posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 06:59 AM
So I've mentioned this once before and I would like to have some feedback on this. This incident happened when I was around 17-18 years of age (I am
now 28) so approximately 10 years ago. Even though the incident happened around 10 years ago, it is still fresh in my mind. And recently as I have had
lots of time on my hands due to being made jobless it has been picking at me as to what this thing actually was.
I had been practising meditation as a way to relax, as at that age I had a lot of angst. One day after a pretty stressful week I’d decided to
cancel going out with friends and stay in and chill out. I'd been watching television and thought I would try some meditation to calm down. I laid on
my bed and went through the motions, controlling my breathing, relaxing my muscles and focusing inward etc. After about half hour of this I was
perfectly relaxed and just laying there. It was very peaceful and I was aware I was awake. I knew I was not sleeping but in a deep state of
relaxation. Suddenly, I started to feel a tightness in my chest which I was familiar with as I used to suffer from anxiety. However unlike my usual
feelings of anxiety, I had a feeling that I urgently needed to open my eyes straight away.
My eyes shot open and I seen possibly the most frightening thing I will ever see in my life. Right in front of me about two feet away was a floating
face, however this face was twisted and contorted, it's eyes were franticly looking around at my body. It didn't have skin and there was no skull,
it was just a face that was horribly twisted and contorted. It was Two Dimensional, had two eyes, a horrible nose and a dark purple mouth that all sat
amongst a swirled purple and black shape that contained its substance. As soon as this things eyes looked at my face, it made eye contact with me
(which was around two seconds after I opened my eyes) and it realised that I was aware of it. It let out a ear-piercing scream, looked startled/scared
and within a few seconds had dissolved into thin air. I say dissolved rather than vanished because it slowly faded into thin air right before my eyes
bit by bit and reminded me of a solid dissolving into a liquid but at a much faster rate. The scream it let out remained the entire time it was fading
away and as it finally faded away so did the scream. I got up, looked around my room and was not sure what to do. I was so scared I couldn't scream
out for help I just sat there shocked at what had happened.
To this day, I have some ideas of what this could have been. I know for sure that this was not a dream or a waking dream as I was not sleeping.
Part of me wants to believe it was something paranormal as other strange events had happened prior to this, and I had been delving into the world of
the paranormal. However, at the same time I have conflicting thoughts and worry that this could have been some sort of mental issue due to my angst in
those teenage years. If anyone has had a similar experience to this or if some enlightened person/persons could give some insight as to what this
might have been It would be very much appreciated as it is bothering me.