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posted on May, 25 2003 @ 07:38 AM
*firstly I hope this is in the right spot*

I was thinking about this today and was wondering how everyone else felt as here goes-

1)what was your sole purpose for joining ATS?

2)a.What is your favorite thing about ATS?
b.What is your least favorite?

3)Do you feel you have achieved what you came here for?

4)Do you feel as though you've made an impact with your posts here? Or not? and explain why..

*OK..that's pretty much it..if you feel like adding more questions-then go for it!*
I'm looking forward to hearing your comments


posted on May, 25 2003 @ 07:55 AM
1, knowledge, and to express my ideas with others

2a, the people

2b, honestly i spend to much time here

3, my goal is somewhat complete as i gain knowledge of the world around me with each new day on the board

4, i think we all have an impact on what happens on this board even if it is just a lil joke for a reply or if it is a massive article that is thourghly ingrossing, no one has boo'ed me out and most my theorys have been meet with undestanding and acceptance and even some encouragement, but never have my comments been thrown back at me to make me feel belittled.

all in all i have to say that this site is a home away from home where everyone is accepted and the collective knowlegde of all the members is astrinomical.

posted on May, 25 2003 @ 08:19 AM
1/. Never had a sole purpose. Just joined after a topic I was researching pulled up an ATS thread.

2/a. I like my views being challenged and/or encouraged.

2/b. I spend to much time here. And my limited knowledge of the NWO, and secreat socities.
NWO, Secreat socities and conspricy theory are subjects rarly disscused on a building site. We like to keep things to women, sex, rugby, gibbing each other, did I mention rugby and sex.
But the knowledge I have gained and are continuing to gain I guess is another good point of this site. Still, I miss my blissful ignorance.

3/ My goal was to actually gain some knowledge.

4/. I think some of my posts have made an impact. Weather its good or bad, well I'm still here. And in my short time here many have been banned. Well three I think HKot and his persons, another_one and Liberator.

This could be an interesting thread Magestica

Hope you get alot of replies.

[Edited on 25-5-2003 by Maddas]

[Edited on 25-5-2003 by Maddas]

posted on May, 25 2003 @ 08:28 AM
1.) To find out more about Area 51

2.A) To see it grow to what it is today; By far the best conspiracy discussion forum.

2.B) Crappy discussions based on nothing but roumors and articles...

3.) My goal...I really dont have a goal, I just want to discuss about lost of things I'm interested in...

4.) I think I did, they made me a mod, so I guess I made an impact.

Ok here's an extra question:

5) Do you think you will still be posting on ATS in, let's say, 10 years from now?

posted on May, 25 2003 @ 08:29 AM

1--Intital purpose, leave old boring site for new better site. Which obviously still leaves us without the initital answer to your question, which is this:

I joined ATS(Inititally Mother Jones Discussion Board) to see that I could reach out to young Arabs and Jews on the internet so I could try to understand the complexity of their situation. Didn't ever find any Arabs or Jews on Mother Jones other than myself, but nonetheless I still learned the complexities of the Arab and Jewish people.

My purpose in seeking out these complexities were to solve them. After much fruitless effort at bringing light to other members there on Mother Jones on issues of dire matter I gave up and looked for another site. I just couldn't find a person on there that wanted to discuss. They all wanted to argue. If they couldn't scream at you they wouldn't respond. That site is full of mad and depressed propagators, most of them are Anti-Semetic.

So I got out of there, and soon found myself here. I basically did the most obvious thing, and typed in "Discussion groups" on a search engine and ATS was right there slapping me in the face. I saw the wide range of issues and was instantly appealed. Mother Jones was nothing but politics. ATS was a whole lot more.

2--My favorite and least favorite thing about ATS..........

Most Favorite--The active staff.

At Mother Jones, there was no staff, just one dictator, Laura Shapiro. ATS has mods who are quick to see that their work is done and that the boards are maintained in a constructive and organized manner.

Least Favorite--I had to think about this one for a while. I didn't think I would come up with one, until it hit me:


Boooo Hoooooooo

3--Well, I came here for many reasons. So I can determine it in many ways, but when it comes down to it I have achieved what I intended to do. All I wanted to do once I came on the internet to 'discuss' was to preach. I wanted to see that people were united in issues. I wanted to find the problems of the world and tackle them. Here I do that everyday. Whether my intentional causes are of the desired effect doesn't matter to me. For I know that what I am doing is right and that I had lived up to my name. My name and my time at Mother Jones holds testiment to that faith.

4--Have I made an impact???

Well I would like to think so. I don't want to brag, but I have done all that I could. I tried to help a poor woman from Paris gain respect among the masses of people that were aganist her at the time. That was only 2 or 3 months ago. Now everyone has at least some respect for her. At least that is what I would hope.

I have caused at least one member to leave this site because of his indifference with my tone towards national security threats and what not. He is now back and no longer at difference with me. That is making a difference, but I don't know if you can neccasarily grant me with the distiction of bringing about such effect. For I am not sure if I was the cause of his return, or if it was him or something else. Nonetheless I still made a change, because I was able to receive his fellowship with understanding and maturity.

Not to mention I tend to get a little radical, extreme and over board in my statements therefore I am often given the honor of being thou who is different and one who is out of line.

Then again that is just one man's opinion about himself.

Cannot speak for everyone else.

Great topic Magestica, keep them coming.


posted on May, 25 2003 @ 08:36 AM
"Do you think you will still be posting on ATS in, let's say, 10 years from now?"

As long as we are all still here. If things go well my kids will be posting here. Anyway that is my take on it.


posted on May, 25 2003 @ 08:46 AM
1.) I had to do a paper on Area 51 and UFOs, and while searching I found ATS. I was very interested in all the documents on the site and I would come every day and read a bit more. After 6 months of first finding the site I finaly joined the message board on October 31. i joined because I wanted to learn more about Area 51 and other goverment cover-ups and other UFO/alien stories.

2.) My favourite thing would be all the great people I have met here at the board. Many of us are one-of a kind. This board has many nice and wonderful members.

b. The members who become spammers, trolls, hackers, and the members who act like 2 year olds.

3. Yes, I learned a great deal about what I came for, and alot more. I also learned to become more skeptical towards UFO/Alien stories. But I still do belive they exist and have visited Earth.

4. Yes, I would like to think I did. I have done some good threads and I did make some controversy in many of my posts and topics.

posted on May, 25 2003 @ 10:36 AM
Guess I'll go now

1)I also joined because of some things I was searching online and then *low and behold* ATS kept showing so I clicked, read for a while, then decided..why not join? I've never been a member of a forum or this was really all new and I was a little afraid/intimidated at first-but I think I'm *warming* up to it all.

2)a. The understanding and helpful members here(the ones who never call you names because of your topics and posts)
b.The members again-but this time the ones that bash everything you say and try to make you feel worthless or crazy or stupid, because of your experiences.(those with NO real opinions, just here to judge and call names.

3)Absolutely! Without a doubt! I've learned so much here and felt as though-for the first time in my life there are actually people out there who can relate to how I feel and the things I've seen/been through..

4)I do think I've made somewhat of an impact(atleast to some members) Because I try to be open and honest and share as much as I know and ask the things I don't know..I try to see how someone might feel about something I say *before* I actually say it. And I think my knowledge mostly falls more towards the paranormal and I hope that I've atleast given others something to think about and remember-if anything like what's happened to me, happens to them..

*Zions question*
5)Yes..I do hope that I'm still here posting 10 years from long as the site is here(and noone hurts my feelings too badly) I'll continue to post and share thoughts..

*WHEW* that was alot to answer-what was I thinking LOL!!

Many thanks fellow posters-pretty much everyone here has made some sort of impact to me


posted on May, 25 2003 @ 11:14 AM
1) It was too long ago to remember the purpose. I think i was looking for ufo/area51 related information and hit top secret or above top secret into a search engine and up came the site. I got hooked reading what i then considered to be some crazy, outrageous posts and shortly after i became a member and began posting.

2a)the paranoia

Another best thing is probably the colective plethora of information contained within ATS boards new and old(BTW, are they still up??).

3) What i came for originally isn't the same reason i come here now, so i'd say i acheived that and much more. In my time here ATS(specifically the board) has expanded immensely and my interests, knowledge and outlook on not only conspiracy related material but a variety of areas have evolved with ATS. Not that it's solely responsible, but its certainly played a part.

4)Only to those who matter

5)If I and it are still alive.

posted on May, 25 2003 @ 02:11 PM
Ok well here goes nothing:

1) I found ATS the way many of you found it, on a search engine. After 9/11 happened I started to do some research on conspiracies related to the event. I found my way here and started reading some of the posts here. I got very interested so a little while after that I joined. I've been hanging around here since winter 2001.

2) a) My favorite thing about it was the amount and variety of topics covered. Also the quality of posters that we have here is great.

b) Least favorite thing...... dumb topics.

3) I dont think I'll ever be sattisfied to tell you the truth. But I've learned a lot since I've been here. You learn something new every day.

4) I'd like to think that I have although im not really sure.

[Edited on 25-5-2003 by Ocelot]

posted on May, 25 2003 @ 02:17 PM
A coworker told me to check it out to read on the hyper-jet. Next thing I knew I'd read all of Simons articles and had stumbled into the message board. where conspiracy nuts were talking about the same stuff I'd been reading about for decades in the book form.

I'm with A-V. The only downside is no spellcheck for us dimwits and monkey-fisted non-typers.

posted on May, 25 2003 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by magestica

1)what was your sole purpose for joining ATS?

2)a.What is your favorite thing about ATS?
b.What is your least favorite?

3)Do you feel you have achieved what you came here for?

4)Do you feel as though you've made an impact with your posts here? Or not? and explain why..

For the point one, I'll quote TC : " Next thing I knew I'd read all of Simons articles and had stumbled into the message board. where conspiracy nuts were talking about the same stuff I'd been reading about for decades in the book form. "

2) Diversity and variety. We've many peoples from many horizons. Different races, cultures, nations, religionsn political POV etc...etc...

3) Yeah sure. And we probably went above.

4) Good question. Yes for some peoples, no for some others.

posted on May, 26 2003 @ 11:47 AM
We all seem to have definately come here for the same reasons and I guess even if we can freely discuss 'conspiracies' and such it brings us all 'atleast' closer to *knowing*....


posted on May, 26 2003 @ 12:02 PM
1) Same as a lot of other guys here. A couple of bottles of beer and a search engine.

2a) My favourite thing is that I get to ask myself questions.

2b) My least favourite thing is not having the communication skills to write about how I see things. I also don't like it how a lot of people here seem to be so pessimistic and unhappy, when really, they don't need to be.

3) I feel that I achieved something for myself. It wasn't the reason why I came here in the first place but something came along when I forced myself to look at the world around me in greater detail. When I first started posting here, I took onboard a lot of concepts in a very short time. I can only see that as being of benefit to me.

4) It would be nice to think I make an impact. If only because that is my human nature. But if I have made an impact I would like to think that it was only in a good way.
But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. It was more important to make an impact on myself than to convince other people that I am right.
After all, I can't prove that I'm right. I can have my own beliefs but they are mine and mine alone.

posted on May, 26 2003 @ 06:21 PM
1) I had no sole purpose in joining I was on a search engine, think it was yahoo, and I typed in JFK conspiracy theories because I wanted to learn about it and this site popped up, I clicked on it and a whole new adventure began for me.

2a) I'm with Ultra. Diversity.
2b) Being labeled a Black Militant and Racist.

3) I dont think so. There is still much I can learn from this site and from the members here.

4) Oh Yes. I think everyone can agree with me on that. Whether you like me or not, my name became a commodity here. I'd like to think I opened my mental window and I'm allowing everyone to climb in, before time is up.

posted on May, 26 2003 @ 08:00 PM
hmmmmm I dont remember exactly,
but i was searching for something........and .... clicked on Above Top Secret...

Come to think of it,not sure if i found what i was originally looking for

I can't remember what it was......

A.T.S is pretty good....i enjoy the up's and the downs...and the different views some may have on certain topics......but hey!
all is knowledge.......and one can only learn what one has to say....
And each takes in as much as they want to......hopefully,more good then the bad....I guess each can decide what will benefit them ......

posted on May, 26 2003 @ 10:09 PM
1. I found ATS after seeing some interesting shows about Area 51 and wanting to learn more about it. I read some of the articles and figured I'd check out the message boards out of curiousity. I read the board for about 4 months here and there before I joined, and now I'm addicted to a daily dose of ATS at the least.

2. The thing I like the best is the other members, there are all ages, races, nationalities, religions, etc. I like to read the other view points. The thing I like the least are the problem people, but the ATS staff doesn't let that become too much of a nuisance. I still cant comprehend the fascination with banned members that many here seem to have, you guys will talk about FM and Tyler to the very end.

3. I really didnt come here for a specific reason, so I cant say I've achieved what I set out to do. But I sure have learned a whole lot and I continue to do so every day I'm here. I've never felt so well-informed about things going on in other parts of the world and about how others live and think.

4. I dont know if I've made an impact with my posts, I'd like to think so but there are many intelligent people here and I often just read their posts and occassionally throw in my two cents, but I dont feel I've made much of an impact. I suppose we all have made an impact in one way or another, whether good or bad or how small or how great.

5. 10 years from now? Wow, thats a tough question. I would like to think I'll be here in 10 years, who knows what kind of technology 10 years will bring to online forums.

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