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New Star Wars films to be set 30 yrs after Jedi

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posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 11:26 PM
So, it appears that Disney CEO Bob Iger has said that the new Star Wars series will take place 30yrs after Jedi. As you all know Disney brought the franchise from George Lucas for $4.05 in 2012 and is now working on the next three films with the first installment due out on Dec. 18 of 2015. So, what does ATS think? WIll Disney ruin the franchise or make improvements and make it better? I think Disney will water it down. What say you, ATS?;_ylt=AwrBEiEXGilTdVIA2TXQtDMD

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 11:33 PM
I think they will mess it up, I was in Disney last Halloween and I saw things that to me has already messed it up

I didnt think it is cool to see a Darth Vader mask with Micky Mouse ears or Micky Lightsabers , R2-D2 with ears and so on .
To me it just isn't right ..

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 11:33 PM
$4.05? Are you sure that's right?

I remember G Lucas was quoted saying that he was a true believer in the dec 12-21-12 theory. An that he would give up everything he owned if he was wrong. Publicity stunt IMO, sell, sell, sell..

On topic. Dinesy will fudge it all up. I'm sure it will have many subliminal messages and sex in it though.
edit on 18-3-2014 by AK907ICECOLD because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-3-2014 by AK907ICECOLD because: Spelling, not on my game today

Ahh, you mean $4.05 Billion, got to add the billion OP. that's how rumors start

edit on 18-3-2014 by AK907ICECOLD because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 12:13 AM
The mouse is with you.

How can they make it any worse than the last 3.

Just my few pennies...

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 12:14 AM
Disney may actually do a spectacular job. Lucas is the one basically ruining his own franchises.

Keep in mind, Disney owns Touchstone, Miramax, and Hollywood Pictures. They are responsible for some really good flicks. Disney distributed Kill Bill amongst other things.

So, don't be sticking mouse ears on the jedis yet, it has the potential of going significantly darker. They will no doubt do a lot of market analysis before committing to a ratings and theme.

If they can get Drew Karpyshyn to write the script, it will most likely be amazing.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 12:53 AM
I was really hoping to see Grand Admiral Thrawn. Guess that's not happening now :\

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 01:24 AM
Disney + Star Wars = The Empire wins. Disney will mess it up, mouse ears on Darth and R2D2, yep already messed up beyond recognition.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 02:12 AM
I'll have to wait for a trailer to judge it at all but, regardless, it's Star Wars. We will all see it.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 04:05 AM
Disney will not mess it.
Because the owner changed, studio is not, same guy, same..everything, almost.

I'm sure it will have many subliminal messages ..

You can bet on that though. Story will be changed to include the messages, that is guaranteed.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 05:04 AM

You can bet on that though. Story will be changed to include the messages, that is guaranteed.

"That's no moon, it's Epcot!"

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 05:26 AM
I guess it was a bargain at four dollars an change. I can't get a decent meal at a good restaurant for that much.

Also, the Mass Effect universe is much more compelling than the Star Wars one, imho.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by lostbook

Yawn, it will never be the same. You cant reinvent magic.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 06:54 AM
Well with Disney running the show you have to look for certain plot lines.

1-You have to kill off the mother or both parents.
2-A princess has to be involved.
3-an outsider or poor background love interest must be involved.
4-whoever is in charge must be totally evil.
5-the good guys must overcome terrible odds to win.

Oh, wait, that was Star Wars wasn't it? And every Disney cartoon.

Don't get your hopes up on this movie, I dought they can ever capture the majic of the first three films. They will rely to much on special effects and drop the ball on the story.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 09:39 AM
Much doubt in these movies I have.

The fact that it's gone non canon will irk the hardcore fans, and if anything is strict on canonical content it's star wars. But that's a good thing in a way, if the movie played out like the literature then the internet would spoil it because some already know the plot, like if I told you ******c* got ***l** and **c** went **t*.

But still I'm a fan and I will check it out, and it would be good for parents to take the kids to see so they can witness what all the fuss is about.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 09:42 AM

Also, the Mass Effect universe is much more compelling than the Star Wars one, imho.

Requoted for truuf.

ME Universe > any other space saga at the moment.
However, I wouldn't want to see ME in movies. it is definitely the domain of video games. A movie would only annoy me with how little they could possibly put into it (unless it was like a hbo series spanning 12 seasons).

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 09:48 AM

Don't get your hopes up on this movie, I dought they can ever capture the majic of the first three films. They will rely to much on special effects and drop the ball on the story.

The problem with nostalgia is that nothing will ever, ever match the memory of the feelings you had.
Perfect example
I was reading the comments of a older guy discussing how he hated the reimagined BSG. the new BSG is superior in every possible way. from powerful story, fully developed characters, intense emotional highs, amazing CG, etc etc etc.
But according to "that guy" it was terrible, because the original BSG was great. it was light and the actors were sort of 70s action stars, etc etc.
Now, I was a child when the original BSG came out, and I stopped watch it due to it being terrible after the first couple episodes. looking back at it, it was even worse than I thought (and I love original star trek..good stories). This person however had nostalgia for the first bsg..therefore even if you set Jebus h Christ as the main actor and made it literally shoot out beams of amazement, he would still not like it, because it wasn't the original and some things changed.

Same with people demanding things were better when it was back in their day...fighting a memory is a losing battle.

Best to judge a movie on the merits of the movie itself verses how you felt about the originals 30 years ago.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

ME Universe > any other space saga at the moment. However, I wouldn't want to see ME in movies. it is definitely the domain of video games. A movie would only annoy me with how little they could possibly put into it (unless it was like a hbo series spanning 12 seasons).

A mass effect HBO series? If I had money in my wallet I'd be throwing it at the screen.

In the meantime if you like ME check out the anime 'paragon lost'.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 03:14 PM
what actors will be in it

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 07:14 PM


Also, the Mass Effect universe is much more compelling than the Star Wars one, imho.

Requoted for truuf.

ME Universe > any other space saga at the moment.
However, I wouldn't want to see ME in movies. it is definitely the domain of video games. A movie would only annoy me with how little they could possibly put into it (unless it was like a hbo series spanning 12 seasons).

Not only that but with the ME games it was all about effecting the story in a way that you wanted, which in turn, would change the outcome of the game and ME Universe. We couldn't do that with a movie.

What I've always thought was that since they are making a new ME game they could possibly make the prequel a movie. I would be ok with that since we couldn't change much before that besides Shepards background, which didn't effect to much.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 08:06 PM



Also, the Mass Effect universe is much more compelling than the Star Wars one, imho.

Requoted for truuf.

ME Universe > any other space saga at the moment.
However, I wouldn't want to see ME in movies. it is definitely the domain of video games. A movie would only annoy me with how little they could possibly put into it (unless it was like a hbo series spanning 12 seasons).

Not only that but with the ME games it was all about effecting the story in a way that you wanted, which in turn, would change the outcome of the game and ME Universe. We couldn't do that with a movie.

What I've always thought was that since they are making a new ME game they could possibly make the prequel a movie. I would be ok with that since we couldn't change much before that besides Shepards background, which didn't effect to much.

Actually, anything and everything we did has no bearing on the story. there is canonized choices.
Destruction ending for instance has been canonized..its the only way the me universe can go forth.

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