posted on May, 24 2003 @ 08:32 AM
Hey pizza exactally what kind of information were you looking to obtain about this person? Also what do you intend on doing with this info if and
when you get it? The reason being is that from an IT admin perspective security and privacy has to be upheld in both directions at all times or the
whole thing comes crashing down, or at least becomes a real nightmare in finding out who is really to blame. In other words: "Just cause you are the
victim today, doesn't mean it is ok to retaliate and become the hacker of tomorrow." ya know what I mean?
But to give you some insite on your problem...You may be able to get some info from the email headers but I doubt it. Unless you are dealing with a
real stupid and/or lazy hacker, spammer, scriptkiddie...etc. Today it is just all to easy to bounce emails around from place to place using
annonymous servers and the like. Using Aim is also about the same odds. Chat clients usually tie into a main server and are proxied so there are no
point to point connections. Of course there are ways of punching holes through these kinds of things, or just using the many holes that already
exist, but this would then make you just as bad as them. If this person is bothering you and it is harmless yet annoying it's much smarter and
easier to just block them. If they persist and will not stop or if they are threatening you then let me know or let someone else know that can take
care of it without reverse hacking them as a solution. I hope this helps, if not let me know...