While i LOVE this site,
Dont get too full of yourselves here on ATS.
Shugo says,
I'd go into this massive speech about what the site used to be, but I'll summarize it and spare you all.
Let me summerize....
almost universally, (and i do push this site to ALL i can) once a person has looked over ATS, here is the general feedback i get.
"That is a site that teenaged geeks with too much time at the computer have to fantasize about stuff with no basis in reality."
or something generally like that...indications of real fringers posting stuff....little or no credibillity......a fun site not to be taken
This despite my pointing out some great and detailed reports, the fact that many cite links that provide some basis for idea support and cross
referancing, the many moderate positions and ideas being advocated, and the general caliber of most of the posts.
I find that all of the talk about this site going down to trolls or being overrun with flamers and how things are going to be kept at a higher level
amusing......No matter how "important"and "educated" and "civil" you try to keep posts, and run out those that seem disruptive, this site will
evoke the idea of the 3 geeks in the x-files series. You are NOT getting respect as you think you are DESPITE the high traffic.
If the record # of non member viewers thought the same we members do about ATS, then why havent they all joined?
I'm not saying to throw in the towel and give in to allowing ATS to deterioriate from troll/flame posts. While im not wild about some of the
"crackdown" and the "intellectual elietism" i see being expressed about "our posts are better than theirs" as justification for speech
repressive measures, I as a journalist of +10yrs with the big 4 networks (yes fox news counts) i do see alot of good posts and interesting if
hypothetical stuff here. (as well as some truths or new perspectives)
self delusions of being on the moral high ground (verbally) arent changing the general perceptions of this site overall.
Could having overall higher than average post quality attract new members? sure
Could this also be construed as "geek speek" because its too highbrow and exclusive of average posts including flames and derrogatory comments?
"intellectual elietism" You bet it could.
Snobbery knows no class bounds.
Heres an example, rant says,
Others most would probably like to ban, give us no reason to do so. Stupid rules.
You mean people like ME perhaps, ones that buck the trend and say something you dont like to hear, yet someone that doesnt cross the EXISTING line?
(as well as it can be known)
Hmm so what criteria would you be using to determine what form of speech, or expression of what, would qualify for THIS type of ban if its not spelled
out in the rules? Already an expression of going BEYOND the rules (from a mod no less) that expouses banning for a non rule reason, let alone a widely
vauge determination of existing rules violations....
some posts "better" than others eh...based on what?
hmmm, Pandora wants her box back.
One mans flame post is anothers form of expression.
Intolorance of expression can never deny ignorance.
[edit on 26-11-2004 by CazMedia]