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Defiant Americans: A Third of Uninsured Refuse to Buy Obamacare

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posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 11:54 AM


reply to post by kurthall

Driving is a privilege.
Try another example.

Okay, How about being a PASSENGER in a car. Pretty much everyone has been a passenger. You still have to wear a seat belt or pay a fine.

And do you have to pay a monthly charge whether or not you are a passenger any given month?

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 11:56 AM



reply to post by kurthall

Driving is a privilege.
Try another example.

Okay, How about being a PASSENGER in a car. Pretty much everyone has been a passenger. You still have to wear a seat belt or pay a fine.

Logic dictates, that travelling in a car is also a privilege, but dont let that get in your way.
Please continue.

So you think you can live your life without driving or even riding in a car ever? My analogy is fine. Driving may be a "privilege" but surely you can not go through life never riding in a car, and having to comply with the rules that go along with riding in a car. Me not wearing my seat belt in car affects only myself, yet I forced to do so.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by kurthall

Seatbelts whether driver or passenger do not force one to pay a monthly charge to wear them.

The average family cannot afford its high cost lackadaisical coverage and high deductibles - all it does is take an exorbitant amount out of their budget.

Why not call the ACA what it really is which is an income redistribution scheme designed to end private insurance saddled upon the backs of the middle class.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 12:09 PM


So you think you can live your life without driving or even riding in a car ever?

You sure can, I have a cousin that lives in downtown Chicago she has never owned a car because everything she needs is in walking distance.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 12:12 PM



reply to post by kurthall

Driving is a privilege.
Try another example.

Okay, How about being a PASSENGER in a car. Pretty much everyone has been a passenger. You still have to wear a seat belt or pay a fine.

And do you have to pay a monthly charge whether or not you are a passenger any given month?

Who do you think is going to pay your medical bills if something catastrophic happens to you? If you broke your neck and were hospitalized for a month with medical bills in the million dollar mark? Hell just to have an appendix out is going to cost you $1000's. Hey, you don't want to get health care, don't. When you need it and do not have it, see how willing dr's are to do expensive tests on you with no ability to pay.

I am having an MRI this month, it cost $3000 just for an MRI for gosh sakes, if I spread that out over a year cost wise that would be $250 a month, and that is just for the damn MRI, not including any treatment.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 12:16 PM

reply to post by jimmyx

Are you getting a finder's fee or something from our insurance salesman in chief?

yeah that's it, you got know, I don't give a damn wife and I took our time and figured out the best policy for us, we talked to people, we compared plans on the net, and it ended up costing us 20 bucks more a month for better coverage. so, I'll mimic the mantra of the republicans, "I got mine, the rest of you I don't care about"

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by kurthall

I would think that can be a bridge I would just have to cross if it ever happens. To heck with paying so much for something every month that I will rarely ever use. That money can go towards other things like the mounting cost of groceries.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by kurthall

I'm glad you brought this up. What do you figure is there to an MRI that can justify a 3 grand price tag ? In Memphis that figure is a bit higher as well. The way I see it, it has been a never ending circle of screwing for a few decades now. The Doctors and hospitals screw the insurance companies with outrageous prices and in turn the insurance companies screw the doctors and hospitals and patients by refusing coverages and price gouging the crap out of people. When I first started with the phone company I had Cigna insurance and it was awesome however the doctors and hospitals insisted on doing unnecessary procedures and tests just to milk the insurance company. Cigna started dropping coverages and upping premiums so the phone company switched insurance providers. In the end, who do you think got screwed the most ?
Now we are being forced to pay for coverage that sux to begin with and that we cannot afford. Again who is getting screwed the most ?

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

How much more is your deductible?

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by thesaneone

In one of my earlier posts I stated you did NOT need a car in places like Chicago....Since that is where I am from. I live in LA now, and here it is much different here, you need a car pretty much, unless you are lucky enough to work near by, or you are close to metro link

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by kurthall

Just pointing it out that you can't compare driving to healthcare it's a piss poor comparison at best.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 07:25 PM
Today, about ten hours ago I signed up for Obamacare, fearing the tax fines I chose the only package that was "free" to me based on tax credits for my income. My primary income is near poverty level wages in my state. Based on the package prices my deductible is a mere $6,300. What a goddamn joke. If it weren't for the fine I wouldn't have even bothered.

Thank all the living for bringing this amazing president to us. If this were 1776 I think instead of a necktie he would have another piece of cloth around his neck.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 08:48 PM

Christian Voice
Nobama can stick his Nobamacare up his hind end. I have Blue Cross Blue Shield and a few months ago I got a letter from them stating our policy was not Obamacare compliant and they had to change our policy. The new policy is $230 dollars more a month than out old policy. I now pay more every month for insurance than I do for my house note. I cannot afford $589 a month for insurance. I have a wife and 2 children and combined we have had 3 doctor's visits and 0 hospital visits in the last 2 years and yet now we are paying over $6000 a year plus $35 office copays and prescription copays for healthcare that we are not using. We have a truck, SUV, car, boat, 4 wheeler, and home that are all insured at $215 a month. How crazy is that ?

Didn't you hear?

According to our fearless leader you have your priorities messed up.

You need to sell two vehicles, a four wheeler, a boat, and put your house in hock to pay for your insurance. (Extreme sarcasm).

We are no longer able to be happy, only healthy.

The American dream is dead friend. Welcome to the poor house. Hell in a year or so you will be so broke paying for healthcare, you can sign up for the wonderful "benefits" that other poor people "love".

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