"On Wednesday, Marines in Falluja said they had found a banner of the insurgent group led by Jordanian al Qaeda ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in a
chemicals laboratory in Falluja. But they said there was no indication the lab was used to produce chemical weapons. It was not clear whether Daoud
was referring to the same laboratory. Marines said on Thursday they were not aware of any additional laboratories being discovered, and were skeptical
that evidence had been found of the manufacture of chemical weapons."
from reuters.com...;jsessionid=Y3GDG5R4JD05KCRBAEOCFFA?type=topNews&storyID=6919940
"West said U.S. forces turned up a "cook book" with instructions on using mercury nitrate and silver nitrate and descriptions of nerve agents. He
didn't elaborate."
Remember, libraries are the places where terrorists dwell ...
Seems to me that they found some booklets and instructions relating to anthrax
Seems to me that the real anthrax story relates to the Battelle Memorial Institute at the Dugway Proving Grounds
A source of weaponised terror a long way from Falluja