posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to:
My guess is that the aerodynamic design/planform is going to mostly have Lockheed DNA, as well as relying heavily on L-M low observable technology,
avionics, etc, but that manufacturing as well as the design work on some of the heavier mechanical systems will be handled by Boeing.
As for performance:
Range: Greater than the B-2, likely by a significant margin due to using two higher-efficiency engines instead of 4.
Speed: Marginally faster than the B-2, most likely in the near-transonic ranges a la the sonic cruiser or the citation X+. Trasonic/supersonic is a
no-go due to the presumed flying wing planform and the desire to hit that range.
Flight ceiling: Most likely to be a little less ambitious than the B-2's crazy ceiling, though if this thing has as much Quartz./AARS DNA in it as I
think it will, you never know... Lockheed always liked high-altitude designs
Weapon capacity: Similar volume to the B-2, though with a lower load capacity since this one will be designed in the age of stand-off missiles and
precision munitions, and will likely NOT be designed as a nuclear platform first and foremost as the B-2 was.
Fleet size: They'll ask for 80-120, and the USAF will end up with 40-80 when all is said and done, with the difference to be made up by rebuilt and
re-engined BUFFs.
It's all just hunches, but that's what my gut tells me...
edit on 10-3-2015 by Barnalby because: (no reason given)
edit on
10-3-2015 by Barnalby because: (no reason given)