance Company's and Pharmaceutical Company's, all the while they ( the Politicians ) were also enriching themselves.

If A C A was So Great, What Hasn't H. Reid, N. Pelosi or Dianne Feinstein Signed Up First To Show Us The Helpless American's The Way?
Because, you all know as well as me, it's a Crack of $hit! They also have the same health insurance my husband has for our family.
Before I lead into the main article I'd like to attach a video of the ( Can't say it here ) Pelosi telling every one how Obamacare's going to create four million jobs!!! She Nut's!!

And regarding Obamacare’s power to help Democrats in 2014?

“We’ll see,” she shrugged. “I think the fight for the election — elections are always about jobs. So I think that while we’re proud of the Affordable Care Act, we now pivot to job creation.”

“Which is — you know, the bill creates — will create 4 million jobs,” she added. “This is a jobs bill — we never advertise that — it’s a deficit reducer, it’s a job creator. And again, it is affordable, quality care. So maybe it just clears the air a bit so we can have a fuller discussion of jobs. And that’s a place where Republicans have been totally bankrupt in terms of their suggestion.”

Ok, clearly there has not been and there will not be, Four Million Jobs Created, So are you all going to lay there and After having your hours at work cut or you were just laid off, I ask you, are you going to Vote For These Same Self Serving Idiot's Again?
I have to ask, you people voted for Obama twice!
You think these people really needed their jobs?


TEXAS: By April 30 the rural hospital Good Shepherd Medical Center Linden, along with two health clinics are to shut down, reported the Longview News-Journal. Linden Mayor Clarence Burns along with others are trying to keep one of the clinics open, but have no plans for the hospital.
CALIFORNIA: A $16 million-plus deficit at Doctors Medical Center San Pablo announced plans to close. It has one of the largest emergency rooms in West Contra Costa County. Eighty percent of its patients are Medicare and Medi-Cal patients. County Supervisor John Gioia said closure will "have a tremendous negative impact" on the county's emergency system.
MASSACHUSETTS: On March 28, with a mere three days' notice, North Adams Regional Hospital, a 129-year-old rural non-profit hospital, closed, laying off 530 people. Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley is investigating the hospital's board of trustees. The nearest hospital is 40 minutes away by ambulance in Pittsfield. As the largest employer, the layoffs will cripple the local economy too.
GEORGIA: In mid-February the fourth Georgia hospital in two years closed its doors due to Obamacare payment cuts to hospitals. The latest victim is Lower Oconee Community Hospital in Wheeler County, town of Glenwood. On March 10 a local news report said it will reopen this month having been bought by Charlton Healthcare Corp., but with no long-term plan. Residents have a 30-mile trip to the next nearest hospital.
NEW YORK: One of five Brooklyn hospitals targeted for closure, Interfaith Medical Center, now in bankruptcy, faces final closure at the end of March. Citizens and labor leaders have battled to keep it open. Jill Furillo, executive director of the N.Y. State Nurses Assoc., wrote in a Daily News op-ed, that closure of Interfaith
"would be a profound setback to the city's public health. Brooklyn counts two hospital beds for every 1,000 residents, while Manhattan has six."
Interfaith loses $3.5 million a month as it serves 160,000 people, 60% of whom are on Medicaid. Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor de Blasio and others propose to run it as a co-op, but if no funds are infused by March 30, it is slated to close.
NORTH CAROLINA: Vidant Pungo Hospital in the coastal area of Beaufort and Hyde Counties plans to close in April. Former mayor and physician Charles Boyettte said this "will be one of the greatest losses" to the community which lost its lumber and shrimping industries in the last ten years. As the largest employer in town its closure will devastate the local economy. The next nearest hospital is a 30-mile drive away.
Richmond Memorial Hospital is Rockingham, N.C. terminated its labor and delivery services at the end of February.

2014 LAYOFFS: Greatest layoffs of have occurred in:
OHIO: Cleveland Clinic cut several hundred "vacant" positions and 700 others took early retirement which is on top of 3,000 layoffs last year.
NEW YORK: SUNY plans to lay off 300-350 workers at Long Island College Hospital, which is one of the Brooklyn hospitals targeted for closure.
KENTUCKY: Louisville-based KentuckyOne Health network laid off 500 employees as of March 1, eliminated 200 vacant positions, and will close the emergency room at its Medical Center Jewish Northeast in Louisville.
PENNSYLVANIA: Crozer-Keystone Health System in Springfield, announced 250 layoffs from its five-hospital system due to low Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements and increased visits from Medicaid patients.
A joint survey by the Pennsylvania Dept. of Labor & Industry and the Hospital & Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania found not only have there been 3,900 layoffs between Feb. 2013 to Feb. 2014, but 67% of hospitals plan hiring freezes, 49% plan new layoffs, 51% will cancel renovations, and 41% will cut services.

MISSOURI: A Missouri Hospital Association survey states that 1,000 full-time equivalent jobs have been reduced and 2,145 vacant positions have been frozen in the last six months across the state. Cuts to services are expected as well; the reason given is
"reduced payments from the federal government."

Obamacare is Death Knell


Over 100
There are more, but you people get my drift.
Yes this is a Slam Obamacare thread, so don't come here and just say, Just Another Hate Slam Obama Thread.
I admit it, I Don't Like Obama's Policies, I don't Like Pelosi, Reid or So Many Other Politician's to include McCain and others, but I'm not a Hard Core Republican, I'm an Ex-Socialist / Communist Chinese who Married the American I assigned to------ That's another Story Best Kept Secret!
I classify myself more a Libertarian / Revolutionary, What's Best for the People and by that I mean the Masses, Not the Chosen Few!
Sorry if I've up set you, NO, let's be Honest, I'm Not Sorry, This is Who I am:

No we are not Key Board Warriors, We have not only e-mailed,letters, been to their office's, we've been in protest at the W H.

edit on 2-4-2014 by guohua because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by guohua

More people for the part time work force that this unconstitutional bill created!!!

That's a good thing for the jobs numbers isn't it? Hire 3 part timers for every full timer lost to the system????

Come on now, be a Patriotic American and give it a chance!!! /end sarcasm

If we even have the internet in the next two years, I can't wait to hear from those acting as cheerleaders supporting this epic train wreck!

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by guohua

Excellent news to bring to the table, Guohau.

I should probably put this in the predictions forum, but...

This time next year, I predict the ATS live topics page, will be flooded with threads whining about how utterly lacking Obamacare has turned out for them. I even predict some of those whiners will be current supporters.

You don't have to be Kreskin to make a call on this debacle. It started broken with no means to fix it. It wasn't meant to be fixed.


posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 02:37 PM

reply to post by guohua

Excellent news to bring to the table, Guohau.

I should probably put this in the predictions forum, but...

This time next year, I predict the ATS live topics page, will be flooded with threads whining about how utterly lacking Obamacare has turned out for them. I even predict some of those whiners will be current supporters.

You don't have to be Kreskin to make a call on this debacle. It started broken with no means to fix it. It wasn't meant to be fixed.


They (Obama supporters) openly admit it isn't what they wanted! They wanted a single payer system! What better way to get it than create a monster that everyone hates?

It amazes me that they admit it isn't a good system in one sentence and then pick up their pom poms to cheer it on in the next!

How insane is that?

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 02:39 PM
If people are paying for insurance, they tend to go to the doctor or hospital more often....How could that relate to job losses in a hospital. Obamacare is being used as a scapegoat to downsize a hospital.

I do not believe in creating more jobs in healthcare, it makes healthcare an even bigger part of our economy. Soon we will be a hospital state, you either work for healthcare or you support it by being sick. This sets precedence for an economy where everyone is sick all the time.

The concept of health care for everyone is good, but the problem is that healthcare should not be for profit, when it is people will remain sick. I prefer a system like in parts of Europe and Canada which are hybrid systems of socialized medicine. The whole system we have is way to expensive, so are the drugs that are being engineered today. There is no reason why medications should cost more than a retired person can afford on social security. The cost of medicines is outrageous in this country and we have replaced many good medicines with inferior medicines because the profits on new meds are better even though the products accomplish the same thing or may be less effective. Medicine has seemed to become a big money making scam nowadays. Feeding the scam does not make it better, it just lines people's pockets.

So this false reason for the layoffs is actually bad for those who are against Obamacare, it is easily debunked. Find real evidence to counteract Obamacare and I will ponder on it..

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by seeker1963

It's the kind of insanity that will leave them like a deer staring into headlights, when the monster they helped give life to, comes after them.

They think they are immune to the negative effects of Obamacare. All I can say to them is...when all the other food is are all that is left to eat.

This beast, Obamacare...has a voracious appetite. The entitlement crowd will be picking their teeth, with your bones.


edit on 2-4-2014 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by seeker1963

If we even have the internet in the next two years, I can't wait to hear from those acting as cheerleaders supporting this epic train wreck!

My thoughts on that statement of yours.

The Senators and Congressman will not remember or care, they're taken care of and Rich and they have Armed Security all the while, their trying to take our guns away, But I regress from my topic,,,,,Their Rich and Your Poor, in their Mind That's the way it suppose to be, The wealthy need the Serfs to Toll in Their Fields and keep their Mansion Clean.

The average Citizen who support this Nightmare by 2019 will be living completely on the Government in their assigned Government Housing working at their assigned Government 30 hour aweek job driving their approved Government Car and have their allotted allowed according to their education level number of children if their not Gay in which case they are assigned the appropriate child by the Government.
Again, when their allowed internet time comes, they are very strictly controlled as to which internet sites are Government allowed and ATS will of be one of them!

Kinda Of Like China!

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 02:48 PM

If people are paying for insurance, they tend to go to the doctor or hospital more often....How could that relate to job losses in a hospital. Obamacare is being used as a scapegoat to downsize a hospital.

I do not believe in creating more jobs in healthcare, it makes healthcare an even bigger part of our economy. Soon we will be a hospital state, you either work for healthcare or you support it by being sick. This sets precedence for an economy where everyone is sick all the time.

The concept of health care for everyone is good, but the problem is that healthcare should not be for profit, when it is people will remain sick. I prefer a system like in parts of Europe and Canada which are hybrid systems of socialized medicine. The whole system we have is way to expensive, so are the drugs that are being engineered today. There is no reason why medications should cost more than a retired person can afford on social security. The cost of medicines is outrageous in this country and we have replaced many good medicines with inferior medicines because the profits on new meds are better even though the products accomplish the same thing or may be less effective. Medicine has seemed to become a big money making scam nowadays. Feeding the scam does not make it better, it just lines people's pockets.

So this false reason for the layoffs is actually bad for those who are against Obamacare, it is easily debunked. Find real evidence to counteract Obamacare and I will ponder on it..

The problem is hospitals for the most part ARE for profit! One of the best hospitals near me was sold to a for profit hospital today.

Did you forget about corporations being forced to provide healthcare for full time employees? Google it, there are tons of businesses getting rid of full timers to avoid paying into the system in exchange they are hiring more part timers!

Nothing in life is free, and that includes healthcare!

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by seeker1963

The corporations can opt out but in this case, a hospital, they usually all provide healthcare to their employees. Our hospital actually sold out here in Marquette to a for profit hospital and they downsized their staff. This was done to increase profit, not because of Obamacare.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 02:56 PM
I think hospitals have been laying off and going bankrupt before Obamacare. The few I am familiar with is due to free dialysis to illegal aliens.

Now that being said, I am 48 and I reckon the majority of folks here are around my age range + or - 10 years.

When I was growing up we had health insurance and as far as I know so did everybody else I knew. It was never an issue.
At some point not too many years ago they declared we had a health care crisis.
Did the health care crisis have anything to do with the republicans sending jobs overseas in the name of profits?

Seriously, back in what 79 OPEC cut us off, gas prices rose... 9/11 security stuff happened...when exactly did this health care crisis arise that justified the obamacare thing?

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 02:57 PM

reply to post by seeker1963

The corporations can opt out but in this case, a hospital, they usually all provide healthcare to their employees. Our hospital actually sold out here in Marquette to a for profit hospital and they downsized their staff. This was done to increase profit, not because of Obamacare.

But what will they do when the shareholders bitch they are not making enough in the future?

Lay off more?

Also, how do you know for sure that they didn't lay those people off due to the increase in operating expenses due to Obamacare?

From the rules/laws I have read of the act, it wouldn't be wise to piss of those whom will tell you how much you will be paid for your services.

I could be wrong and you could be right, but all I smell right now is something that makes dead, rotten fish smell like a wonderful perfume!

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 03:00 PM

I think hospitals have been laying off and going bankrupt before Obamacare. The few I am familiar with is due to free dialysis to illegal aliens.

Now that being said, I am 48 and I reckon the majority of folks here are around my age range + or - 10 years.

When I was growing up we had health insurance and as far as I know so did everybody else I knew. It was never an issue.
At some point not too many years ago they declared we had a health care crisis.
Did the health care crisis have anything to do with the republicans sending jobs overseas in the name of profits?

Seriously, back in what 79 OPEC cut us off, gas prices rose... 9/11 security stuff happened...when exactly did this health care crisis arise that justified the obamacare thing?

You do bring up a good point! The United States went from a manufacturing base to a service based economy. Being that I grew up and still live in an old steel belt, I do have to disagree with you that it was the sole fault of the Republicans though!

Bill Clinton had a huge hand in destroying our steel mills in this country by propping up China as a producer.....

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by guohua

This closure, like others, is not a result of the ACA but, rather, of Kansas' refusal to accept Medicaid expansion. The Republicans in Kansas refused to accept thefederal dollars that would have directly benefitted hospitals like this one. This can be laid directly at the feet of Gov. Brownback, an unrepenitant birther and Obama hater. For him and the legislature that blindly follows him, hurting Obamacare is more important than the lives of people who relied on that hospital.See,

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 03:40 PM
I wonder how much of this is because of reduction in ER. My son's last ER visit about year ago for 4hr was almost $5000.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by Destinyone

You don't have to be Kreskin to make a call on this debacle. It started broken with no means to fix it. It wasn't meant to be fixed.

Thank you for coming in and replying.

I don't believe they expect Obamacare to survive, The whole idea was to make a Quick million dollars and more off of the Gullible Public.
But what they didn't count on was the Vast number of Americans that weren't That Gullible!!!

They fully expected us to lay down and take it in the Shorts!
The problems is, the common everyday American citizen that Voted For These Crooks, are now Feeling The Pain!

Not only that, they've discovered, Middle Class America is Vanishing before their eye's during this Administration.
You can't be independent and successful working 30 hours or less a week or with the threat of being laid off hanging over your head at work.

edit on 2-4-2014 by guohua because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-4-2014 by guohua because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 04:07 PM
I'm no fan of the aca and believe we are just starting to see the damage it will do, but I also think this could just be the excuse they present to the public. We need to cut ten people,,,just blame it on Obama. Hard to separate the wheat from the chaff.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 04:08 PM

reply to post by guohua

More people for the part time work force that this unconstitutional bill created!!!

That's a good thing for the jobs numbers isn't it? Hire 3 part timers for every full timer lost to the system????

I think you are right on. I taught college several years ago and it was college policy that they had to have ten adjunct (part-time) instructors in a particular subject before they could justify hiring one full timer. This was all because of insurance. In fact, if they had their way, I bet they would hire all part-timers and no full time employees (except for deans, vp, etc.). The savings, I guess, justify the lack of quality education.

This was the bureaucracy way of doing things before the ACA. It might become the norm for most corporations.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 04:11 PM

reply to post by guohua

This closure, like others, is not a result of the ACA but, rather, of Kansas' refusal to accept Medicaid expansion. The Republicans in Kansas refused to accept thefederal dollars that would have directly benefitted hospitals like this one. This can be laid directly at the feet of Gov. Brownback, an unrepenitant birther and Obama hater. For him and the legislature that blindly follows him, hurting Obamacare is more important than the lives of people who relied on that hospital.See,

OK, So you're going to set there and type out how some Governor's that didn't Bend Over and Support A C A then were Denied Federal Dollars From Our Taxes,,, those taxes that Rightfully belong to Who?
People that are Qualified to receive Medicaid Benefits.
Sounds more to me, like this Administration is Black Mailing States for Not Following The Path!
You believe this to be Right?
You believe this to be the Republicans Faults?

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by guohua

Being local I checked why the Texas Hospitals were closing.

Good Shepherd Medical Center, Linden, Tx

Since the acquisition of the Linden hospital, GSHS has incurred operating losses totaling over $12 million. Average daily patient census has been less than five, and average emergency room visits have been less than one patient per hour. “Even with community support, investment in quality personnel and equipment, patient activity was not at a sustainable level. This was the basis for this decision,” said Steve Altmiller, President and CEO of Good Shepherd Health System.

Three Good Shepherd Medical branches closing doors in April

No mention of the ACA. It's been running at a loss and not being used.

Surely this is not just another Obamacare horror story HOAX?

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 05:07 PM

reply to post by guohua

Being local I checked why the Texas Hospitals were closing.

Good Shepherd Medical Center, Linden, Tx

Since the acquisition of the Linden hospital, GSHS has incurred operating losses totaling over $12 million. Average daily patient census has been less than five, and average emergency room visits have been less than one patient per hour. “Even with community support, investment in quality personnel and equipment, patient activity was not at a sustainable level. This was the basis for this decision,” said Steve Altmiller, President and CEO of Good Shepherd Health System.

Three Good Shepherd Medical branches closing doors in April

No mention of the ACA. It's been running at a loss and not being used.

Surely this is not just another Obamacare horror story HOAX?

Hmmmm, Do you, pick and choose the part you wish people to read Much?
Let's get the rest of the story,,,,,From Your Source.

The Good Shepherd Health System has owned and operated Good Shepherd - Linden, a 25-bed Critical Access Hospital serving a primarily rural population, since 2005. Capital investments have exceeded $6 million, and Good Shepherd has also made a significant investment in time, people and resources to maintain a much-improved hospital and emergency room over the past nine years

Factors leading to this decision include Medicare/Medicaid reimbursement cuts to hospitals, pending loss of Critical Access Hospital status, a two-percent cut in Medicare reimbursements due to the federal sequester and low patient usage. The hospital and clinic closures will result in the loss of approximately 100 jobs.

Yes, I'm sure it's all the Republicans Fault for Not Bending Over To Obama's Black Mailing of Red States.

“This decision, while a very difficult one, is one that is occurring across the country and has been made so that Good Shepherd Health System remains a viable and financially stable healthcare organization.

Your Source

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