posted on May, 25 2003 @ 07:27 AM
Nans, here in the 'blessed' United States of America we have a motto, "Your either with us, or your with the terrorists!".
That ideal rings hard across this nation. It rings in the ears of men and women who think about one thing, their fate. They think about there fate.
People are basically content in the all out 'war on terrorism'. A war that doesn't really exist and doesn't have much chance of gaining any
defeats aganist terrorism.
Nonetheless that is just one situation. Now, consider that we have an ideal of pre-emptive strike upon enemy agents who are up and down full on
American nationals, as American baseball. Now these so-called enemy agents are citizens of America. Considering that this doctrine, or ideal, (a
draconian one at that), that is the ideal of "With us or without us." is proudly used in this country one would start to see the effects of this
policy among it's own people.
This is no EMP, but it is very good propaganda. The control of the mind is within, not without. Everything that is consumed by the mind, body, and
soul will be met with the consumption of the person within that mind, body, and soul.
Therefore the interaction among the external with the internal based within the body, mind and soul will be subversive to one anothers' causes.
Which of course can lead to all types of effects from those perspective causes. So my question to you, is this:
What is the easiest way to get past all that internal conflict within the one the external forces are trying to manipulate???
That is one vortex of the mind that is hard to steer. For there will always be some sort of cause and effect as long as we are simulating that which
has essence.
So how does one defeat the will and intent within the essence of the perspective targets???
How does one do this without losing control of the assests that are held within those perspective targets???
For it is my opinion, that the cause and effect will be too indifferent among the masses to assure proper quotas to the perspective cause. Wouldn't
you agree???