Every person is special and unique, but you True stand apart with your verbal eloquence, insight, humour, most exceptional eccentricity.....and HAIR!
Being your birthday gives me no more and no less of an excuse to say how much I am proud and honoured to call you my friend. What it does do is afford
myself and many others to express how much we love you and in some small way share your special day with you.
So, I and your other shed dwelling friends have been busy these last few days.
The boys have built you this out back...
We've taken care of the kids entertainment and built them a Pirate obstacle course, which we adults will be attempting to conquer in the small wee
hours once the kiddlywinkies are in bed.....
The girls and myself have dressed out the shed and loaded the table with food
Here is your cake...
And we even have pirate booty bags full of hangover cures!
Have the most magnificent of birthdays True......the rest of the gang will be along shortly
What a wonderful tribute! I love your wit in the shed- and the humor of the whole gang!
Do I smell cake? With lots of frosting?!!
I'll take a big corner piece; hold the cake.
Anybody find their frosting way too sweet? Here; put it on my plate.
Can I have another piece of frosting, please?
I can't find my napkin; got an extra tissue, Des?
Sorry, no gift. Haven't figured out how to imbed fancy stuff yet.