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My encounter with "The Lady in White" and the "Children"

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posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by iammrhappy86

Im not telling you that you are wrong. Maybe what you saw was a truely benevolent being. But before you jump to a conclusion, ask yourself;

Did you experience unconditional love, or deceptive flattery?

Is it possible that God denied these beings further access to you for your own protection? What goal did they hope to achieve in contacting you? They have obviously approached other humans, and not all of those points of contact went so well.

I urge you to look for other accounts of the "lady in white" with her children. Its an old ghost tale, but its more than just a story. Compare and contrast the different accounts. You will find some to be benevolent, and some to be violently malevolent.

Just realize that your case is not unique. Many have had similar encounters.

My only warning is procede with caution.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 08:48 PM

reply to post by iammrhappy86

Im not telling you that you are wrong. Maybe what you saw was a truely benevolent being. But before you jump to a conclusion, ask yourself;

Did you experience unconditional love, or deceptive flattery?

Is it possible that God denied these beings further access to you for your own protection? What goal did they hope to achieve in contacting you? They have obviously approached other humans, and not all of those points of contact went so well.

I urge you to look for other accounts of the "lady in white" with her children. Its an old ghost tale, but its more than just a story. Compare and contrast the different accounts. You will find some to be benevolent, and some to be violently malevolent.

Just realize that your case is not unique. Many have had similar encounters.

My only warning is procede with caution.

Obviously I don't use the same strain of glasses as you but I do respect the concern you have for the OP's encounter and the way you've proceeded here.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by iammrhappy86

Yeah i can totally see your point with that! Would sure be interesting though, i hope that you can find a trustworthy one if you go down that road! again very interesting story to me it seems alot more than a series of dreams.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 09:03 PM
Interesting story OP,thanks for sharing it with us.

To this day, have you ever had any similar dreams (I use this term loosely, as it sounds more than a simple dream) of that nature?

I've heard and read many stories about OOBE's, lucid dreams, and NDE's which can all bring about premonitions of some kind.

However, I have an interest in Dream Interpretations, and thought I'd try to possibly work out what your dreams could mean, and I found this:


To see a house in your dream represents your own soul and self. Specific rooms in the house indicate a specific aspect of your psyche. In general, the attic represents your intellect, the basement represents the subconscious, etc. If the house is empty, then it indicates feelings of insecurity. If the house is shifting, then it suggests that you are going through some personal changes and changing your belief system. To dream that a house has no walls represents a lack of privacy. You feel that everyone is looking over your shoulder or up in your business. If you live with others in your walking life, but dream that you are living alone suggests that you need to take new steps toward independence. You need to accept responsibilities and be more self-reliant. If you are locked out of the house, then it represents rejection and insecurity. You feel you are being left behind. To dream of a house that looks beautiful from the outside and/or downstairs, but the upstairs is falling apart implies that you are too concerned with outward appearances that your mental and emotional health is being neglected.

To see an abandoned house in your dream implies that you have left behind your past. You are ready to move forward toward the future. To see an old, run-down house in your dream represents your old beliefs, attitudes and how you used to think or feel. A situation in your current life may be bringing about those same old attitudes and feelings. Alternatively, the old house may symbolize your need to update you mode of thinking. If you see messy and/or dilapidated houses in your dream, then it implies that an aspect of your own life is in chaos. You may be suffering from some emotional or psychological clutter. You need to release these feelings in order to regain control. To dream that your house is damaged indicates your waking concerns about the condition of your house. To dream that you are cleaning your house signifies your need to clear out your thoughts and get rid of old ways. You are seeking self-improvement.To dream that you are building a house implies that you need to work on some aspect of yourself and better your mind or body. Alternatively, the dream is also representative of your maturing mindset. To see a new house in your dream indicates that you are entering into a new phase or new area in your life. You are becoming more emotionally mature.


To see children in your dream signify an aspect of yourself and your childlike qualities. You may be retreating back to a childlike state and longing for the past. You are trying to still satisfy repressed desires and unfulfilled hopes. Perhaps there is something that you need to see grow and nurture. Take some time off and cater to the inner child within. Alternatively, the dream may be highlighting your innocence, purity, simplicity, and carefree attitude. If you are fighting with children, then it implies that you are repressing your inner child. The children could represent someone in your waking life (coworker, mate, sibling, etc.) who is acting like a child. If you see children fighting in your dream, then it means that your sense of morality and character are in conflict.

Then I searched woman on the site, but it didn't really come up with appropriate answers..So I Googled "woman in white dress, dream" and got a couple of varying answers, from forthcoming disaster (nothing happened after your dreams, right?), to it being interpreted as a connection to your emotions (which sorta goes hand-in-hand with the interpretation of the house).

Hope that helped.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by minkmouse

Thank you, I appreciate that.

Once thing I will say to anyone that reads this is be careful. Humans arent the only con-artists.

Since I have believed Jesus died for my sins, the environment has changed for me. Upon realizing that there is an on going war between righteousness and evil, God and Satan, the Elect Angels and Fallen Angels; I have become one of many focal points of demonic harassement.

In my social niche, the attacks seem to be centered on me and for some reason proliferate outward to my closest friends and family. We all experience sleep paralysis now, unsolicoted OBE's, old hag syndrome, black eyed name it, someone I know struggles with it. All of my family members that believe in Jesus seem to be protected by prayer, but since it all started, one of my non-believing childhood friends has experienced full-blown demon pessession and another (I fear) is on that same path.

Just look at the sudden rise in paranormal posts in the past few months on ATS and other forum sites.

There is a major rise in demonic activity everywhere.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by iammrhappy86

No the promise land for French Canadian is in Louisiana. Throw in some creole and you have a genuine coon arse. Man do they know how to party and cook lol. Even have their own language. Little french, throw in some creole and little English, walla....

You would love it here too. Lots of dreams, dream interpretation, voodoo..... Swamp magic... Rugaru and such...

The Bot

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by BELIEVERpriest

You're welcome. I have not noticed an upsurge in demonic activity of late assuming of course that politicians are not classed as such, but then again, It's not something I dwell on day to day. I will keep an eye on it...Cheers

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by SmoKeyHaZe

Very insightful! Thank you. ^_^

As much as I believe this encounter was genuine, there's so little we understand about our psyche. I really can't rule out the possibility it was a representation of my subconscious in a deep way.

But to answer your question, ive not had any dreams remotely like it since. Not just what happened, but how aware and in control I was. I really felt awake. Hence the quotation marks around "dream".

Also, nothing bad happened after these dreams.
No deaths in the family, no trauma, nothing. (Well for a few years at least. Everybody gets sick and/or dies someday. =\)

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by dlbott

Oh I know.

Actually my last name is one of the most common in Louisiana. (I believe there are more there than in quebec. =P. Boudro, boudraux, boudreau, Boudreault, etc...)

And their Cajun cooking? Omg, heavenly! ^_^

I'll go visit someday.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 09:32 PM
Some years ago I was going through a time of big changes and also coincidently I became very psychic at the time, I still am somewhat but I try mostly to ignore it and just want to feel like everyone else its a personal choice. One day I was at work talking to a few people and suddenly in the air above and to the left of me a vision opened up and I could see into another place. There was a woman in a very white gown standing there. Now when I say woman all i saw was the back of her and also psychic visions give other senses as well as the obvious so I am pretty sure it was a woman but I also FELT that there was a touch of androgeny to her. In front of her there were human looking people standing in a semi circle they were mostly old and I felt that they knew me and were in the process of arguing with her. On of these human figures was an old man and he was really telling her what he thought I could see it in his face and he was pointing at her. I also was conveyed the feeling that she was being resolute and not budging I could feel the vibe of the whole scene, and then it just faded out. She was of normal height not extremely tall though but I would hesitate to say she was human because I got a vibe of otherness about her. Some weeks later I had a major event in my life happen so from what I can surmise the human spirits were my friends and they were arguing against me going through that hardship. She though would not budge on it apparently because some kind of cause and effect thing was in play. But that old guy well he was really going at her for me and I appreciate his enthusiasm and friendship.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by Bilky

Thank you for sharing this!

These 'angelic' beings seem to have some form of authority, dont they?

I'd love to have some insight in otherworldly politics! Here's to hoping it's not as messed up and riddled with corruption as it is here...

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 09:54 PM
Loving this thread! Hope to hear more in regards to your experiences and those of any other members in this respect. I agree... these entities are more than "dreams". They are more real than this reality we are in presently.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 09:55 PM
Personally, I think that the reason it came to an end is that I was losing my grasp on reality.... I longed for that place too much.

Can't have me lose my will to stay here.... That would interfere with my life and what I'm supposed to experience here.

Just a thought.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 09:57 PM

dreams n chains
[...] these entities are more than "dreams". They are more real than this reality we are in presently.

That's kinda what I was trying to say. In a way, that felt more real than everyday life. You know?

Thanks for the feedback and appreciation.

Honestly... I wasn't expecting such great reactions.

I was expecting a bit of ridicule and dismissal. Took a chance. It paid off. ^_^

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by iammrhappy86

I really enjoyed reading about your experience! I think more people have had unexplainable experiences in life than have not.
I hope you learn to just ignore the few unhappy, rude people that feel the need to share their misery on every thread. Just ignore them, and they'll give up if they can't argue with you.

I look forward to reading more of your experiences soon.


posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 01:47 AM
This is a very interesting story!

Could you please further describe the appearance of the "white lady" (like the color of her eyes, etc.) and how she acted?
edit on 17-3-2014 by Gabriel16 because: I wanted to further clarify what I meant by the appearance of the "white lady."

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by BELIEVERpriest

Why is it that human beings must always be searching for the boogeyman around the corner? Why can't we just accept that some things in life are in fact positive and not something designed to manipulate us ? I refuse to dissect every minute of life with the sole purpose of finding the hidden evil meaning behind every experience I've allowed myself to enjoy. I couldn't live like that...and it makes me sad that other people DO live like that. Enjoy life. You only have one and not everyone is out to get you.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by iammrhappy86

Very interesting!!!
Must have been an extraordinary experience!

I was wondering, without wanting to know the details, could it be related to what happened when you was 7!!!

I have some theories as to why it ended so abruptly!!!

Someone mentioned that it could have been Divine Intervention to protect you from sinister manipulation!
I'm sure you've seen Insidious...
If not to keep it short, sometimes malevolent Spirits will follow you, trying to gain a closer connection to your MBS (Mind, Body & Soul)!!!

It may also have been a case of Heaven not wanting interference in your life at that point!
As Angels & Demons generally only get called into action for those who need it, and you have said you were Happy & Content, making friends & adapting fine despite drastic changes such as moving, you were coping well & maybe didn't need the help that could have gone to someone with a similar story, but who was struggling with change!

Another theory is that because the Spirit World works on 7 levels it may have been you unconsciously drifting into Heaven & they put a stop to it to protect the Children...
You may contact with many Spirits, but they will 99.9999% of the time be Adults, so the Children are not distressed & their Wavelengths are not distorted by Beings from the "Physical" World!!!

Maybe one day you will meet the Lady In White again...
& I'm sure she does know the Man you have become...
It may just be that her Job is to care for the Children she is with, and cannot be allowed to be distracted!

Peace MrHappy!

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 07:53 AM


reply to post by iammrhappy86

Hmmmmm I believe they are spirits from the other side. Somehow I believe the higher ups of the afterlife ordered her to stop visiting you.
edit on 16-3-2014 by starwarsisreal because: (no reason given)

Well that's just what I want to hear....Spend all my mortal life being under orders and rules and when I pass on I'm getting orders? Nice!

Non intervention and allowing free will for the individuals to evolve at their pace on earth.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 10:17 AM
Dreams hold a lot more power than we really give them credit for, you should look into the chemical compound that is forbidden in the ATS village. I'll spell it phonetically, it's called dee-em-tee and it floods our brains when we're born, when we die and every night when we go to sleep.

Lots of talk about meeting intelligent beings when being medically induced with the forbidden substance, also what scientists like Dr Rick Strassman believe account for out of body experiences etc

Check it out, it might help you find out HOW you ended up in that place, it could be useful if you ever want to find a way back again. Look at Rick Strassmans work if you want a medical brain doctors opinion on it.

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