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Rape In The Fields...Undocumented Immigrant Female Workers' Plight.

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posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 05:31 PM



That is so sad! It is blatant racism for these employers to pay the Mexicans one penny less than they would pay an American. I do not understand why no one calls them on it.

the rapists are to blame for the rapes. And it is a sign of their culture, happens south of the border too.

Or are all the rapes in their home country the fault of the racist Americans also?

Im also disgusted by the "they didn't wana get raped they shouldn't be here" Stance.

edit on 23-3-2014 by benrl because: (no reason given)

where did i say this?

1, they should NOT be here.
2, it is their OWN people doing it.
3, happens ALL the time in their home country
4, i want nothing to do with any aspect of their culture and would rather man the border with mk-19's than allow them here, or the exploitation, which further increases the divide in America between haves/have-nots
5, if they were here legally then maybe it would be our problem.
6, You choose to be here illegally, then what happens to you is on you. In essence you are stealing from those that have a RIGHT to be here, taking opportunity from those rightfully here, and bringing a culture of field rapes with you.

I dont care if people in other countries live in abject squalor, as long as every American has a decent life. My concern is with American lifestyle, none others matter to me, their business is theirs.


posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by benrl

Your looking at it that way and that's fine. I'm not shooting down the message what so ever. The OP stated their opinion and as this is an internet forum people have also stated their opinions and apparently you don't like that.

Secondly I'm going to stop you right there. I never once stated I don't like migrant workers! I actually work 5 days a week with two friends, the only two guys in this city that I know I can trust they both happen to be Mexican immigrants. A few years ago I started a company and hired these boys, they don't work for me they work with me. All three of us earn equal pay. As a rule we don't work weekends (I'm a real slave driver), so in my off time I am active in green politics and the state militia. So I can understand your passion and I do want you to succeed in fighting for your cause.

If your as active and dedicated as you claim to be perhaps in future you could include your own content on the dilemma. Maybe a few posts with information to educate others. Anything is better than the "punk rock" approach that is to point out the problem but offer no solution.

Your fly off the handle attitude and knee jerk assumptions of others shows you have a little to learn. You seem intelligent though, a diamond in the rough,
edit on 23-3-2014 by crucified because: Im apparently a dumb racist so naturally I can't spell

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 06:26 PM
Seems to be a historical pattern associated with things like rape and abuse.
People with power abusing those without.

Hmm lets see.
If you dont repent, you wont go to heaven. Get on your knees and pray.
If you dont grab this melon I'll have your ass deported.
If you disobey "orders"... You wont get that promotion.
If you resist "arrest" Im going to beat you, shoot you, ticket you.
If you dont pay me what you owe, Im going to take it one way or another.
If you dont do x, Im gonna Y

Then we find its always those in the most helpless of positions in society are the victims.
The poor, women, children. immigrants. The sick and elderly.

hell I know incarcerated people have better sense of dignity and decency than some folks walkin free.
Matthew 5:5

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. "Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth. "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.…

edit on 23-3-2014 by Nephalim because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by dmurrey70

Individuals are decent, people in general not so much. Kind of like what Agent K said in MIB
"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it."

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 06:48 AM

reply to post by Bellor

Right, empires rise and fall. Demographics continually change. Isn't that what you liberals keep telling us? So why does it matter if the Mexican empire fell but not the American one?

As for illegals, I don't care if they are here illegally. Rape should never be a control mechanism, it shouldn't be anything except a footnote in history. "Once, long ago we were capable of such atrocities...". But the solution is a simple one, don't enter the U.S. illegally so you're afraid to take it up with your supervisors or the police.

In my opinion, both should be punished. One should serve a lengthy jail sentence and the other deported.

Im a "liberal" am I?, lol, you dont know me buddy, I'd refrain from gross generalizations. Im not even from the U.S haha.

Anyway, my point, as it seems to be a matter of some confusion as to why there could possibly be Mexican people in the United States is that most of America actualy belonged to Spain/Mexico. Thus explaining why there may infact be a disproportionate amount of Mexican people in and around the Mexican border. America, after purchasing lands from the Spanish Empire quickly annexed the rest. Now all these dumb white people actualy think its there country lol and cannot comprehend why there are brown people living in it.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 07:27 AM

reply to post by crucified

No, it's not American's faults, but greedy Corporations. And we, the American consumer need to be made aware of this.

Just bringing this to people's attention. The legal system is working to help now.

Greedy corporations? What about the politicians who encourage illegal immigration? What about the illegal immigrants themselves? Most of these women are assaulted by their fellow "undocumented" immigrants. It goes to show that if someone does not care about the law, he doesn't care about any laws.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 07:30 AM

reply to post by crucified

Ah yes the cry of the Internet troll, Fine do it.

Heres the thing, thats not how this works.

In a democracy and or representative republic we support the free exchange of ideas, and open debate and discourse is vital to the wheels of society.

Im sure in your world every reasonable argument can be defeated with a "fine you do it" Sadly in a community it takes the whole to effect change.

Putting the burden on one person for having a complaint, is perhaps the weakest way to try and defeat the argument.

But I suppose when your on the Wrong side of Human rights its hard to argue.

Just so we are clear though, I happen to be very politically active in general, as I strongly believe if you are not YOU HAVE failed your duty as a Citizen of this Nation.

I've also worked with the Ceasar Chavez charity raising awareness on Migrant workers plight during my college days for extra curricular.

So Ill put this to you than, IF you don't want them here,

go take Their job.


That last part, Is there only since it seems we are devolving into rhetoric and hyperbole on the issue.
edit on 23-3-2014 by benrl because: (no reason given)

Worked for a Ceasar Chavez group? Ouch. That tells me a lot.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 09:13 AM
Seems to me undocumented migrant workers is a sugar coated way to say Illegal Immigrant.

So these gals are here illegally and they expect sympathy and aid no less from us legal tax paying citizens ? Well they get my sympathy and my boot. they can get aid back in their home country of Mexico or wherever.

We cannot encourage these people to remain Illegal by catering to their every need. If these gals didn't get health care when raped, they would think twice before hopping the border.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by DaphneApollo

Uhhhhhh No.

It is the fault of the men doing this.
If the illegals were not here, it would not happen.

Rape in any term makes me see red and really want to go on a rampage.
It is pretty sick that this happens.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 10:29 AM

Seems to me undocumented migrant workers is a sugar coated way to say Illegal Immigrant.

So these gals are here illegally and they expect sympathy and aid no less from us legal tax paying citizens ? Well they get my sympathy and my boot. they can get aid back in their home country of Mexico or wherever.

We cannot encourage these people to remain Illegal by catering to their every need. If these gals didn't get health care when raped, they would think twice before hopping the border.

I dont think they expect sympathy from anyone, they may however expect whatever passes for justice in that part of the world.

You would think on a side note though, people would naturaly as decent human beings be quite sympathetic towards their plight. The tone of this thread however suggests such is not the case. Which is pretty pitiful in all honesty. Your sir are a fairly poor excuse of a human being

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by DaphneApollo

Undocumented workers? What's that? Oh illegal aliens. Sorry I don't care about their plights. Rape sucks, and the people who do it need to be arrested and imprisoned, but I'm not about to agree to a bunch of new laws and regulations so that we can ensure fair working conditions for illegal aliens. They are here illegally, if they don't want to bother with the process to become a legal citizen, then they have to deal with the consequences of using a black market (in this case the labor market).

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 10:41 AM


Seems to me undocumented migrant workers is a sugar coated way to say Illegal Immigrant.

So these gals are here illegally and they expect sympathy and aid no less from us legal tax paying citizens ? Well they get my sympathy and my boot. they can get aid back in their home country of Mexico or wherever.

We cannot encourage these people to remain Illegal by catering to their every need. If these gals didn't get health care when raped, they would think twice before hopping the border.

I dont think they expect sympathy from anyone, they may however expect whatever passes for justice in that part of the world.

You would think on a side note though, people would naturaly as decent human beings be quite sympathetic towards their plight. The tone of this thread however suggests such is not the case. Which is pretty pitiful in all honesty. Your sir are a fairly poor excuse of a human being

Ok Mr. sympathetic, point me to a solution that doesn't require more taxes, regulations, or other government involvement that basically means I am paying tax money to support these people's problems.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

What are you even talking about?, these socio economic failings are well beyond our control and quite frankly, nothing is to be done about it. However that does not mean I will somehow stop feeling compassion for my fellow humankind. If you have no compassion for these people and what they go through then to put it simply you are a complete psychopath.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 10:51 AM

reply to post by groingrinder

Blatant Racism.

And, believe it or not, some of the men ( Foreman/Bosses ) accused of doing this are their own country men.

I keep starring your response. Then I come back later and the star I gave you is gone. So I star it again. Come back later and that star is gone. I am not trying to give you more than one star, I am just trying to get the one star I gave you to stick.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 10:59 AM

reply to post by Krazysh0t

What are you even talking about?, these socio economic failings are well beyond our control and quite frankly, nothing is to be done about it. However that does not mean I will somehow stop feeling compassion for my fellow humankind. If you have no compassion for these people and what they go through then to put it simply you are a complete psychopath.

In case you missed it, I wrote this in one of the two posts I've written on this thread:

Rape sucks, and the people who do it need to be arrested and imprisoned

That said, there are many problems with this country that DON'T involve illegal aliens and DO involve actual citizens that take up my sympathy. Like I said, rape sucks, but also keep in mind that these illegals are taking up jobs that able bodied American citizens would be willing to do. And don't give me any crap about them doing jobs that Americans don't want to do. That is frankly not true anymore. These illegals are working many jobs, like roofing, that Americans would be more than willing to do, ESPECIALLY in this economy. So when I say that I can't be arsed to come up with a care for what happens to these people when they participate in a black market, THAT is why.

One more thing, don't throw around accusations about someone being a complete psychopath if you don't know what you are saying. A quick cursory glance at my post history would show that I am DEEPLY caring about other people. Calling someone a complete psychopath (redundant term anyways, since there is no such thing as an incomplete psychopath) is a lot like saying someone hates something else. It is an accusation with a lot of weight that shouldn't be bandied about casually. I will never condone rape, but I don't want to spend any tax money to help out the illegals in the OP either since their mere presence in this country is screwing over actual citizens everyday.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 11:02 AM
We're already paying for undocumented workers and illegal aliens in healthcare premiums and all kinds of other ways.

Keep in mind, that if you lived in a poor Mexican village and had a chance to escape to the USA you would do it in a heartbeat. I would.

So they're here and there are issues. Amnesty and a clear cheap path to citizenship is the way. Or we could argue about it for another 20 years and accomplish nothing. hmmm what makes more sense?

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 11:06 AM


Seems to me undocumented migrant workers is a sugar coated way to say Illegal Immigrant.

So these gals are here illegally and they expect sympathy and aid no less from us legal tax paying citizens ? Well they get my sympathy and my boot. they can get aid back in their home country of Mexico or wherever.

We cannot encourage these people to remain Illegal by catering to their every need. If these gals didn't get health care when raped, they would think twice before hopping the border.

I dont think they expect sympathy from anyone, they may however expect whatever passes for justice in that part of the world.

JUSTICE? how rich, thank you may i have another?

They are ILLEGALLY here. How can a foreign invader, playing the part of wrecking the economy for personal gain?

Justice would be a shift boot out of the country MY ancestors died and worked theirselves into the ground battling in the labor movement. Those people are the SCABS during a labor strike, foreigner scabs at THAT.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 11:08 AM

We're already paying for undocumented workers and illegal aliens in healthcare premiums and all kinds of other ways.

Keep in mind, that if you lived in a poor Mexican village and had a chance to escape to the USA you would do it in a heartbeat. I would.

So they're here and there are issues. Amnesty and a clear cheap path to citizenship is the way. Or we could argue about it for another 20 years and accomplish nothing. hmmm what makes more sense?

So because they are already here and using a system that was supposed to be implemented for the citizens, we should just break down and let them in anyways? You know I have a better answer to your question, enforce the existing deportation laws as well as enforce the laws that shut businesses down for employing illegals. Maybe if we made it as difficult as possible to work in this country, they wouldn't be so willing to come here illegally. You know instead of bending over backwards and acquiescing to their demands and needs one by one.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 11:10 AM


We're already paying for undocumented workers and illegal aliens in healthcare premiums and all kinds of other ways.

Keep in mind, that if you lived in a poor Mexican village and had a chance to escape to the USA you would do it in a heartbeat. I would.

So they're here and there are issues. Amnesty and a clear cheap path to citizenship is the way. Or we could argue about it for another 20 years and accomplish nothing. hmmm what makes more sense?

So because they are already here and using a system that was supposed to be implemented for the citizens, we should just break down and let them in anyways? You know I have a better answer to your question, enforce the existing deportation laws as well as enforce the laws that shut businesses down for employing illegals. Maybe if we made it as difficult as possible to work in this country, they wouldn't be so willing to come here illegally. You know instead of bending over backwards and acquiescing to their demands and needs one by one.

But why not accept them into this country as citizens? We're already paying for them now, they are undocumented. Here's an idea. Make them citizens, document them now they pay taxes. All of our problems are solved. What's the issue with that? Editing to add.. what is your agenda here? Not just yours but anyone. Is it to punish those who broke a law? If so, then what is the end result? Or is it to move the country forward and actually solve a problem. Solving the problem should be the goal, in my opinion.
edit on 24-3-2014 by amazing because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 12:26 PM
I'm not quite sure where this is going. Apparently these folks place a higher valve on making a buck then being sexually abused ? Is this a better life then where they came from ? Of course many will say they are from the poorest village on planet earth. Okay , leave said village and find
ANY job in Mexico where rape isn't part of the job description. Doesn't Mexico have farms ? I know that will Pee a lot of you off and I apologize. I'm just not real keen on America turning into Little Mexico.

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