posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 06:07 PM
ah, my mother just raised an interesting point. she said animals might know WAY in advance, so they might migrate soon enough that they can get away
in time, but not all at the same time.
for example, bison move relatively slow. they might leave earlier than say, wolves, that move fast and quickly.
birds might leave it til the last minute to leave, as they can fly away fast.
during the indonesian tsunami, survivors said they noticed there were NO animals around. they had all moved to higher ground in time.
SO, the BEST way to predict a possible eruption in yellowstone, or megaquake in LA might be to monitor the movements of wild animals CLOSELY.
WHERE did these bison go ? are they now in Alaska, or heading there?
Have any other animals left? Are the wolves still there? Are the bears?
Is anyone watching this, because it could be a WAY better indicator of a problem than watching the geysers and quakes even....(because animals just
KNOW, as past events prove this...)
(Also my mother's family owned cattle properties, they know what migrating cattle/animals look and act like, and she said it's pretty clear these
animals aren't moving casually, they were fleeing from SOMETHING- whether it was the 4.8 quake or whether they know something else i don't know.)