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Bitcoin, Private Property, the Homeless and Charity- THE STATE WILL NOT STAND FOR IT.

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posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 06:51 PM
The Homeless, Private Property, and the Disgusting Government Monopoly

Pensacola, Florida
March 24th, 2014
Tomorrow, a group of brave and honorable millennials will once again fight for their cause in court; victims of a brazen witchhunt by local bureaucrats to shut down the 9-acre privately owned 'campground' called Satoshi Forest: Sean's Outpost.
This once garbage-ridden, overgrown patch of land was purchased by Jason King in 2013, cleaned up and opened to anyone who found themselves on hard times-
a sanctuary for the homeless.
It was a dream that Jason and his best friend, Sean Dugas had hoped to fulfill together, but then tragedy struck...

Atlanta, Georgia
September, 2012
Sean Dugas- a journalist for the Pensacola News Journal-
was found in Atlanta, encased in concrete after being brutally beaten to death in 2012. A sick and bizarre murder mystery perpetrated by two men- TWINS- Christopher and William Cormier. The motive?
Sean's valuable collection of Magic- The Gathering playing cards. (estimated worth over $100,000)
Georgia investigators unearthed Dugas' plastic and concrete-encased body in the backyard of the twins' fathers' home in Widner, Ga., after a weeks-long search. A friend reported Dugas missing in early September after he missed a lunch meet
Police say Dugas died of blunt-force trauma.
For more details about this case:

The silver lining came in the form of a man- Sean's best friend- Jason King.
King purchased 9-acres of land with bitcoin, homesteaded it and made it a sanctuary for those in need. It's essentially a campground for the homeless. A place where they can get help, shelter, food, and most importantly- friendship. A community of people who have been there-done that- people who welcome them with open arms and love, not judgement and shame.

That's not to say there are no rules.
In true libertarian fashion, the NAP* reigns supreme.
*Non-Aggression Principle-

But the State was quick to react-

Despite King et al. playing *their (*Government) reindeer games- including weekly inspections- the latest of which can be seen here:

and have already battled in court- AND WON- numerous times,.
But the State....GOVERNMENT...true to its nature is corrupt, inhumane, and obsessed- it has one goal- CONTROL. POWER.

even though the courts have ruled in King's/Sean's Outposts' favor SEVERAL TIMES,
the local bureaucrats flat out said they'll stop at nothing to destroy King and confiscate his PRIVATELY OWNED LAND.
And apparently, they have found a judge to do their bidding-

edit on 24-3-2014 by ltinycdancerg because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-3-2014 by ltinycdancerg because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-3-2014 by ltinycdancerg because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-3-2014 by ltinycdancerg because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by ltinycdancerg

This is an incredible thing this guy and his people are doing despite the problems the law are causing for them.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by Brotherman

I agree.
It takes a lot of courage to fight the State.
and it's devastating to me that this is the America in which I live.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by ltinycdancerg

I cannot understand why they would do this to them, consider what used to be an eyesore is now a functioning clean community, I am sure the taxes are paid, and it gets the homeless off the streets to a less dangerous place. I would have thought prior to this that a community as a whole would embrace this I didn't read much as to what the community said about it but the legal end is just a bunch of asses. At least police harassment wasn't mentioned.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by Brotherman

Exactly! That's what is so baffling about this! The only explanation is the OCD-nature of government. Free-thinking, personal-responsibility, innovation, independence, etc drives the bureaucrats mad.
Because they are terrified that the masses are beginning to see them for the wolves that they are.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 07:23 PM
From google maps it seems that it was pretty close to some subdivisions, I'm betting it was the homeowners that were complaining to the city too.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by thesaneone

This is very well possible, I still don't get it though, homeowners will bitch when the homeless are in the streets by their businesses their homes and apartment buildings etc so when they have a place to go that is not a public financial burden the few that are megerly effected still have to whine and complain like the self centered cry babies they probably are if in fact they are calling to complain about a charity service for the homeless. Anyone in that community the people renting there homes, own them, business owers, and public employees of this district are no more or less a part of that community then the homeless that are trying to survive there, the conflict there is dividing people negatively and not bringing them together. This mans facility is not a burden and is not a legal problem to any other freedom loving American, you don't bother them, they don't bother you and all is good.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Brotherman

I agree,
It seems like a perfect idea to set up homeless camps in warmer states especially when it is kept clean like the inspection paper work shows.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by thesaneone

The State wants to throw the homeless in prison (costing the tax payer tens of thousands of dollars/year) or just flat out murder them.

Here is a beautiful solution, but the problem is that it undermines the supposed "legitimacy" of government.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by ltinycdancerg

Simple reason they want it shut down, the state is not getting any or enough money from this and it is taking away from the services the state provides and makes money off of

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 09:22 PM
This is brilliant. Particularly considering they grow most of their own food. It would really give these people something to stimulate them and keep them busy and happy. It would be a very rewarding challenge to establish, grow, harvest and eat your own veggies and fruit, as well as being very cost effective and healthier as it’d probably be wholly organic food.

It’s a real shame that we have so many corrupt mongrels running things in Western countries. These sorts of places should be encouraged and perhaps even funded (although perhaps they enjoy the fact that they aren’t relying on handouts, the fact they’re doing everything for themselves would be very liberating), not destroyed and torn down.

If this place is shut down, I sincerely hope that there’s a revolt and those responsible for its closure are outed to the public so that they get what they deserve. I suppose the Government would probably rather these homeless people commit crimes and spend time in jail to help feed the private prison industry. Perhaps that’s what it’s all about? Get them out of a strong, independent community causing absolutely no harm to anyone off the private reserve and into jails, or back on the streets receiving Government handouts and hence being controlled by that.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 09:48 PM
I say this is a good deed to help the unfortunate but there are problems with a camp of homeless people. They will need money to survive. Most won't or can't work. The only way they can get money is to beg or do crimes such as burglaries, robberies and plain theft. I can see why the government has a problem with it.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 02:55 PM
Try to see it from the other side. If I was to give 12 acres so all the homeless could stay there I would be forced to follow codes and rules that the homeless could care less about.

Then you are going to be faced with a mountain sized opposition from anyone who lives nearby. A land use zone change is a public process and any attempt to change the 12 acres from agriculture to multiparty dwellings people would raise holy hell with the -not in my backyard protest.

The out pouring of opposition to the zone change would be 90% against. Then you have the problem with tort reform. You go out of your way to help these people then shady lawyers show up and start lawsuits of every kind imaginable.

That is what the states are trying to avoid-a costly lawsuit in which only the lawyers win. Up until about 10 years ago it was big business to cut someones fence, throw one of their kids in a gully, find the first lawyer they see and sue for millions. You can't get away with that anymore however it's always on your mind.

It's ridiculous to automatically label the government as oppressors without hearing both sides. You can't help them even if you want to.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by spooky24

So just shut them down, don't try and help them get around those problems, nope shut down is the only option.
They got a good, clean program going but that can't happen.
ONLY THE US GOV CAN TRY AND HELP THE HOMELESS!!!!!! They need the money they get from the programs they use, duh!

Seems pretty easy to label them an oppressor when the oppress people....

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 07:04 AM

So just shut them down,

No, here cooperation between local government and area businesses along with donations from the community help the homeless to set up and run their own newspaper. The individuals that are serious about trying to better themselves can sell them on street corners to make some real money.

The last homeless census Roughly 44 percent of those surveyed have a substance abuse issue. Conversely, 56% surveyed do not want any help 'getting better' and feel no need to change their lifestyle. Yet they all want government, and private services, to help them on a day to day basis.

So, you see the issue of homelessness is rarely about money. If people don't want to change-you can't force them.

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