That's right. In the same month the thread-count surpassed one million, our expanding social media footprint surpassed 100,000 likes somewhere around
9PM EDT today.
To give that some perspective, only 0.8% of all Facebook pages ever created surpass 100,000 likes. And at any given moment, an average of 30,000
people are discussing what's on the ATS Facebook page.
Niel said it right.
I know, I know… having loads of "likes" on Facebook is about the same as being at the "cool table" at the Magic The Gathering tournament (no offense
to MTG fans). But we've always had two simple promises that we've kept over the years of the ever-changing Internet --
(1) There will never be any fees to use or access any aspect of ATS, even premium services like image hosting.
(2) We will always work hard to promote what our members contribute to ATS.
For the past nine months, we've had a dedicated person combing through the hot, new, important, and trending threads our ATS members create. That has
been the basis for lots of experimentation on what it takes to get Facebook users to notice. Lately, it's been working, and working very well. When
the effort started, we barely cracked 30,000 Facebook friends/followers/likers. Now we're average 250-300 new likes every day.
And yes… we know that for the average ATS member, the reflex is to stay far away from social media. That's fine, no one is asking you to like us.
This effort has been exclusively directed to existing Facebook users on Facebook… and every damn one of these is a hard-earned real person, we have
not purchased any advertising on Facebook.
We're going to keep it going.
edit on 12-3-2014 by SkepticOverlord because: (no reason given)