The source Adjensen noted is correct.The Patriarchs(Sons) of Israel predate the invention of the Zodiac.
On that note the nation of Israel were not virtuous or more advanced in the least.They were as fallible as fallible comes(read just the exploits of
Judah alone).
The 12 tribes of Israel (the sons of Israel) are an archetype of ALL of mankind.That is the general theme of all the scriptures.They are just
"ordinary" men doing ordinary men things(being religious).They had an experience with the creator God and did as ordinary men do...make up stories of
religion of how "their" God told them to do things like ....massacre a group of people because they were "evil" and then invade their country because
THEY are the chosen "good" people etc etc....
Things have not changed one bit.Men still believe God has chosen them to be "special" and to overthrow other "evil" men in the "name" of their
God.That is the religious nature of ALL mankind in a type of Israel.
I am not condemning the tribes of Israel .They acted according their nature and character. That is what a "name is"...the nature and character of
the thing or person named. The main thrust of the scriptures isn't "here's a group of "holy people"(Israel ,the apostles etc etc) just do what they
did and God will approve.In effect it is the opposite for some ( the nation of Israel) DON"T be like this..but of course some have gone so far as to
believe THEY are the "new Israel." ...and act like the apostles.
The fact is Israel is the archetype of the nature of man and some very basic principles are "written in their history" starting with their names.Names
are the nature and character of the thing or person named.The names of the sons are not arbitrary.They are the sons of Jacob who became Israel(after
his name change) which means struggles with God.The 12 sons mothers (there were 2 ...the sisters Leah and Rachel) named them.
The essence of scriptures of Israel is the plight of ALL mankind.They band as nation of brothers and wreak havoc everywhere they go.They eventually
split and became the Northern Kingdom... the House of Israel(composed of 10 tribes) and the southern kingdom...the House of Judah(with Benjamin and
some Levites ) They were sworn mortal enemies.Eventually the House of Israel were assimilated into many other nations and were no more and remain so
to this day.
My main point is their history is a "type and shadow" of all mankind's history.Yes they were historically real.They weren't a myth.What "they said
happen in the scriptures isn't always what it appears to be(the wrathful, vengeful, blood lusting God blah blah blah)..
That's the beauty of the truth of the scriptures.They were completely unaware of what was really going on.They believed THEY were the only chosen of
God.They had no idea what it was about at all.They were just told to do certain things a certain way and they made up their own way(613
One that WAS told them by the creator God was how to "encamp" in the wilderness with Moses as their leader .Which is connected to it's counter part
in what was called the the breastplate of judgment (like a vest ) the priest Aaron wore when he stood before the ark of the covenant.
The breastplate had a specific pattern of specific stones attached to it arranged in birth order of the sons starting from the priest left to right
in a matrix of 4 rows of 3 sons names:
Notice Levi (the 3rd son) and Joseph(the 11th son) are missing from the breastplate.Joseph gave his birthright to his 2 sons Manasseh and Ephraim.Levi
became the priest(which Aaron and Mose were from) so he was not on the breastplate.
Now the REAL meaning behind all of the scriptures.Yahoshua (Jesus) said to some Jews many years later."you search the scriptures thinking that in them
you have life YET you fail to come to me whom they TESTIFY of that I would deliver(save) you".
The testifying is the Truth which are actually written in numbers!.All of the scriptures are numbers in gematria.The last of the Old Testament
scripture was written about 450 BCE..the process called gematria came into existence for Hebrew about 30 BCE.Gematria is where the letters also equal
numbers(in Greek is called isopsephia)
That means all the scriptures are actually written in numbers.This is NOT numerology or kabala or any mystic system.The real place to start is Genesis
1:1.....which the gematria reveals a math that is so perfect it is a"testimony" to the rest of the scriptures.The fact is there is no way to know
exactly what ALL of the OT scriptures were ...and that isn't the point.WE do have many archeological records by the Dead sea scrolls.The record of the
12 sons of Israel is very consistent with all the ancient writing records.
Which brings up the significance of names.Naming is one of the most significant aspects of all scriptures.The creator God "names" Adam(which means red
clay or soil and man) then tells him to name creatures.That doesn't just mean give it a "word" to call it but a meaning elucidate it's "nature
character". This process was held through the ages and especially with Israel.They held the name of YHWH (the tetragrammaton) in such high regard that
only the high priest Aaron was allowed to say it on the day of atonement.
edit on 27-3-2014 by Rex282 because: (no reason given)