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My name is Stan Friedman.I have been investigating UFOs since 1958. Ask Me Anything

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posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 11:14 PM
After seeing all the questions added, and considering we've left it open long enough for just about every time zone to get a question in, we're closing the thread for the night.

It will be reopened at 0800 tomorrow morning (U.S. Time).

Good night and get ready for tomorrow!


posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 08:03 AM
It's 8:00 AM (U.S. Central time) and as promised this AMA is open for business. Enjoy and remember, ask ONE question and please don't ramble on.

Stanton will be along after a while to start answering again.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 08:14 AM


posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by Stanton Friedman

Mr. Friedman,

what's your opinion on the Brookings Report from the 1960s? It suggests that full public disclosure might yield undesired social pressures and unpredictable reactions. Did you ever experience anything substantiating the notion that cover-ups are based on such rationales?

Same question, different twist: could a similar information policy also apply to the discovery of age-old ET artifacts (if they exist) on planets & moons within our solar system, leading to an incremental 'step-by-step' disclosure of such finds? Thanks in advance for your thoughts on this ...

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 08:19 AM
Hi Stan,

I have noticed you mentioning the "earthling" thing a couple of times...I feel that's one of main if not the main problem of our civilization today. Nationalistic mentalitly is what is keeping us here...separating us. More easily controlled. Fooled. What bothers me the most is people people don't see it. in fact...everybody seems to be "Proud to be [insert any nationality here]"...for the reasons that escape my understanding. one question for you.

David Icke...whatever your feeling towards the man...and you probably think he's a lunatic...but...your take on the whole..."reptilians behind the scenes" thing.

Have you ever during your research encountered any "evidence" or at least something pointing this to be a possibility ?

Since you are "convinced" about UFO's....are "Reptillians" playing any part in your UFO research ?


posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 08:19 AM
My question is

Do you know or have heard anything about the actual material the ET spacecrafts are made from?. Are they made from an unknown element? or do you think they are made from stuff we know about?.
Oh and Morning
Get Springer to make coffee on tap

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 08:24 AM
Hey Mr. Friedman. Have you ever heard of anyone being 'zapped' or shocked by a craft? I feel like the only person its ever happened to. Here's my mufon sighting report-

I really hope you take the 45 seconds to read my story. Thank you kindly

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 08:26 AM


posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 08:27 AM
Good morning Mr Friedman,

If there is knowledge originated by reverse engineering of alien technology , is there any current technology that cannot be explained by simple knowledge originated without reverse engineering (only human knowledge)?

(sorry for bad English)

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 08:27 AM
Jacques Vallee and J. Allen Hyneck came to the conclusion that covert intelligence agencies have been fabricating stories and incidents in an attempt to manipulate the public. Vallee even suggests that there are factions within several governments that are trying to start a new religion. Have you ever had experiences that lead you to believe they may be on to something? If so, what do you believe the intentions of these groups are?
edit on 11-3-2014 by DJW001 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-3-2014 by DJW001 because: Edit to correct typo.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 08:33 AM
Mr. Friedman,

Do you think we have a secret space program with craft that can go to Mars and beyond? Do you believe we can take ET home?

Thank you.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 08:39 AM
Hi Stanton and a very good day to you.

What are your thoughts on Steven M Greer's work?, and his "Sirius" Documentary?

Thank you for your time,


posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 08:40 AM
How do you reconcile your nuts-and-bolts approach and high regard of more technologically advanced Extraterrestrial Biological Entities with respect to the disturbing and 'high strangeness' aspects in the abduction research of Jacques Vallee, John Mack, Karla Turner, Barbara Bartholic, Budd Hopkins, and others?

Thanks for your answer,

A quick comment: I find it questionable to clump all of humanity as primitive and subservient to whatever this UFO or ET phenomenon represents when history and ordinary life presents countless individuals with extraordinary capacities of every sort, evidence the spirit knows no boundaries especially those of biological forms, raising questions about why contact and collaboration isn't already under way at least on an individual level, save for the few credible reports that instead typically portray interaction with anything but a truly advanced species.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 08:54 AM
hello Mr. Friedman and thank you for coming by.

i've gone through these twenty pages, and haven't found a direct answer, only ones that make me think that you do believe in abductions. so i base my question on that.

there is a thread posted here that asks if anyone can shed light on what a symbol maybe. most have opted for the simple mundane fluorescent/ UV stamp or paint. but there are others who swear up and down it's aliens, invoke cattle mutilations, abductions, and aliens marking their abductees.

my questions,

1. have you seen this mark below in any case you have looked at or any thing similar, if so when and where and is there any info?

2. is there any cases where abductees have been marked with fluorescent/ UV markings?

thank you.

edit on 11-3-2014 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 09:19 AM

Stanton Friedman
reply to post by boymonkey74

No I don't think any are demons. I think they are advanced beings concerned about out primitive society whose major activity is tribal warfare and which has learned about nuclear fusion which would get us to the stars if we could spend the money. i think they wish to quarantine us. Don't forget we killed 50 million of our own kind and destroyed 1700 cities in WW 2.Since then we have exploded 2000 nuclear warheads and we will spend a trillion dollars on military stuff this year.We are not nice guys.

Such an excellent statement. I live in a place that sometimes still practices tribal warfare at times. It is an excellent analogy to what is going on.

Being said, who do you consider the big "tribes" to be - nations, family dynasty elites, or some hidden hand group at work pulling the strings behind the scenes?

There is a "one world government" conspiracy going on, do you believe that, and if so, do you think its purpose is to bring humanity to peace and ultimately disclosure?

Thanks for your time!

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 09:22 AM
Mr. Friedman,

Do you believe that some researchers are "FBI plants", to spread disinformation? What are your personal feelings about Col. John Alexander, and his claims that UFOs are real, but we have not yet made contact?

Thank you, in advance.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 09:23 AM
Another one..a good one for ATS.

Have any Government agencies ever contacted you or warned you off anything?.
edit on 11-3-2014 by boymonkey74 because: Blimey I am thick today typing like a ruddy monkey.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 09:23 AM
Good morning Mr. Friedman, and welcome back. My question is, is there one style/type of craft that is more prominent than another that is being used by et's, for example, more saucer type, and cigar type, or more something else, and say something else that we see more of. Thank you sir.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 09:31 AM
While I understand we don’t really know anything about extraterrestrials, it seems odd to me that the alleged aliens visiting earth look similar to humans. Why is it that in most reports the aliens have two arms, legs, one head, a mouth and eyes as we do? Any ideas?

Thank you...

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by Stanton Friedman


I have it on good authority, that Sedona, Arizona is "KEY" somehow, to Star People and their interaction with us humans, and that it has a major role to play in upcoming "events." I am just curious if you have heard anything similar, that Sedona has a special importance in this relevance.

Thanks much.



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