posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 10:28 PM
As far as I can remember and from the things I have been taught in history class or religious upbringing, 99% of what we are led to believe is the
truth, is a lie.
Recent events are steeped in poopoo and we have no way of knowing who is telling the truth about any of it. It doesn't matter what government or
press coverage you see, read or hear there is no truth from any of them.
Just go down the list starting with....oh what the heck...the birth of Christ and work your way forward to the missing plane recently brought to our
attention. Throw in 9/11 and Kennedy or Lincoln, scatter a little of Sandy Hook, and sprinkle some American Revolution, why WW1 or 2 started, the
Roswell incident and the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Really doesn't matter that Columbus "discovered" America long after it existed or that the Holy Grail is not a chalice to drink from, or the
Knights Templar were the forefront of the Illuminati or that the Earth was known to be round long before that voyage.
The entire history of this planet is based on big, huge, giant Conspiracy and we will never know for certain what the facts are in any instance of any
single event, unless it is nature that causes it...oh wait HARP is responsible for creating earthquakes, super storms and whatever tornadoes or
hurricanes pop up in strange places.
See you can't even be sure that something is nature related. Could be the only thing we can be sure of is that comets and asteroids that hit the
Earth are not caused by HARP, but wait is possible that aliens have directed these at us on purpose...okay...then the only thing we can really b
certain of is this.....anything we think we know is the truth is part of a conspiracy to hide the real truth, and when the real truth is spoken it is
impossible to decide if it is not really a lie.
I give up. We live, we wait we are in a simulated computer program called the MATRIX and I think I took the green pill by mistake or was it
the red one, nope it was the blue one, but wait, there wasn't a green one was there?
Oh heck, I give up trying to know the truth anymore.