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Revisiting Rumsfeld’s "Missing" Trillions

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posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by Sremmos80

And you can't prove what really happened to the 2.3t

I can by the very virtue of the fact that it equates to the entire pentagon budget for the later half of the '90s, if as truthers claim the money was either stolen or it was siphoned off to fund some epic false flag the the DoD would not have had to funds to pay troops and buy the weapons of war.

That is what happened to that money it was spent on keeping the DoD running.

They just could not work out what dollar when where because of god awful accounting systems.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 03:14 PM

reply to post by Sremmos80

And you can't prove what really happened to the 2.3t

I can by the very virtue of the fact that it equates to the entire pentagon budget for the later half of the '90s, if as truthers claim the money was either stolen or it was siphoned off to fund some epic false flag the the DoD would not have had to funds to pay troops and buy the weapons of war.

That is what happened to that money it was spent on keeping the DoD running.

They just could not work out what dollar when where because of god awful accounting systems.

So you are just assuming that it was used to pay troops and what not, but that is not concrete correct?
That is just your theory correct?

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Sremmos80

You dont get this do you.

$2.3Tn is more than the entire pentagon budget for the pentagon in 2001, in fact its half of the national debt at the time.

If you are going to argue that the pentagon budget for fiscal years 1996 to 2001 was not used to fund the DoD then please tell me how it was funded with solid evidence.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

No, I assumed It was about the missing money that was not recovered. This must be about the stuff that was lost in paperwork. Sorry for not reading all the thread, I should have paid attention to the dates. Recently there was another bit of missing money found with a contractor.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 03:25 PM

reply to post by Sremmos80

You dont get this do you.

$2.3Tn is more than the entire pentagon budget for the pentagon in 2001, in fact its half of the national debt at the time.

If you are going to argue that the pentagon budget for fiscal years 1996 to 2001 was not used to fund the DoD then please tell me how it was funded with solid evidence.

I didn't say it wasn't, all i am saying is that they can not track the money so you can not say what it was spent on.... Sure you can assume all day but that doesn't make it a fact....
They admitted they have no idea what it was spent on, how are you a random online poster going to debunk that?
I know you have a hard time not putting words in peoples mouths, but it is ok, we have gone back and forth enough. I am getting used to it

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

I just shake my head this is something people don't understand. Black projects don't pay for themselves and are by and large two to five times the cost of regular operations. You don't really believe two trillion dollars is missing or that we pay hundreds of dollars for toilet seats and hammers lol.

Seriously, guys come on. You are smarter than this. Anyone and everyone who has ever worked for DOD knows this to be true.

The Bot

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 06:03 PM

No, I assumed It was about the missing money that was not recovered.

What missing money are you on about? Who said any money was missing?

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

The history of the development of the F-117 stealth fighter shows that much of the funding for its development was farmed out to other contracts to cover the costs. That tactic is nothing new, along with direct black budgets. Remember in the movie Independence Day when Jeff Goldbloom's father character says, "You don''t really thing that they spent $500 on a hammer did you?" as he was explaining how the government had secretly been studying an alien UFO for decades. Dollars to donuts, that missing bit of treasurer went into furnishing the fleet for Reagan's "Star Wars," program, the Space Defense Initiative. You don't really they spent all of that money on the so-called "bright pebbles" idea and then forgot the whole thing do you?

It is little know that Reagan personally asked Gorbachev if he would join us in that program. Now just think about that for a minute. It happened in the mid-1980s! Gorbachev later said that he declined the invitation because the USSR needed to spend money on cow-milking machines!

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 12:08 AM
One report that goes into Black budget operations can be found at

There have been opportunities for a more accountable accounting system across all of government, just not the political will.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

Hello OSOTC,

You have done a great service for ALL the students of 9/11. This is a highly recommended OP. I recommend that people read it twice (as many times as it takes, really) because there is a logical fallacy linking Rumsfeld's remarks from 9/10 to the events of 9/11. You have isolated it, dissected it and you made short work of it.

That being said... Donald Rumsfeld is a torturer like Saddam Hussein was a torturer and your OP should not be considered a general pardon for Donald Rumsfeld.... he took full responsibility for the events at Abu Ghraib prison. He actually visited that prison prior to the torture scandal but his testimony admits that he visited the prison he only went to the areas that Saddam Hussein used for torture and he did NOT go to the areas where the military conducted investigations of detainees... ie. the Abu Ghraib torture areas of Abu Ghraib prison, which turned out to be a radioactive public relations scandal, that resulted in weeks of public hearings in Washington DC.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 01:09 AM
afaik, the accounting issues, incompatibility between department's systems, was a pet peeve of Rumsfeld, with had been holding regular conferences on the subject for many months before 9/11. There are a series of White House and/or DoD logs of these meetings.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 01:45 AM
So somehow Cheney and Co. managed to misplace a couple trillions within 8-9 months of taking office?
Clinton had this in motion before Al "Ice Age/Global Warming" Gore managed to fudge his way to losing an election. And although maybe GB picked up the ball left by Reagan, which was undeniably dropped by Carter after being fumbled by Ford, while Nixon punted for a safety, the ball was put in play by Truman and Kennedy.

edit on 3/26/2014 by abecedarian because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/26/2014 by abecedarian because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 01:56 AM

How can you just write off 2.3 trillion.....
edit on AM3Wed20141972 by andy1972 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 04:21 AM


I just shake my head ,, Black projects don't pay for themselves and are by and large two to five times the cost of regular operations. You don't really believe two trillion dollars is missing or that we pay hundreds of dollars for toilet seats and hammers lol.

Seriously, guys come on. You are smarter than this. Anyone and everyone who has ever worked for DOD knows this to be true.

Exactlly,,,, And Donald Rumsfeld was no rookie at being the Secretary of Defense having served there under Ford from 1975 to 1977 ,,, so rest assured, he knew that there would be alot of money unaccounted for on black projects during the Clinton administration ,,,so when he tried finding about the new black projects and nobody was playing ball (because the black projects were classified,even to him) ,, he decides too have press conference about the missing trillions ,,sending a message that he was now incharge of the Pentagon.

This gave people the perception that he was trying too clean up curruption,,,if anything went wrong with the Offical 9-11 narrative..they could blame some rogue General was responsible ,, by laying this ground work for a out of control Military,,there had to be a fall back plan just incase
,,,who knows it still might be needed

A year later, they find most of the money,,they would of found it all, but nobody in there right mind would of believed that one
edit on 26-3-2014 by Blowback because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 04:25 AM


How can you just write off 2.3 trillion....

What makes you think anyone wrote of any money? Or that any money was missing?

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 08:23 AM



How can you just write off 2.3 trillion....

What makes you think anyone wrote of any money? Or that any money was missing?

From 2.20 onwards.. Jim Minnery...did you watch the video ?? Listen for the phrase "They just wrote it off"..

This guy travelled the states looking for the money, they just moved him and his supervisor said to him "Why do you care about all this stuff ??" WTF..

What makes me think the money was missing ? erm..Rumsfeld saying "We can't account for 2.3 trilliom dollars".

Most of which was probably side lined for black projects, illegal arms deals or the CIA, probably all three of them.
edit on AM3Wed20141972 by andy1972 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 08:40 AM

What makes me think the money was missing ? erm..Rumsfeld saying "We can't account for 2.3 trilliom dollars".

So he never said the money was missing! Why do you ignore the fact that now they have accounted for the majority of it?

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 10:25 AM
It sounds like this discrepancy with 2.3T was known about in all it's detail preceding Rumies claim the day before the attacks? Why then did he not mention the details of the out-dated and incompatibility issues with computing systems at the time it would have been less scandalous? Why point my nose in such a fashion as to have me smelling dung?

And it's only been a blink since we started using remote drones out in the open. How long ago did we master the use of remote delivery systems? Preceding 2001 is my ill-informed estimation...

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 01:50 PM


What makes me think the money was missing ? erm..Rumsfeld saying "We can't account for 2.3 trilliom dollars".

So he never said the money was missing! Why do you ignore the fact that now they have accounted for the majority of it?

Who are you, Rumsfelds PR man...

So, they have 2.3 trillion in receipts but the reciepts arnt backed up by sufficient paperwork...because nobody knows were the money finally its the same thing...
edit on PM3Wed20141972 by andy1972 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by andy1972

So, they have 2.3 trillion in receipts but the reciepts arnt backed up by sufficient paperwork...because nobody knows were the money finally its the same thing...


Think about how much $2.3Tn actually is, just think about that for a moment, its the total DoD budget for the years 1996-2001 and its half the national debt back in 2001. We do know that money went into the pentagon (about $2.3Tn from 1996-2001) we also know that the US military was still running throughout those years so that logically must mean that the budget for the pentagon over those years went on running the military.

Think also about what Rummy actually said, that they could not "track $2.3Tn" not that it was "missing", "lost" or "stolen" but they could not "TRACK" the $2.3Tn. So we know that the money went into to the pentagon, we know it must have been used to buy tanks, pay the troops, get a few generals some hookers and pay for some dogy black ops because the US military was still running all those years. All Rummy was really saying was that due to some really bad IT accounting systems they could not track each of those individual 2.3 Trillion Dollars through the system from point A to B. Again not that the money was stolen or lost or missing or whatever other way you want to phase it but that it could not be tracked.

So far none of the naysayers on this thread have yet to provide a single shred of evidence or even logical argument that would suggest that Rummys $2.3Tn had anything to do with 9/11. So far all that has been presented is paranoia and superstition.

But then again expecting a truther to concede a point is probably expecting a little bit much because they are never wrong but everyone else is.

The way that some of you willingly embrace ignorance when you are so obviously wrong is simply astounding, its blatantly obvious that this $2.3Tn had nothing to do with 9/11 but you guys have such a strong desire to be right and to "prove" your grandiose paranoid theories that you will willingly give in, lay back, and let the ignorance take over.

A real seeker of truth, a "truther" if you like, would acknowledge and accept that this whole $2.3Tn stuff has nothing to do with 9/11 but everything to do with bad accounting practices at the pentagon.

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