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Behind The Blue Door: What you should know about Walmart surveilance polocies

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posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 02:55 PM




I am also aware of a hard lines assistant that impregnated two employees under his supervision and that the company simply moved him to another store.

Is seeing an fellow employee during off time a company offense?

Sounds like he was an assistant manager and not just a fellow employee so yes it would be a company offense.

Serious? What century is this backward company living in?

The century where the company can be held liable during a sexual harassment or equal opportunity lawsuit if the romance between a supervisor and employee goes sour.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 02:56 PM

reply to post by VoidHawk

Yes. If you walk in off the street and buy headphones and leave, and an employee, customer or LP suspects you of a crime, the LP manager can access your bank statement. If he feels good reason to believe you might have done something he will call stores you shop at and ask for their info about you or that they need to watch for you.

No they can't--not even law enforcement can access your bank statement without a warrant. I'm calling bull# on this one.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 04:06 PM


reply to post by Aleister

Good, a company should be allowed to operate without having to unionize. Walmart chooses not to unionize. If those employees want to to work for a union they should go to a company that hires union workers.
Ah yes, unions...those Ba$tards that gave us the weekend. Walmart is just the end of a downward spiral based on moving the manufacturing overseas, and turning good American skilled labour into crappy retail gigs. And THAT, you can't blame on the unions.

Why is it people are so eager to call down those trying to maintain a living wage instead of the legislative scum that let the jobs go in the first place?

Kind of because those unions, in concert and collusion with legislative scum exchanging bribes (er...I mean "campaign contributions") for protective laws passed made business difficult so skilled labor is turning into crappy retail gigs.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 05:04 PM

Kind of because those unions, in concert and collusion with legislative scum exchanging bribes (er...I mean "campaign contributions") for protective laws passed made business difficult so skilled labor is turning into crappy retail gigs.
With all due respect, then, we'll have to agree to disagree. But happy employees don't feel the need to organise.

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by generik

and from a couple fraud cases i know of at wal-mart gaining access to bank records on just suspicions is easy for them. in one case they suspected an employee of stealing cash from where she worked in the cash office. that suspicion was enough to access her, AND HER FAMILY'S, even her BOY FRIEND'S bank records, as well as gaining access to a cell phone and car dealership's records to find out how she purchased them. never steal money then show up to work and show off the most expensive phones you are giving as gifts, and don't drive a nice car to work. that is what their suspicion was based on. the access to her family's and boy friends bank records were gained so they could prove she had no legitimate way of having enough money to buy them. they were THEN based on that able to gain a search warrant for her parent's home (where she lived) as well as her boy friend's place, where they then found at the boy friend's something like $20,000 cash (he was unemployed, yes they had access to employment records for everyone as well), as well as cash and various items at her house. THAT was what they used to nail her. it was only several months after nailing her they were able to complete going through all the records with a fine tooth comb to find what she had stolen, she was apparently very good at hiding all she took within the paperwork. but don't worry, she is not in jail for stealing a couple hundred thousand from wal-mart. THAT will be explained i a question i am about to ask the OP.

And yet another BS story.

Bank records are not so easily obtained due to privacy laws. In an investigation the Police or DA can get access to records via court order, but Wally World cannot touch or see those records.

So much Bull. I hate Wal Mart and refuse to shop there but will draw the line at making shist up about them. This is an outright fabrication.

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 08:35 AM


reply to post by boncho

This applies to everyone, employee and customer alike.

How does Walmart have access to your credit cards to see where you shop?

Absolutely not. This would be a violation of at least one, if not more, federal privacy laws.

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 11:52 PM
I NEVER agreed to the theory that Wal-Mart may be able to see one's bank records or accounts. I do know that they track certain suspected shoplifters and send information on a store to store basis about said shoplifter.
That being said, there are many, MANY offenses taking place in stores that are NOT reported. Many of those offenses are illegal, such as following me home. It was simple; the manager offered the employee a raise in return for information. The employee followed me of his own accord and reported back to the manager. The manager upped his next review by a few cents per hour.
Yes, an assistant manager impregnated his employees and was transferred to a store just 20 miles away where he got a job as an assistant manager.
Our TLE service manager slipped and fell due to a faulty grate in the oil change pit....I was instructed to make an emergency repair and say that the accident could not have happened due to my repair. the service manager was de-moted to getting credit card applications through-out the store and terminated when he would not accept that as a permanent job offer....he had 15 years as a service manager at another local store without a single incident.
You gotta understand that the store manager gets a year-end bonus based upon store savings at the end of the year. Our manager got a $70,000 bonus this year because she cut costs so much. I am aware of times when the area managers came in and ORDERED her to hire more cashiers. She did...after FORCING the front-end assistant to write-up and terminate every possible cashier. She was told to hire 12 cashiers....and she did. But she fired 9 before she hired even one....front end was still short-handed. Net gain: 3 cashiers. Many of them were terminated within days of being hired.
Their behavior is legal....and much more subtle than people suspect. Home office really has no way of even BEGINNING to keep track of what is actually going on.

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 01:51 PM


Kind of because those unions, in concert and collusion with legislative scum exchanging bribes (er...I mean "campaign contributions") for protective laws passed made business difficult so skilled labor is turning into crappy retail gigs.
With all due respect, then, we'll have to agree to disagree. But happy employees don't feel the need to organise.

Which is why a lot of union organization and protest is done by outside organizations, such as the Teamsters vs UPS.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by generik

Please do not put Ms. Beauty down! I am NOT trying to offend her as she is in a position to launch her own investigation and possibly save the company millions of dollars and possibly be moved into a much better position. This is NOT her fault.
Take the "stupid dance" as an example. Corporate sees this like a pep rally of sorts and it was SUPPOSEDLY designed to help elevate the employee's moods. MOST stores, however, FORCE the employees to do it and SHAME them for not taking part...failure to participate MAY cost them their raise during evaluation time. In practice, it is much more like N. Korea being FORCED to participate in their dictator's birthday celebration.
Corporate is basically clueless as to what actually goes on in the stores because they are so compartmentalized. SOMEONE at home office probably has a clue, but is NOT willing to give up the HUGE bonuses they get.
Fact is, Beauty is better as an ally than an enemy, so let's show her some respect for just sounding off here.

posted on Apr, 13 2014 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Actually I've been here longer than you. And it wasn't a personal attack, it was an observation based on your posts.

posted on Apr, 13 2014 @ 12:36 PM

Actually I've been here longer than you. And it wasn't a personal attack, it was an observation based on your posts.
If you're going to declare seniority based upon...well, who knows what?...then I can attest that I've been around here longer than I have, as well. Point is, anyone who's spent much time at ATS has a pretty firm understanding that we don't sink to ad hominem attacks as a substitute for discourse. If you've been around as long as you'd know that.

edit on 13-4-2014 by JohnnyCanuck because: ...just because!

posted on Apr, 13 2014 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

If you're taking what I said as ad hominem that is your defense mechanism. You've made several posts which clearly show you don't have a grasp of how economics and business work. You seem very single minded on how you think business works which sounds like it came from a union pamphlet.

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 07:20 AM

reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

If you're taking what I said as ad hominem that is your defense mechanism. You've made several posts which clearly show you don't have a grasp of how economics and business work. You seem very single minded on how you think business works which sounds like it came from a union pamphlet.
...and a quick sidestep to deflection. I'll give you credit, though...not too many people that come here and spout disinformation have the stones to announce it in their avatars.

I'd say that I do actually have a reasonable grasp of how business and economics work, and just because I see it through a union lens, doesn't mean I'm wrong. In fact, Costco seems to see things the same way, and they're doing pretty good.

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