The more and more and well.. more I read about or current administration, all the new laws (obviously harmful), lies, spying, constitution shredding,
just anti-everythingwestandfor, the more my mind wonders... is this intentional? Are we being set-up to fail?
We obviously have a MASSIVE debt problem, yet our friends in DC don't seem to care despite how internationalyl and historically harmful it would be to
have the USA fail.
Obama has intentionally alienated damn near all, if not all of our allies. He sent Winston Churchill's bust back to the UK after he became pres, he
gifted the Queen an Ipod! (but it was preloaded with all of his speeches)... I mean... how incredibly narcissistic is that?? The NSA has spied on
Angela Merkel, and just about every other allied leader! That shows we have no trust in them, no confidence, it shows they AREN'T our ally! He has
failed to deal with Iran by dealing to them some real consequences, thereby insulting Israel.
The IRS is rogue, the EPA is rogue, HSA is rogue (or his civilian army, i don't wanna go there tbh), DC is completely dysfunctional.
He has pushed for and received military spending cuts, all the while refusing to cut or even consider cutting welfare and all of the other widely
abused entitlement programs. Yes, kill our military instead of investigating and sending frauds back to work TO BE PRODUCTIVE! Welfare has a purpose
and does indeed serve a purpose, but the fraud is extreme.
The one thing that has me puzzled is the attack on the Second Amendment.. I cannot definitely decide whether it is a game to get us riled up, or if he
thought it could actually happen. Forgive me, but I figured that the feds would have enough info to know that I.. I mean we love our guns, to shoot
them, to own them in support of what they mean to us both historically and fundamentally. It was(is) never gonna happen, so why did they try?
The topics above, coupled with all of the other corrupt political things I don't have time to post leads me to believe we are being set-up to fail..
How? I don't know. Do they want to push us until we riot, then they take (more) control? Do they force the collapse of the dollar? Is it going to be a
slow and steady progress into a complete collapse? I do not have the answer, If I did I would literally shout it from the roof top, then come and let
your guys know too.
I however feel that something very big is happening and swiftly approaching. I do believe that the situation with Russia has a role in it, and it is
driving me crazy!!!
Crazy I tell you, not only because our current true state as a nation is obvious, but sooo many people deny that anything is wrong! They just go about
their lives preaching the word of Obama like zombies.. maybe I am paranoid... In a way I hope I am, but I also fear that I am perfectly sane.
Note: Despite my name, I do not wish for Doom... the topic has just become more and more evident over the years, and consequently I have grown fond of
reading theories and analyzing scenarios. I would be more than happy to live out my years in the good ol' USA.
edit on 31-3-2014 by doompornjunkie because: (no reason given)