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The message... (How aliens shall see mankind)

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posted on May, 24 2003 @ 01:32 AM
This morning I was searching for a graphic of DNA structure on the web and, surprise! , I find these pictures :

These pictures are in the voyager spaceship sended with a message to extra-terrestrial intelligence from :

I dont know if the enginers from NASA make it or if it's a coincidence but It seem that they try to tell us that astronauts are a little bit like babies in the "mothership", the body and the mother. And space (emptyness) is a sort of placenta. Now I understand WHY Et's, if they exists and if they know us dont want to take contact with us. They think we are not enought evolved yet !

This comparison is the motto of the Stanley KUBRIK movie : 2001-Space Odyssey. Space is not so "space" for us, mankind, it look more like a restricted area.

Maybe we will can try later to analyse other "messages" from the spaceship...

[Edited on 28-5-2003 by Nans DESMICHELS]

posted on May, 24 2003 @ 09:41 PM
You have DEFINITELY got to read MURMURS OF EARTH by Carl Sagan.. It's all about how they selected the images/sounds for the disc that was attached to the Voyagers. The book contains all the photos they included... and explains why they included them. In fact, the book goes so far as to, in different essays, trace the thinking behind how Sagan and co. figured out how to make these items 'translatable' to ETs.

It's a really great book, though some here might not like it because it preupposes that ETs will be intelligent and inquisitive, not dum, evil creatures who just happen to, as an anomolous development, have FTL travel


posted on May, 26 2003 @ 12:39 AM
To me it is trying to say that we need the male and female of the species to reproduce.. And that we have gone to space although we are not very good at it yet..

To me it sends a negative message. No wonder ET contact is still a myth.


posted on May, 26 2003 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by OzChris
To me it is trying to say that we need the male and female of the species to reproduce.. And that we have gone to space although we are not very good at it yet..
To me it sends a negative message. No wonder ET contact is still a myth.

It also mean that a male mankind tall 160cm and a woman 155cm at 20 years old. Rates from the sixties...

posted on May, 26 2003 @ 04:13 AM
Each spaceship carried an aluminium plate with the fine gold with the "calling card" of our civilization: the schematization of the solar system and a hydrogen atom, the frequency of 14 pulsars and their position compared to the Sun at the time of launching, and finally the representation of a nude man and a woman, outlining a hello !

The voyagers spaceships are from exits of the solar system; they carry on their interstellar road: their nuclear generators are far from being exhausted and they should function until 2017.
On their board a recording including/understanding of the images and the sounds of the life of the Earth was installed.
The sound recordings comprise human voices in 60 languages different like 90 minutes from music of several areas of the world, and visual recordings, when with them, 96 photographs in black and white and 20 photographs colors. Since 1998, Voyager 1 preceded Pionner 10. It is henceforth the spaceship furthest away from the Earth.

What there is these sapceships ?

All history and culture of the Earth which we could slip there. On a metal plate of thirty centimetres in diameter. Dr. Carl Sagan and his commission organized the first multi-media presentation intended to carry our message to stars. More than hundred of images constitute not only one detailed chart of our planet but as the best tourist guide as one can include in such a restricted space. No other catalogues voyages cannot thus join Taj Mahal with the opera of Sydney or the building of the United Nations, allow the desert next to the mountain or make be neighbourly an old Turk and an American astronaut. Taken as a whole, these images form a surprisingly intimate portrait of our planet, a portrait which disturbs us as much as the contemplation of the starry sky. The sight is not the only direction to which this disc is addressed...

posted on May, 27 2003 @ 06:17 PM
Well, it might explain why, supposedly, aliens take babies away before they are born (To understand the pictures if they got them). We might have started too much curiosity.

posted on May, 27 2003 @ 06:26 PM

Where the HELL have you been man.....nice to see you back!


posted on May, 27 2003 @ 07:06 PM
I remember you OzChris....

Funny to see this kind of post up! I haven't been here in quite a long time. It's really changed. Nice to see the people around here know me a little.

I've been pretty busy lately, but I have found the time again. Thanks for welcoming me back.

posted on May, 28 2003 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by Nans DESMICHELS

In fact when aliens will see these pictures, they will supposed that some of us have a little symbiot monster in the stomach with an enormous brain, maybe that's why they dont want to contact us...

We must appear them horrible...

[Edited on 28-5-2003 by Nans DESMICHELS]

posted on May, 28 2003 @ 02:48 AM

Do you often drink like that ?!

posted on May, 28 2003 @ 09:50 AM
...with us! We sent that!?

Well, I now really agree that if there are aliens that got that stuff, we must look pretty stupid (and may I add primative).

Of all the things we could have sent...

...and look at the guy eating toast: He already took a bite out of the other side.

[Edited on 5-28-2003 by Cammo Dude]

posted on May, 28 2003 @ 04:12 PM
sent them jokes. LOL, all the racist ones - if they got them they'd crap their pants, if they didn't the racist jokes would be poetry from another world. I can't wait until we see a huge capsule flying through space full of pictures of aliens and t-shirts made for huge heads and bony lil bodies. That'd be nifty... What if we sent them like The Aliens Trilogy DVD set? "Oh no, how horrible, they have to deal with those creatures every day??" Or "How could they not fight that off, it's so cute!".... Ahhh aliens, how little we know you!

posted on May, 28 2003 @ 06:38 PM
Read the book MURMURS OF EARTH. It explains, in detail, why each picture was selected... and how the aliens can 'decode' what we've written on them. There are about a dozen or so photos that document the birth process in such a way that what's going on is clear.

There are also a lot of photos showing how we live. My only real complain about the photo selection is that there are far more hust than houses in the collection... which could be misread by aliens as meaning that the Voyagers were launched into space by a neolithic culture. Yes, shots of the Titan 4 that launched the craft are included, as are astronauts performing spacewalks, but there are no shots showing 'us' putting together the probes. As photos from the third world way outnumber those from the US/West, an alien might conclude that the society that launched them has an extreme and unnatural distribution of wealth, or that they were cobbled together in a hut.

posted on May, 29 2003 @ 09:54 AM
from our TV and Radio broadcasts, before they see the placard. (scary thought huh?)

Seriously though, let's turn this around a bit. If WE were to find something like this, sent by aliens, how would we react? Would we react with disdain for their lack of advancement, or genuine curiousity? Personally, I think we'd be curious. So why shouldn't aliens be likewise? I think we'd make an effort to put our best scientists on it, to figure out what it meant.

posted on May, 30 2003 @ 03:33 PM
...that is, radio waves. They would be getting our telescope radio waves, satellite signals, and other things so that could be happening.

posted on May, 31 2003 @ 02:05 AM

Originally posted by Cammo Dude
...that is, radio waves. They would be getting our telescope radio waves, satellite signals, and other things so that could be happening.

Radio waves propagation in space is harder and is still slower than light...
Maybe they got a sort of hypertelescope and they watch us since we are...


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