reply to post by boymonkey74
I have nothing against the people of the uk, but heres the problem
our friendship is a big lie
you see, we fought two wars against you. when that failed, you encouraged a civil war in our country, only to fail.
then, in an effort to wreck a global competitor, you helped trigger the first full scale world war. with assistance of American traitors and stooges,
the us was dragged into that event. a catastrophe concluded so poorly by the winners, that it precipitated another world war.
by this time dirty hands on both sides of the atlantic, for reasons only known to them, helped create a situation where civilization was backed into
another must fight war. a situation again with the assistance of traitors, opportunists, and yet more stooges the us was dragged kicking and screaming
once again the world was pulled from the fire, only to find itself even deeper in the clutches of the behind the curtain evil, and this time at odds
with another golem brought forth to terrify the world into confrontation.
now, during all this time, what did our friends from the uk do for us? they gave us cecil Rhodes with his subversive Rhodes scholar system, and his
infamous RIIA inspired Council for Foreign Affairs. You gave us Tavistock institute and their mind manipulation. Fabian socialists and their
insidious lies. the us dedicated vast treasure to defend against the Russian bogeymen while your agents time and again sold out western secrets as you
spent your wealth on buying off your citizens with the fairy tale of socialist utopia. the greatest hero of the uk in the past hundred years was
dropped like last weeks fish for a politician offering free healthcare and other free stuff give aways. the rosenbergs got the chair for what they
did, fuchs got what, 9yrs?
In short, the American people have been bleed dry trying to help. and in return we have been manipulated, betrayed, infiltrated, and soon to be
subjugated. The UK is home to some of the worst cancers on the planet. the monarchy. socialists. "the city" bankers. and now those malignancies are
every bit an American affliction as anywhere else that they managed to infect. you can just see how some of our elites drool over those titles and all
that bowing and scraping your aristocracy get.
the American and English elites are as close of friends as a couple of mafia dons working together on a big score, all the while looking for their
opportunity to knife the other in the back. the rest of us are just cannon fodder and pawns in their games.
by the way, when are you going to take piers morgan back?