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Snowden "is loneliness getting to him"?

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posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 07:14 PM
One thing that never changes and it is human nature.

When foreigners go in to another country for any length of time they will break eventually and get "Home sicK". Snowden is now showing signs of wanting to come home.

However he is doing it with more lies.

Read here

He wants to come home but he also want immunity so he makes his new claims that he tried to alert his bosses the the spying going on. Like the NSA doesn't know about all the spying they do. there is no evidence he ever did such and this is only a ploy to get some bleeding heart politician to stand up and give this thief asylum in exchange for info on all the spying then NSA is doing.

But it wont happen. How much longer will it be before he just gets on a plane and comes home just to be back in the land of the free. The thief was nearly caught red handed, he flees when he gets wind of the fact they were on to his stealing, takes flight goes to Singapore meets with some Russians and Chinese, then eventually ends up in Russia.

Now he wants to come home and will do anything just to get back and that included more lies.

+4 more 
posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by ChesterJohn

He should be given the key to the USA and a ticker tape parade for being a hero.
This guy rocks and deserves to be able to go home.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74

not meaning to disagree with that statement
he might not like what home has become

you have proof he is lying?
edit on 9-3-2014 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by ChesterJohn

Snowden should come home and it should be with a full pardon and a ticker tape parade through New York city while they present him with a Nobel Peace prize.

There are criminals in the Snowden story and they're still gathering up your emails and text messages, shredding the Constitution and laughing at us. Those criminals are the NSA and their congressional enablers.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 07:25 PM


posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Bassago

Anyone willing to make a bet on the op being a now ex nsa employee?

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 07:27 PM
He likely regretting ending up in Russia with whats going on. It hardly helping his cause.

I understand he was cornered and Russia was not likely his first choice but its a bit crappy.

Im betting Iceland was his first choice but when all European flights are being grounded and searched and you end up stuck in Moscow airport im guessing you don't have a choice.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74

The amount of time he got and gets on TV means something. The msm is owned by you know who. I think he is the elites man. Its not like he made some massive info known. This was known for a long time. 15years ago we were being told what you put on the net is forever. Doesn't take rocket science to know all spy agencies would be looking

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 07:36 PM

reply to post by Bassago

Anyone willing to make a bet on the op being a now ex nsa employee?


I wish at least I could have a nice pension and medical.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 07:42 PM
if there was a report of his previous attempts to warn someone
those reports will never see the light of day
for obvious reasons i would think

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 07:44 PM

reply to post by boymonkey74

The amount of time he got and gets on TV means something. The msm is owned by you know who. I think he is the elites man. Its not like he made some massive info known. This was known for a long time. 15years ago we were being told what you put on the net is forever. Doesn't take rocket science to know all spy agencies would be looking

It certainly appears like this is all manufactured to bring about awareness that artificial intelligence is operational and to get people desensitised to the nature of the operation.

I also have to consider that if anyone was in fact "elite", how is Snowden still alive if he goes against the grain. It just seems like the usual distraction for another agenda in play.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by ChesterJohn

Homesick or not he'd better stay away. A jail cell won't make his homesickness any less painful. He may miss his dad and old friends though, they should have extended visits.

A ticker tape parade sounds very good. Maybe someone can photoshop a vid of Snowden's ticker tape parade down Broadway (or wherever they held them, hasn't been one for a long time has there? the moon walking astronauts used to get those)

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 07:55 PM

if there was a report of his previous attempts to warn someone
those reports will never see the light of day
for obvious reasons i would think

First of all Snowden worked with a contractor either on site or off but he was not connected directly to the NSA. So if he goes to his contractor and tells them do you think they want to have their contract terminated.

You and I know if have something that big you go straight to the Media and give them the best of what you got. You don't run off to Russian and all the time piece meal a bunch already released or already known info.

The NSA never got complaints because there were none.

Snowden is just ge4tten home sick.

And you V types out there Snowden is no hero he is just a crook

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 08:11 PM
Interesting that the US used to take in dissidents. Now it creates them. Just sayin'.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by ChesterJohn

what has he said that's been a lie? ... even the NSA and GCHQ haven't said he's lying, in fact, quite the opposite, he can't be a thief and a liar... if he's lying then he didn't steal anything because he made it up... so he can't be both and the info he 'stole' is information that was in the public interest to be exposed.. any civilised country has a framework for such thing, its supposed to ensure a free press, it's just that its not convenient when it's info that's damaging to a tyrannical government agency... double standards. and since neither GCHQ nor the NSA (nor Angela Merkel who reacted to info in the Snowden leaks about her phone being tapped...) seem to claim that Snowden is a liar, what information do you have that suggests otherwise? you're either a shill or delusional, or you're that patriotic that it blinds you and since the MSM is saying that these leaks are bad for America
you're thinking, bad for America? that son of a ..... thieving liar... look at the facts, why are you on ATS if you are against people sharing the truth?... strange... strange indeed.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 08:32 PM

reply to post by ChesterJohn

what has he said that's been a lie? ... even the NSA and GCHQ haven't said he's lying, in fact, quite the opposite, he can't be a thief and a liar... if he's lying then he didn't steal anything because he made it up... so he can't be both and the info he 'stole' is information that was in the public interest to be exposed.. any civilised country has a framework for such thing, its supposed to ensure a free press, it's just that its not convenient when it's info that's damaging to a tyrannical government agency... double standards. and since neither GCHQ nor the NSA (nor Angela Merkel who reacted to info in the Snowden leaks about her phone being tapped...) seem to claim that Snowden is a liar, what information do you have that suggests otherwise? you're either a shill or delusional, or you're that patriotic that it blinds you and since the MSM is saying that these leaks are bad for America
you're thinking, bad for America? that son of a ..... thieving liar... look at the facts, why are you on ATS if you are against people sharing the truth?... strange... strange indeed.

I am not saying the info he released is a lie. It is what and how he stole the material for the reasons he says he did it, that is the lie.
edit on 9-3-2014 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 08:43 PM
He is a hero, that is all there is too it. Sadly returning to this nation of brainwashed, lazy irresponsible "Americans" is not any kind of an option. It is my belief that the majority of Americans actually support him and would welcome him back with open arms, the reality of it is that the media would smear him to death, then he would have some kind of unfortunate accident, and the press would celebrate and the rest of America would change the channel. I would stay in Russia and continue doing what you can to bring to light the Global system of corruption that the NSA/GHCQ and who knows what other alphabet agency is out there! Let us know lol

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 08:55 PM
Snowden is a true hero and a true patriot. Calling him a traitor is like calling our founding fathers traitors.

Get rid of these bloodthirsty KGB wanna be NSA clowns.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by ChesterJohn

what difference does it make? if I cure cancer because I want to get rich would you see me as a hypocrite? or would you think, I don't care why he done it, I'm just glad we now know how to beat cancer..? if I said your only on ATS to get gratification for your knowledge, would it matter? no.. only the quality of your information matters...

Snowden is a 'hero' because he brought to the public eye what conspiracy theorists have been saying for years... the government is listening to your calls, scanning your emails, compiling and trading details on it's citizens, spreading disinformation about deemed 'dissidents' etc... a few years ago if you said this to your average person it was enough for them to think you were mad...

we owe a great deal to Edward Snowden, especially people like us here on ATS because he made us all look a little less nuts and a little bit more credible, it will have brought more people to sites like this and whether his reasons were entirely altruistic or not, it shouldn't matter, the man deliberately gave up his freedoms to let people know that they were giving away their freedoms, involuntarily... that's altruistic enough for me.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 11:30 PM
I think Snowden is full of regret.

He leaked the information and then almost immediately came forward, naming himself as the source. I think he had this idea of what would happen that didn't exactly play out as he had imagined it.

So now he is stuck.

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