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No Soup For You!

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posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 12:03 AM
What in the hades is wrong with you people (not you specifically...unless it is you specifically)??

I understand that we are in a recession, er... recovery. But c'mon folks. Seriously?

I have noticed stingy people seem to be multiplying like rabbits lately.

I started taking note when I was visiting the Android Market (Damn your eyes... I refuse to call it Google Play). I read the reviews on everything before I download it, sometimes for laughs and sometimes just to make sure it doesn't suck.

On most of the reviews I see things like:

"OMG! diz game only haz 40 free levelz!! Why should I pay a $1 for 1,432 more?... uninstalled"

"WTF dev? I have to pay for this app? Why can't you offer a free version with no ads?"

"Don't understand why you so greedy. Ads are too much."

"Thought app was free, dl'd it and got ads. Dev wants $ to remove. False adverts! Unisntalled."

"99 cents is too much! Why no free version?"

Misspellings are on purpose in the above, simply because that's they way most of them are written. The more I read, the more I wonder what the hell is wrong with people? Why should ANYTHING be free simply because YOU didn't have to work for it? The people making the games/apps put their own time and money into it... calling them greedy for wanting to be paid for it is akin to calling Wal-Mart greedy for not letting you steal from them.

You might not want to pay 99 cents to flap your bird in between sewage pipes for hours on end while your children cry from the basement for food.... fine...don't pay for it. But don't act all affronted when someone expects to get paid for work they have done.

Then we have those same people do the same thing in person every where they go. I was in a take out place over the weekend when I guy stared at the menu for 20 minutes then ordered his food. The total came out to $3.20. This guy proceeds to go off, raise his voice and complain about that amount (which was listed on the menu) all the way until his food was finished and he left. Really? I wasn't even aware they had something so cheap on the menu (and I have to watch what I spend all the time), but why order and then complain (very rudely) about how much it is when you saw the price before you ordered? The poor guy taking the order didn't really know what to do but accept the beratement. I was embarrassed and angry for him at the same time.

I guess all of these folks are the ones that can't wait for the "wealth distribution" to begin. I don't have a lot of money. So little that if I had a major car issue, I would likely have to save to get it fixed... but I would not expect to get it fixed for free. I certainly would not get a quote then piss and moan about that amount when I went to pick it up either.

I notice this seems to be more prevalent in the younger generation, though I am sure older folks do the same thing. I often wonder if these people would be willing to work and give their stuff away like they expect others to do. Somehow I don't think they would be pleased with that. Irony.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Pay for it or GTFO. JMO.

Not much of a rant I suppose. It just amazes me that folks expect to get everything for free no matter what it cost for someone else.

I fully expect someone to ask me why I hate the elderly and the children so much.
It's for the chiiiildren.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

A great example of this sort of attitude is on ebay where people won't buy a formerly thousand dollar thing (that they actually want and need) for $99 because the seller is "probably making money" from the sale.

It boggles the mind.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 12:11 AM
how much do I owe you for this rant?

$0.02 c?


posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 12:13 AM

reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

A great example of this sort of attitude is on ebay where people won't buy a formerly thousand dollar thing (that they actually want and need) for $99 because the seller is "probably making money" from the sale.

It boggles the mind.

You are right! It is heavy there as well. I really like it when someone purchases something from the seller then dings their score for shipping costs. They accepted the costs before they paid... NOW they complain later trying to get a refund for it!! Even if the seller did mark up the shipping to get more profit (regardless of Ebay rules), you didn't have to buy it to begin with!

The planet is crawling with "free lunchers".

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 12:15 AM

how much do I owe you for this rant?

$0.02 c?


Just put a penny in one of those change dishes at the next convenience store you stop at. We'll call it even.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 12:16 AM
I know exactly what you mean, I see it all the time too . People just think that everyone owes them something and they shouldn't have to give anything back .
And you are right about the younger crowd ...they think they are entitled to things but would not do their jobs for free, or even do anything extra if asked but think people should do it for them .

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

You have time traveled into the "I want everything for free timeline." You're stuck here now with the rest of us.

You can bet most of those folks were the same ones screaming for the free obamacare a while back. Just listen to them now. Karma is sometimes a good thing.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

Exemplary rant Kangaruex!

I second most of your assertions, especially the the app fiasco. It irks me to no end to see my generation holding their collective hands out expecting some stranger to fill it at their own expense and time. Especially when its 99¢, I mean c'mon mommy and daddy bought you an IPhone already, be happy you drive their Lexus and get on with it!

I grew (am growing) up poor, now I don't mean maybe we get the cable switched off thus month to curb costs poor, I mean "are we going to eat dinner, mommy?" poor, yeah, that poor. It just drives me bonkers to see kids these days treating amenities that I could never hope to even own like they were cupie dolls won at the county fair.

"Awww, I broke my phone bruh. Its cool though my dad will buy me a new one."

I'm on a second hand Samsung running froyo that my friend gave me because he felt bad I didn't have a phone.

My point is this: BE GRATEFUL FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE! there are folks out there who would love your throw away tech.

Also, just quit complaining all the time. If nothing satisfies you and you complain about everything, how will you ever be happy?


posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 12:27 AM
I hate mobile games that are "free" but you have to pay literally hundreds of dollars to have any success in the game. Just charge me $50 up front dammit!!

See ... I am willing to pay ... just not over and over.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 12:28 AM

The planet is crawling with "free lunchers".

Just remember, they weren't born that way.....

They were nurtured for many years to become what they are.

And who do you think is responsible?

I could give my opinion but that would cost you, nothings free anymore.

edit on 25-3-2014 by mwood because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 12:28 AM

reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

You have time traveled into the "I want everything for free timeline." You're stuck here now with the rest of us.

You can bet most of those folks were the same ones screaming for the free obamacare a while back. Just listen to them now. Karma is sometimes a good thing.

Ha!! I almost threw Obamacare in at the end and decided against it. I figured some would smell the blood in the water and come running!

reply to post by CagliostroTheGreat

I grew up the same way. I remember coming home to the power being shut off until payday. The more I see of people like this, the more appreciative I am that I grew up that way. It takes very little to make me happy and if I have anything extra (money, etc.) I am over the moon. I don't sit around in a depression wanting to hang myself if I don't have the newest of the new and the best of the best. I am content with just enough.

I do think a lot of this comes from being spoiled. I watched a documentary on a lottery winner one time and the dad said his daughter wondered why the maid they could now hire would clean everything BUT her room. He said HE was the one that won the lottery... not her.
He was trying to teach her life lessons in a situation that could have let him easily escape the work that it takes to instill those things in his children.

More could benefit from that I think.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

Exactly. Growing up in a rough environment installs learned behaviors essential to developing a strong sense of value in the "little things". It teaches you not to take ANYTHING for granted and to be respectful to all peoples regardless of financial upbringing. Which is another point I wish to make: the way the "upper class" treat those less fortunate than themselves. They are no different than you, perhaps even better in someways.

Thanks for letting me vent a bit Kangaruex.


posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 12:45 AM
Great rant! I suspect if someone is complaining about spending 99 cents on something that may provide hours of entertainment, they may have other "issues" to sort out.

You are correct that this is becoming the prevalent attitude amongst consumers. My wonderful "mrs" and I own/run an art gallery, maybe 20% of people coming through actually understand the true value of artwork. Once time, materials, tax and other overheads are taken into account some artists may as well be flipping burgers.

It seems to me that this phenomenon is being driven by the younger generation, from Y gen onwards, many of them seem to have been raised by the media rather than parents (a result of the cost of living explosion we are all enduring which requires both parents to work). This seems to instill in them a sense of entitlement without effort, I suppose you could call them the VISA generation (ill pay that off later)

As far as complaining about the cost of a meal, I've worked in that industry and take it from me....DO NOT START AN ARGUMENT WITH SOMEONE WHO IS HANDLING YOUR FOOD! Seriously, that's madness....

....erm....what's that in my burger?

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 12:46 AM
Ultimately the market will decide prices.

What irks me and changed my eating habits was McDonald's prices slowly rising to the point now where it's actually cheaper to eat at a sit-down Chinese buffet with much better food. $8 for the Chinese buffet or $8 for an unhealthy "combo meal" at McDonald's.
I don't complain about prices, I just take my business somewhere else.

As far as apps go, I don't have the latest and greatest phone and apps are more of a pain in the ass than anything with my current model. I'm grateful I'm not tied 24/7 to my portable electronic device and I even leave it at home sometimes.

People will complain, yes it's part of the "gimme" mentality that has crept in.

Just think, once upon a time we didn't have to pay to get TV stations, we had rabbit ears and a whole lot of us balked and still balk at the high prices of cable. And the market is responding with alternatives. Eventually the market decides prices.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 01:52 AM
I have a friend who took her Grand daughter in. The 'kid' is almost 20 and acts like 12!!! She desperately needs a car but expects her grandparents to cater to her working schedule and tote her around. She pays nothing for food or rent. Instead of saving towards a car, she has bought an expensive cell phone, a dog, all kinds of things she doesn't need. I mentioned that she could take a bus and she gave me that sour face and said, "I don't do busses!!" Instead of being grateful for everything, she whines that they aren't on time picking her up or dropping her off or whatever. They have their own jobs to think about!

A young couple I know has a HUGE flat screened t.v. they both have expensive cell phones, nothing simple or inexpensive, a computer, an Ipad and other electronic devices, tons of clothes and shoes to where they have nowhere to even store them, tons of toys, clothes and shoes for their kid who couldn't possibly play with or even find them all, plenty of food, goes out to eat, movies, takes little trips etc. etc. I mean they live to excess and yet complain about how they can't afford rent when the landlady is elderly and hardly charges anything to begin with. It makes me sick.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by Night Star

It is enough to make you sick indeed. I hope those grandparents either force her to change or boot her out. It's really sad that she expects them to do everything for her when they have already pulled their "child raising duty" and STILL can't enjoy a few child free years.

Shame and pride have taken a backseat with many people these days. This and so many other problems could easily be solved if people learned JUST those two habits and practiced them daily.

It's also hard to feel sorry for the kind of people you mentioned in the second half of your post. A lot of people struggle daily to eat and pay rent without living like that couple.... and they get stereotyped because of that same couple.

People are drowning in "things" and the want of those things.

edit on 3/25/2014 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

So very true!!!! Too many spoiled rotten, me, me, me types. I sacrificed plenty through the years to get by and these people look at you like you have two heads if you try to show them where their money is being wasted and how they CAN pay the rent or get a car. It's very sad to see so much of this today.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by Night Star

Don't they have a point though? A lot more stuff should be free.

If the government wasn't corrupt and had stuck to the original deal on copyright we would have an abundance of free books, music, games etc. Why should a developer get billions of dollars for copying someone else's game and changing jewels to sweets?

Concrete goods too. In the early nineteenth century, it took my family three months to build their house. With all the advances in materials, diggers, cranes etc. it should obviously take less then that now. So why am I expected to pay a mortgage for 25 years for the same thing. It's 100 times too much.

We're being screwed!

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

But...but... it's corporate greed! it's all about the greed! how can they charge me 99 cents when they earn billions!!! I love twitter!!!

Honestly the same logic can apply to all ages. Once I overheard two old ladies who were positively outraged about the price of bananas, but if they had been paying attention to local affairs they'd know that a large cyclone completely devastated the plantations, hence the price rise.

I believe there is a term describing this type of behavior, it's called a first world problem.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by supermouse

Don't they have a point though? A lot more stuff should be free.

So people put there time and effort into something and you want it for free , you won't mind going to work for free then ?
Developers have to eat and pay their bills too shouldn't they be paid a nominal sum for their creativity ?

We're being screwed!

Tell that to someone in the third world ! , in reality you've never had it so good.

edit on 25-3-2014 by gortex because: (no reason given)

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