posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 10:38 AM
A long time ago, when we were still making grunting noises in the forest, we started to iterate our thoughts, firstly they could be observations, for
instance, one might invent a word to describe and object, however, another individual would have a different word:
Caveman 1 looks at a tree, points to it, and says "ungh".
Caveman 2 looks a a tree, points to is, and says "yiff".
Now, in out time, I would point to it, and say, "tree".
Now, we have a complex language, with many definitions, however, one must not loose sight of individual expression, by all means, I could look at a
tree, point to it, and call it a bimilimatache.
Secondly, is writing, we have a defined alphabet, however, what is stopping you from expressing your thoughts by simply scribbling a lot of
nonesensical patterns on to a piece of paper - the key is that you were transcribing what you were thinking on to paper, however, the result is
practically impossible to read - however, you could always remember what you were thinking, and make an attempt to "decode" it, and thus try to
create structured "letters" or "forms".
Thirdly, is numbers and obviously, one is a single object, and two or more are multiple objects.
However, if one tries to "speak" numbers, one might just say that a tree is 34059724509209483209.
So, when thinking about expression, realise that "making sense" is an issue for structured forms of communication, however, an intutitive person
can respond and say that a frog is 43589348959.
I'll come along and say that 34059724509209483209 + 87687 - 9787867 = 43589348959 means that "The frog sits on the tree."
This "jump" is what I call the "intutitive leap" and I beleive that the most advanced races actually develop to have language and meaning that is
unique for each individual, explaining how technology can appear confusing and nonsensical, yet somehow "works" because inventiveness is an
expression of individuality, and by a process of trial and error, and of course, resources, they are able to craft objects that are almost beyond