reply to post by Halfswede
The little guy across the board needs to change and the whole picture will change since the little guy becomes the big guy. Why do you think those
corporate thieves think it is ok? It is because they are raised in a society where it is encouraged from birth to get money by any means necessary.
Think about it. Stealing is stealing regardless of amount.
The "little guy" becomes the "big guy"?
What dimension do you live in where this is true? It certainly is not this one.
You are absolutely right, the corporate thieves think it is OK because they are raised in a society where it is OK. Their own!
The vast majority of wealthy people (I'm talking the elite here, not some middle class guy who makes a decent salary) were raised that way. They were
born into it. The big banking families.... the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, etc. etc. have been powerful banking families for centuries
because they are families, not because they recruit poor people into their club.
I know this not only from the Grand scale that you see in the world, but even on the smaller scale that I see here at home. The people with money
always keep it in the family.
Louisiana is a very poor state. We are right next door to Mississippi, geographically and economically. I've lived here my whole civilian life. It was
common to still see people plowing with mules around here even until the 70's and 80's. And it is not much better today. Everyone that I know that has
ever had a decent middle class job around here has to work offshore or an a land rig or just altogether out of state. There were some plant jobs
around here that could get you a middle class salary a few years ago, but there has been alot less of those with all the layoffs the manufacturing
base has went through here just the last 6 years alone. It's not all that hopeful when you grow up with not much money or opportunities that come your
way to make any.
It's true, some people get an opportunity to rise out of poverty and make them some real wealth. But more often what happens is people have no
opportunity to do so. That's one big reason I joined the Army after high school, to make my own opportunity. (and its probably why a whole lot of
people I met in the army were from Mississippi, Louisiana, W.Virginia, etc.) as much of a toll as those 8 years took on my body, what the hell else
was I going to do? Sell insurance door to door and raise crops like my dad and his brothers and struggle like he did? Maybe I could have worked at the
local chicken farm and still work my ass off and still been poor. Or maybe I coulda got a job stocking cans on the shelf at the local Piggly Wiggly
and still been poor. Or maybe.....just maybe if I know the right people, I can get one of those coveted offshore jobs or something else like that
where people only hire/promote their buddies and their brothers and their cousins.
So go ahead and tell me I'm wrong and people "rise above" poverty all the time. I won't disagree with you because I know its possible. But I have also
lived around enough of it to know that the vast majority of the time its the exception and not the rule.
edit on 24-3-2014 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)