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reply to post by zuimon
Feminazis are crazy. Saying one gender, be it from a misogynistic male or female (or male?) feminazi, should be above the another is not going to get us, as humans(remember, that's we all are?) anywhere. Anything else is just dividing people for no reason.
We are all equal.
False Feminism
The feminist movement is about women having equal rights, okay, and of course, so they should. We should all be equal and feel loved and respected for being so.
However, I wonder - and I don’t begrudge women at all for wanting such equality - why do women want to be equal with men who are obviously so wrong, misguided, and way out there in their ego domination and mind control.
Are women really happy to accept being equal with men in their wrongness, so being just as wrong as men are?
And so wouldn’t a more true feminism be one in which women look to healing their wrongness altogether, not even bothering to compete with men in theirs. To head off down a completely different track, looking to liberate all the feelings they are suppressing and have to keep repressed all so as to be equal with men in their feeling suppression.
So is the so-called feminist movement, just another part of the overall ploy to keep both men and women living untrue to themselves - untrue to their feelings?
Being a man, I was heavily deluded with my own self-importance and feeling denial. I needed a women to point this out to me, a woman who was intent on living true to herself ending all her feeling denial. And a woman whom I would say is working to truly liberate herself.
What do you feel about feminism? Is it heading in the right direction?edit on 24-3-2014 by zuimon because: (no reason given)
The 'feminist movement' isn't that easily defined...
Can you ask more definitively? Give an example. I for one feel the post is too gray to answer definitively.
The 'feminist movement' isn't that easily defined...
Can you ask more definitively? Give an example. I for one feel the post is too gray to answer definitively.
I understand what you're saying, however I'm sort of going a little further in it, looking at the whole thing from outside and a more 'spiritual' perspective???
This is a link to a woman's thoughts on the subject which inspired this post
.."her intuition and it was all stripped away and replaced with fear, denial and repression through mans need of control and power and I believe this fear that ran through the veins of those brave suffering women then, still flows through the veins of woman today if they are part of our family lineage an inbred fear of being woman, a fear of being our truth and feeling."
"our feminine aspect, which is in both men and women, is about living our true expression"
One thing I will suggest though, OPs, is that generally speaking, women like their men to be men, so don't apologize for being one...there is no "wrongness" of our is all as it should be.
"Women's aggression may not take the same form as men's, but girls and women are indeed aggressive, often indirectly and mainly toward one another. They judge harshly, hold grudges, gossip, exclude, and disconnect from other women.
Like men, women are exposed to the messages of misogyny and sexism that permeate cultures worldwide. Like men, women unconsciously buy into negative images that can trigger abuse and mistreatment of other women. But like other social victims, many do not realize stereotyping affects members within the victimized group as well as those outside the group. They do not realize their behavior reflects society's biases."
Phyllis Chesler - Web Site
I prefer feminism over chauvinism any day, thats how you should compare those. Chauvinism is plain ugly and repressive, when feminism is all about being equal. Same job should be paid same no matter is there a man or a woman doing it. Women should have prosentually same amount in high level jobs as men..
Women today in western world are more eduacated than men are and still not getting jobs where they have better qualifications than men do.. simply wrong.
how can this be false feminism when there is still so much to improve ?
The willingness of the male to work/labor and then turn over his paycheck to his woman for her discretionary use and spending is one of the greatest adaptations in the world and it is often looked down upon and never mentioned by the feminists while claiming the nonsense you are doing here about Equality.
At the same time I feel that if in any of the couples cases there was, a footballer?
a banker? a movie star? a Diva etc. making mega inflated salaries that it should come
as no hardship to support their partner? after all they were their choice of partner?
I prefer feminism over chauvinism any day, thats how you should compare those. Chauvinism is plain ugly and repressive, when feminism is all about being equal.
The reason women appear to be doing the spending is that they are usually at
the sharp end of household expenditure ... As I've yet to meet the man who enjoys
mundane 'food' shopping and the sorting out of 'house hold' expenditure, maintenance
and repairs!
This is not a patriarical society. It is a Matriarical Society masquerading as if it was a Patriarical Society.
I know this because of this statement I made earlier in my previous post.
The willingness of the male to work/labor and then turn over his paycheck to his woman for her discretionary use and spending is one of the greatest adaptations in the world and it is often looked down upon and never mentioned by the feminists while claiming the nonsense you are doing here about Equality.
In western economically affluent nations it is the female who deteremines how and why most of the monies are spent. They may not earn it or take RISKS for it but they determine how the bulk of it is spent and on what.
Only public education can dumb down people..both male and female ..sufficiently that they tend to lose sight of this bigger picture.
In third world nations where the economic conditions are far worse...the women and the men both RISK alot more in their daily lives and are more equal by the labors and RISKS they take.
The absence of RISK taking or the disparity in RISK taking in western economoic structures hides or conceals this Occult System.
The feminist position today in western social structures is very much like can take credit for what you have not done and put blame on others without being seen or known when things dont work out..or another word for it is deflect. In this method of operation is very much like politics...occult...hidden..concealed...all the time screaming "Im a Victim!!"
It is a concealed Matriarical Society ..not a Patriarical Society here in the West.
Back when this stuff was going on about the federal government paying for contraception of women...I took a poll at work with the number of women with whom I was in contact. I called it the Contraception Poll.
I was dumbfounded years ago when I went into a used bookstore with a woman and saw how much of the store was stocked with romance novels. How does today's multitasking hard pressed, downtrodden, victimized, brow beaten, burka wearing American woman find time to read this stuff??? How can she afford it in a Patriarical Society ???
And if she cannot afford it because she is in fact a downtrodden, brow beaten, victimized, burka wearing American Woman...who's monies are being spent on this stuff she cannot afford in order to keep these shelves stocked with these Romance Novels?? Obviously not her's. Is that fair?? Equal??
I can do this all day...eletheia.
As a matter of is after midnight and I just got off work. Most of the women out here like to work these equality??? Right?? Just pointing out some things which do not add up to those who can think.
I know almost no one I can think of where the paychecks are slaved for then turned only solely to the 'woman' of the house to use at her discretion. Most all I know both work and contribute, as it takes two incomes to put generic food on the table these days. I am certain this happens, but I doubt it is so rampantly standard as that.
But now I am interested in the disparity of risk you mention. I may be falling behind in how two person households are run these days, but not sure really of the risks not taken.
*Dollukka* stated that men and women should be paid the same for doing
the same job? = equality?? I fully agree .....
It is my opinion that chauvinism and feminism are two sides of the same coin, but
its not the same as 'equality'
I personally do not know any women who read "romance novels" maybe a very
few adolescent girls? ... by the time they mature they realise they are being sold a
But afford it she can IF she is being paid an equal salary for an equal job, which
is still some what of a novelty!
FUNNY.....The last time I was in hospital ALL the night staff were female
and I know that at least 50% of night staff in the local ASDA (that's your Wallmart)
are female. A few years ago when my Mother required an ambulance through
the night, the driver and one of the two attendants were female!!...