posted on May, 26 2003 @ 01:17 PM
What kind of local knowledge do you have regarding if this is in fact phosphorus? What you are observing sounds very interesting, although I would
have to actually take a look at it to find what it is.
A few links that may explain what you are seeing, please let us know which sounds the most likely to you.
Minerological phosphorescence is very rare, although it is known to exist, especially in certain flourite/calcite minerals.
Elemental phosphorus is very rare, and I would seriously doubt that is what you are seeing, as it is highly reactive, especially white phosphorus, in
air, and spontaneously combusts. Some minerological combination of phosphorus with other minerals is possible, although I dont know that any of them
Phosphate (manmade) pollution is a real possibility for you however. Phosphates are a constituent of many detergents, and also make a very efficient
fertilizer for many water borne algeas and other biota. In areas where large amounts of phosphates are released into the water, algae and other biota
will essentially clog a waterway. This has led to a ban of phosphate containing detergents in several states.
This would go hand in hand with the explosion of various biota (considering your location) that could bioluminece.... I would think this to be the
most likely possibility.
Please let us know which you think this might be!