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Obama is Thinking Ahead

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posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 05:45 AM



In the meantime, Obama has overhauled the U.S. almost entirely, even bringing it back from the brink of financial ruin -

I agree that Obama has overhauled the US almost entirely but to the opposite of your claim. We are in a far worse spot than ever before. Stop drinking the kool-aid.
edit on 3/31/2014 by freakjive because: (no reason given)

This is just not true. The economy IS recovering and doing better than when he took office. We are no longer watching American young men die for nothing in Iraq. We have an exit plan for Afghanistan so same will be true there very shortly. Your making your own koolaid. Truth is truth even if you do not like it and want to deny it.

Osama Bin Laden is dead because President Obama took a huge risk to go after him inside another sovereign Nation without their permission even knowing OBL might not be there. Had he not been there Obama would have never been reelected and been seen as a total failure. He risked a lot to go after him in the way he did and he got him.

Obama care is certainly struggling and may yet either fail completely or be modified to be a solution to many millions without health care. I know I know you can only hope it will fail. That is pretty un-American of you to hope your own government fails at providing its citizens with affordable health care all because you have some personal and might I say questionable dislike for YOUR President who was elected by the people of theses United States.

Now is the time for your only defense to be played out on these pages and that is those that lay inside conspiracy theories such as OBL still being alive. Go ahead server the koolaid up.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

I could see him being a forerunner like you said, and Bush before him, but Obama seems to be setting things up nicely.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by darkbake

The gaining followers easily is an interesting phenomenon.

1. We must consider it against the backdrop of full court press propagandizing and brain washing--literally--of the body politic for AT LEAST 60 YEARS by the globalist machine. They took over the media around 1915-1917.

2. So he walks onto the puppet stage as a chosen-as-an-ATTACHMENT-DISORDERED-YOUTH; TRAINED, TAILORED, CONDITIONED, WOUND UP TO FILL THE ROLE . . . in a context carefully prepared for just that role.

3. Sure, he'd love to be ruler of the world. I think he knows his assigned role is much more limited in most respects. I believe the story that he read the envelope from his bosses immediately after his inauguration and said "They've made me a scapegoat." as he collapsed in a chair greatly shaken by what he'd just read.

4. I think that one of the reasons he enjoys playing so much at our expense is he knows that he's just used toilet tissue in terms of how much his bosses care about his welfare. He knows he's expendable and that the script for his removal from the stage has already been written.

5. He's pretty good at filling the very supported role of making it far easier for the BW*TCH-es coming after him to be even more ruthless and tyrannical in destroying the fabric of our nation . . . of the old order . . . making it easier to raise the 'new' [as old as Babylon] order on the ashes of the old.

6. He and Slick Willy's matrimonial business partner are both characterized by folks who've worked closely with them . . . as the most evil people such co-workers have ever come across in their entire lives. I think that's exactly right. They are obviously severely demonized--literally--by spiritually terminally evil entities.

7. Worse is coming down the Pike. It's already in the script.

May God help all of good heart toward Him.

There is no hope for anyone else.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by darkbake

I agree he's setting things up 'nicely,' using the word loosely. LOL.

However, he's like a filthy, dirty, coarse street urchin setting things up for terminally evil Little Lord Fauntlaroy [sp?]

It's the most he can hope for.

Certainly he has the stance of holding his nose high in the air down pat.

Certainly he has the stance of superiority in his body posture wholesale down pat.

Certainly he has the utterly evil look in his eye down pat, just as Hillary does.

He has the evil side down pretty well. And he seems to exalt in it, as she does.

Alas, thankfully, they are but bit players.

Though, sadly, a worse tyrant is waiting in the wings . . . champing at the bit to spring full force onto the world stage as the "New Savior" . . . the new "Man of Peace" who will interestingly in Biblical terms "Make war with peace."

Yeah, the Narcissist in Chief is testing out a lot of the memes, strategies, tyrannies, attitudes, themes, etc. very skillfully.

imho, he's just not up to filling the main role and he certainly was not chosen to do so.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 06:12 AM
Mhmmmm...and they made Tony Blaire Special Envoy to the middle east...

The Quartet on the Middle East or Middle East Quartet, sometimes called the Diplomatic Quartet or Madrid Quartet or simply the Quartet, is a foursome of nations and international and supranational entities involved in mediating the peace process in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Quartet are the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Russia. The group was established in Madrid in 2002, recalling Madrid Conference of 1991, as a result of the escalating conflict in the Middle East. Tony Blair is the Quartet's current Special Envoy.

European Union High Representative Baroness Ashton of Upholland
Russia Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov
United Nations United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Robert H. Serry
United Kingdom Special Envoy Tony Blair
United States Secretary of State John F. Kerry

Just saying.....OP's summation is not that far fetched when you look at that list...


PS.....and over the years I have often wondered what is it with Spain always in the background?

edit on 1-4-2014 by angelchemuel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by Xeven

Now you are making me think positive about Obama again, anyway, there are some problems that are present involving decaying society and people's ability to think reasonably which are not necessarily his fault - I think that the internet and networking has caused a decay in reasoning capabilities in humans.

He kind of stands for this kind of thing in a way - the problem is that culture evolved over thousands of years for a reason. Sure, religion was attacked first because of it being scientifically incorrect, but I think the real target is logic, including critical thinking.

A class of humans that think similarly to animals would be the perfect slaves, unable to think critically enough to even realize they are slaves, perhaps, but still able to calculate and perform tasks.

And with this in mind, Obama's whole agenda makes sense. This is why you need government health care, because along with food (food stamps) and minimum housing, people need to be healthy. It is all about making a slave class, imo.

Yeah, this is a pretty dark post - but someday, if Obama becomes U.N. Secretary General and tries to impose similar policies on other nations, they might wise up to it a bit especially if the U.S. (which had the policies implemented earlier) is showing signs of decay that would freak other nations out.

Also, Nostradamus said the anti-Christ would be Mabus - Obama Bush fits that.

But more importantly, an anti-Christ would be worshiped in place of God, more or less, as a figurehead - and a lot of people really do place Obama at the front of their altar or whatever, using him as a role-model for things like empiricism, feminism, atheism and the like.

What is interesting is that Obama is not an atheist, one would expect as much, but it is not the case. Those are my thoughts on the matter, at least.

The U.S. does have some serious problems regarding education and police state antics, and a lot of people on both sides really are pushing for no freedom to think or act in a unique manner. I'm not sure how it will play out,,,?
edit on 01amTue, 01 Apr 2014 06:50:44 -0500kbamkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 07:04 AM
interesting op...i will be curious as to how obama progresses now you have given me this to think your tarot cards have anything to do with your hypothesis ?

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 08:19 AM


This is just not true. The economy IS recovering and doing better than when he took office. We are no longer watching American young men die for nothing in Iraq. We have an exit plan for Afghanistan so same will be true there very shortly. Your making your own koolaid. Truth is truth even if you do not like it and want to deny it.

You're bringing the military and war agenda into a topic I wasn't discussing. This was regarding financial ruin. I didn't say anything about where we were militarily. That being said... Obama is stripping military vets of benefits and removing the top brass to what end?

Let's talk about truth and kool-aid:

Osama Bin Laden is dead because President Obama took a huge risk to go after him inside another sovereign Nation without their permission even knowing OBL might not be there. Had he not been there Obama would have never been reelected and been seen as a total failure. He risked a lot to go after him in the way he did and he got him.

You have to believe that Osama was actually killed during the "Seal Team Six Raid" and not dragged out of a refrigerator and dumped in the sea to fulfill a need when Obama was facing his lowest approval ratings of his tenure.

Obama care is certainly struggling and may yet either fail completely or be modified to be a solution to many millions without health care. I know I know you can only hope it will fail. That is pretty un-American of you to hope your own government fails at providing its citizens with affordable health care all because you have some personal and might I say questionable dislike for YOUR President who was elected by the people of theses United States.

Again, I didn't comment regarding the HCA, BUT - You're damn right I hope this government fails because this government is not one of the people. It is an usurped power that is only benefiting the corporate oligarchs and elitist cronies. It's un-American for you to be asking for government handouts. You keep buying into the welfare state and progressive agenda. In the mean-time I'm paying 30% more for my insurance than I was prior to this sham that is being used to create a society that is fully dependent on the government. I guess that makes me un-American?

Now is the time for your only defense to be played out on these pages and that is those that lay inside conspiracy theories such as OBL still being alive. Go ahead server the koolaid up.

Again, I don't believe that OBL is alive. I don't believe he was killed during the supposed Seal Team Six Raid.

I'm sorry you're so butt-hurt that I'm not a blind follower of a man who has done hardly anything of value for the American people in 6 years.

edit on 4/1/2014 by freakjive because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 10:12 AM



In the meantime, Obama has overhauled the U.S. almost entirely, even bringing it back from the brink of financial ruin -

I agree that Obama has overhauled the US almost entirely but to the opposite of your claim. We are in a far worse spot than ever before. Stop drinking the kool-aid.
edit on 3/31/2014 by freakjive because: (no reason given)

Sure all these new jobs, lack of wars and health care sucks!!!! America is all about wars and a shriking economy. We can only hope the next President will declare a few wars and get the economy back to shriking, get rid of health care so we can get this country back on track.

As for the OP, Obama will do what every President does, write a book and do some speaking while making more in a week than he made in all 8 years in office. The Secratary General of the UN is a symbolic job and has no power and makes no real money, what would be the point.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by MrSpad

One of my teachers used to say that Republicans caused messes during their Presidencies that Democrats clean up.

Bush made a mess diplomatically with the Iraq war and there was a mess going into Obama's Presidency regarding the Financial Crisis - another theory I have is that McCain didn't want to win once he found out how hard the term would be.

Things seem to go in cycles, anyway - I would not be surprised either if Obama paved the way for an Islamic surge even though a lot of their values are opposite of liberal ones.
edit on 01pmTue, 01 Apr 2014 23:28:57 -0500kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 11:35 PM

interesting op...i will be curious as to how obama progresses now you have given me this to think your tarot cards have anything to do with your hypothesis ?

Possibly, sometimes I can operate more on intuition than a lot of people do. It is a bit more complicated than that, something like creativity, of course it can give inaccurate results. When I read tarot, I try to keep bias out of it and simply improve the skill of knowing the card meanings and relating their wisdom to the question at hand.

I have a theory that if someone with a mind interacts with the cards by cutting the deck then it acts as a random number generator, however it is tied in to the destiny / perspective of the one who cut the deck. Complicated stuff based on reading a bunch of books by Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, a quantum physicist.

So it is relevant in that the tarot readings are involved in my intuition, also, since I took a lot of psychology I get a feel for different personality types. I guess it depends on how tired Obama is after the Presidency, it looks like he is aging. No direct relation to the tarot, though.

edit on 01pmTue, 01 Apr 2014 23:36:13 -0500kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 12:24 AM
I think you layed/laid(?) out your op quite well.

I read it and understood it completely.

All I can say is time will tell.

Keep up the great work.

posted on Apr, 5 2014 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

I agree with this post quite a bit. I would say this is a good alternative to my O.P. or maybe in conjunction with it.
edit on 05amSat, 05 Apr 2014 06:34:59 -0500kbamkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2014 @ 09:12 AM
Obama and his cronies have gutted America. Like George Soros said, we got to give China an incentive to join the New World Order. What he means is that we have to whore America out at the expense of Americans to bring in a world government. E.g. China gets are manufacturing, and South America and the Middle Eastern countries get to sale us oil. All while we will shut down our energy and manufacturing in America.

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