posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 04:36 PM
I am the president, according to today's election.
So, I went to American National Government class. We were doing a little demonstration of how the government works, election wise, and passing a bill,
that sort of thing.
And so, two or three people threw their names into the ring.
They had neither the charisma nor the pure voter draw that I managed to achieve, and so I won by a wide margin.
But the joke was on me. After deciding who the Vice President would be, I found out soon that in this mock demonstration of how the government works
to pass legislature, that I had little power to influence how mock-congress drafted up legislature.
I had ideas, things I wanted to effect changes on. Guaranteed medical coverage if a man is attacked by an alligator. Guaranteed denial of coverage if
a man's injury is caused by his own stupidity. Government mandated and regulated corruption, as opposed to the rampant and unregulated corruption
that rules the modern era.
Why, I had half-convinced myself that I was president in actuality. But I could not influence the mock-house of representatives and the mock-house of
senate that were drafting up the legislature for the bill.
And so I sat there, and considered a peacekeeping operation upon the bordering room, in order to stabilize it's inhabitants. It would have
effectively doubled the land of my administration of American National Government class. But there was no convincing the professor. I suppose she
fulfilled the role of shadow government.
Eventually though, the mock-house of congress and the mock-senate managed to agree on a piece of legislature, and I had to give my approval.
Unfortunately, I did not have line-item veto, and so, I could not shoot down a portion of the legislature which sought to increase the privatization
of health care. My original intentions of a health care system that was streamlined for alligator caused injuries was watered down, and adapted into
broader language that covered most life threatening injuries.
Grudgingly, I signed the piece of mock-legislature. I was told by a couple of them that they wished I was actually president.
What sort of person would wish that? Then again, I had the person who I appointed Vice President joke that he would assassinate me so he could become
president. Now I know how Kennedy felt.
Today, I can say I was elected President, and be telling the truth, though. And that's something.