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Islamophobia blocking Turkey admission to EU?

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posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 07:41 PM
Turkey's problem is Cyprus and the fact it occupies part of that nation. Since Cyprus and it ally Greece are in the EU, Turkey will not be getting in until that situation resolved. The same for Macedonia who is being help up in the EU and NATO by Greece because of it will not change its name. That politics for you.

posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by gardener

I don't think so. Europe is extremely "Islamified" in many aspects. Mosques are being paid for by tax payers money, that doesn't sound like Islamophobia to me. In Norway (where I'm located) Norwegians typically hold a high regard for someone from Turkey. Even though many Norwegians don't believe they're Europeans (me included), they do feel like they're very liberal or moderate when it comes to their Islamic beliefs.

I think many here would welcome Turkey despite their political and human right issues.

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