posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 09:31 PM
Hey guys, long time lurker here even though I joined in 2012. ATS has been my home and a great place to expand my mind to different ideas and ways of
thinking about things. I simply fell in love with this site once I seen all the interesting topics that aren't usually talked about often in person,
or will make you look crazy to people if you try doing so. I'm just a 17 year old kid with a dream that one day I can help enlighten my generation to
the vast array of topics that are being talked about on here.
I make it my goal to try opening the welded shut eyelids of my peers about what's going on in America or even around the world. Now adays kids my age
are too tied up with their fancy Iphone 5's or Playstation 4's to even give a damn to think freely or investigate what's happening around the
world. I want mine and others futures to be as bright as possible, and to do that we all need to expand our knowledge and not reject every crazy idea
that comes around the corner. I look forward to my future on ATS!