posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 10:04 PM
What if next week another plane goes missing?
Just drops off of radar and visibility?
It seems like all of the worlds super armies are in place, close to hot spots. Hot spots where the residents cultures are usually very religious.
Could it be Aliens taking our planes from the sky?
I think the hardcore religious cultures would freak out more than your average new yorker.
Since no one really has any solid answers backed by verifiable facts as to where the missing plane could be, then why not think about this soon to be
script that I'm going to write...
Having a plane full of passengers "disappear" every week due to "Alien" rendition would be crazy. The entire world would STPants!
Alien invasion = New World Order
In the end, this plan would be a "good" thing. Maybe it will finally propel us to work together and start building massive space ships.
Anyways, I started this thread to try and piece together the"snapshot of the world" that I have been viewing through ATS these past couple of
It just seems to me that the missing flight, the Russians in Ukraine, Cloaking Tech showdown and Dr. Browns magic elixir revealing potion are all
somehow connected and are part of much larger picture.
Could this be the first clear view of the front line of the great war to end all wars? The last hooray before a whole pile of new rules and orders are
dumped upon us?
I'm pretty sure I'm wrong with all of this, but