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UFO hiding in clouds.

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posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 03:48 AM

I've seen them hiding in clouds.

Think about this for one moment, Unity. THEY hide in water vapor. It hides them from your peepers. But do not us humans, have the technology to see into these things? Hence, we can see them hiding in clouds, if we're super duper serial about looking?

So.. as long as they hide only from those with nothing by eyeballs, it's a worthy thing? Heck, screw the guys with radar and infrared and so on.. They can see them A-Ok. Just as long as it's the little guy down here, on the ground?

Are you with me? or is it still "I'm so important, I have to be the only one!!" stuff.. I mean.. come one..

It's not ufology here..

But that one looks sort of like some kind animal. Cloud ships, morphing triangle into manta rays, various types of day time.

Animals in the sky, hiding in clouds, from humans.

Do you need some soda in your glass? I do

Also, the scriptures are metaphors for inner process of attaining Higher Mind and overcoming primitive and body/materialistic tendencies. The two witnesses are in us, Love and Wisdom and we have to view our lives in the end, based on these 2 witnesses. For example, when we know harming others is wrong and cringe inside, but our religious leaders tell us to do something wrong, and we do it, those two witnesses, like the small still voice within, show us that, why did we not recognize that cringing and knowing it wasn't loving, was our inner discernment. And some the ludicrous things people believe, well, common sense, wisdom would dictate that this isn't something you tune out the real world with.

I wrote a scripture once, it was NOT a metaphor at all. I am offended and insulted at your ignorance of my beliefs.

Now, I will make a law to arrest you and persecute any such further attempts to insinuate I am anything but right.

And I might even say something about a cloud ship that I travel in. Imma be flamin' rich!!!!!

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 03:51 AM

I'm not saying its not cgi, but maybe all you...experts, could show us your evidence?

I ask because cgi is so good these days that its near impossible to tell the difference between a real object and something thats been layered in.

Please show us what you see that tells you its cgi.

I saw a pixel and I kn.... droll meme theme averted.

It's more than that, it is .. well a lack of other evidence that denies this. imo. How many of us can say the sun did not shine today? All of us? or just the one guy on youtube?

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 03:53 AM


I'm not saying its not cgi, but maybe all you...experts, could show us your evidence?

I ask because cgi is so good these days that its near impossible to tell the difference between a real object and something thats been layered in.

Please show us what you see that tells you its cgi.

The internet after a bit more search showed that it was a viral marketing video for a pizza company. However, could that be a cover...? Doubt it.


Hurrr I'd NEVER eat pizza from that company. The fail.

If true, bad way to do things. I'd boycott and tell everyone else to.


posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by AnAbsoluteCreation

Seems too good to be true.

It is...
UFO Possibly Spotted in Cloud

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 05:03 AM
That was not the same video.

The space ship looked completely different, with antennae hanging down, not the dome shaped UFO as seen in the video posted.

Yet you scream fake with nothing to back it up... again and again and again.

I would love for Mods to make more stringent rules for this forum... it's so weak with folks crying fake for every post.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by antoinemarionette

I would love for Mods to make more stringent rules for this forum... it's so weak with folks crying fake for every post.

I post evidence to show the video is a Hoax , instead of Whining why don't you post some evidence to prove me wrong or is that too much trouble

edit on 21-3-2014 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 08:50 AM

I've seen them hiding in clouds. But that one looks sort of like some kind animal. Cloud ships, morphing triangle into manta rays, various types of day time.

Well rise to the challenge, AGAIN I will ask you to prove it!!!

You seem to see these things on a regular basis SO why don't you put your money were your keyboard is and take pictures or videos!!!!

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 10:04 AM
Someone I know showed me this about two weeks ago.
His conclusion: black budget military aircraft. The blinding flash was said aircraft breaking the sound barrier & flying away from the camera. He didn't have anything for the falling debris.
My response - facepalm.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by antoinemarionette

Of course it wasn't the same video, but if you watch to the end you will see the link from the same marketing company to their "original viral video" (meant to show the UFO from a different viewpoint) which you can find... right here.

Here's the description:

"Saudações a todos! Senhoras e senhores, para maior curtição de vocês, aqui está a edição final do aclamado vídeo de nossa recente campanha para a AtitudeMediaBox, sem a degradação final da imagem. Agradecemos todos os milhares de elogios, comentários e críticas recebidos até agora, bem como toda a recepção fantástica das mais diversas mídias.
Inscreva-se acima no canal e aguarde o final do filme!
Prepare também seu programa de edição de vídeo e entre na caçada aos famosos "7 Erros" contidos no vídeo, pois em breve promoção no site"


"Greetings to all! Ladies and gentlemen, for greater enjoyment of you, here is the final edition of the acclaimed video of our recent campaign for AtitudeMediaBox without degradation of the final image. We thank all the thousands of compliments, comments and criticisms received so far, as well as all the fantastic reception from various media.
Join up in the channel and wait for the end of the movie!
Also prepare your video editing program and enter the hunt for the famous "7 Mistakes" contained in the video, as soon promotion site."

So not only do we have physical evidence that is CGI, we have the original version of the video posted on YouTube directly by the Brazilian marketing company that produced it, and you're still claiming it is something other than a hoax?

This is exactly the CTer attitude I was talking about in other threads... the refusal to say "Oh, right, so it is, I made a mistake" and instead to attack the people that point out the true story. It gets very frustrating.

edit on 21-3-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 11:52 AM

I am giving up on UFO forum.
Unless I see one on the sky myself.
Then I'll post.
Then no one will believe me.

I'll believe you believe you saw something. I have no reason to just assume you're a liar. Just don't try to claim it's aliens unless you get something verifiable to back it up. And "it couldn't have been anything else," won't cut it.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 06:58 PM

Somebody, somewhere will actually believe that clip is for real that's the sad part. I think....Doesn't matter....

Wow it is real isn't it..........


One reason why I was glad was not able to get good picture before. Some are going to believe and others won't, even when they land on their house lol...

The Bot

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by gavron

Nope I saw it on facebook. It is not the same one as the ad, just look similar. Unless I need my glasses. hx

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 11:10 PM

reply to post by gavron

Nope I saw it on facebook. It is not the same one as the ad, just look similar. Unless I need my glasses. hx

On Facebook? Oh, forgive must be real

Or. you could read Rob48's post above and see what it is.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by AnAbsoluteCreation

Here is the thing: Governments know more and more people are seeing this stuff and that we all have cell phones that do video. They also know that a good way to discredit any authentic footage is to put it in a commercial. Not necessarily the footage, but the design of and movement of the ship. I'm not saying this is fake, I wasn't there. But I do know I have seen this design (both of them because there were actually two different types of ship) on a regular basis for whats going on 2 years. Behaving similarly. I would ask the videographer his observations of the environment when the flash came. If it were real, he'd have a distinct memory. If it is real then something bad must have happened because they don't show themselves like that unless something is wrong.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by Puppytoven

That is my opinion exactly. Thank you for expressing it.

Disinformation is real. A genuine video can be taken and then "reverse-engineered" as it were, to discredit the original video.

This is done all the time, IMO -- the fact is people have been so brainwashed into ridiculing any UFO, their prime, knee jerk reaction is to cry "Fake" without having any facts about the evidence whatsoever.

This was done recently with the cigar-shaped crafter over Kiev, for example.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 05:37 AM
reply to post by antoinemarionette

Wow. Just wow. You've gone through the looking glass and out the other side.

It's an advertisement. Do you really think the Brazilian government has nothing better to do than commission ad agencies to turn "genuine UFO footage" into adverts for pizza boxes? And somehow "disappear" all the footage that existed before the ad was made?

In other news, the existence of talking lizards has been covered up by a worldwide conspiracy involving Geico...

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 05:41 AM

reply to post by gavron

Nope I saw it on facebook. It is not the same one as the ad, just look similar. Unless I need my glasses. hx

The ad is a separate video. The one you are talking about was the viral teaser for it. Watch the ad video right to the end and you will see it linked, posted by the very same company, a Brazilian ad agency called Attitude. I explained it above. Really it is very simple to understand.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 05:57 AM
Here's the video that was linked in the post above by Rob48 embedded.


edit on 22-3-2014 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by sn0rch

I think you are onto something with them being in tune with water vapour. All that water up there, life (as we know it) needs that water to survive. What are clouds? Are they alive? Do they have thought? The clouds might be ufos and do a sort of strip tease as and when they want - into ships.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 06:43 AM

reply to post by sn0rch

What are clouds? Are they alive? Do they have thought?

Droplets formed by water vapour that condenses when it meets cold air. No. No.

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