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World Bank Insider...."There is a huge Global Conspiracy"

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posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 01:27 AM

reply to post by UxoriousMagnus

I must have missed the coneheads posts discussed on here before.

She lost me at that part as well
We have to be careful believing the whistleblowers. In my opinion a real whistleblower would have been terminated before uttering one word. Maybe they are with all the suicides. Who knows, but if so then how is she still alive?

I don't have an answer to that (why she is still alive).

LOL....yes you did miss the cone head discussion but in reality you missed nothing

I think that there is an effort to make whistle blowers look bad....character assassinations etc. And also wrecks and airplane crashes and suicides etc.....but I think some make it through the fray....

She might be one of them.....Snowden might too.....history will tell

posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 01:43 AM

I think she gained some trust, by the fact she clearly says they aren't ET's but more of an old Empire here on Earth. I still believe that some of the rich families of the Old civilization survived and kept on dominating the earth till this day.

All this has happened before, and all of it will happen again Battlestar Galactica.

edit on thAmerica/Chicago309000000k2014 by MessageforAll because: (no reason given)

This is the very first post where we entirely agree!
I think, this a very intuitive analysis......
Besides what she says about the corruption rings true as well.......

posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 04:16 AM
She does have good points and information. So, wouldn't dismiss checking it out.
"They are not ET. This groups has large brains, distinct DNA... skulls all over the place. One of the places they have been hiding is in the Vatican."- From the OP. Annunaki? I dunno, kooky idea, might defend her from being offed..."Oh, no one could take her serious!" After all she concludes whistle blowers such as Snowden have to be working for the Matrix because of media attention.

The Political science modeling tool program predicted that the people "would take back the rule of law and the world." Wondering about more on that.

posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 04:45 AM

She does have good points and information. So, wouldn't dismiss checking it out.
"They are not ET. This groups has large brains, distinct DNA... skulls all over the place. One of the places they have been hiding is in the Vatican."- From the OP. Annunaki? I dunno, kooky idea, might defend her from being offed..."Oh, no one could take her serious!" After all she concludes whistle blowers such as Snowden have to be working for the Matrix because of media attention.

The Political science modeling tool program predicted that the people "would take back the rule of law and the world." Wondering about more on that.

well said

and thanks

posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 11:47 AM
I like listening to people like this, just when she is getting into ultra fringe territory and has the host of the show wondering what the hell he got himself into having her on, she reels it back in with articulate insider specifics. It does make you wonder why she is still alive if she is telling the truth.

As far as the dna testing, sometimes you have to draw conclusions from what isn't being done and why. By that I mean why hasn't mainstream science jumped all over the chance to test the dna and put the issue to rest? The fact that it is always individuals who have to crowd source fund dna testing to get results is a major tell. Same goes for the bigfoot dna testing.

posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 12:23 PM

I like listening to people like this, just when she is getting into ultra fringe territory and has the host of the show wondering what the hell he got himself into having her on, she reels it back in with articulate insider specifics. It does make you wonder why she is still alive if she is telling the truth.

As far as the dna testing, sometimes you have to draw conclusions from what isn't being done and why. By that I mean why hasn't mainstream science jumped all over the chance to test the dna and put the issue to rest? The fact that it is always individuals who have to crowd source fund dna testing to get results is a major tell. Same goes for the bigfoot dna testing.

Well said....thanks for adding this.

I wish more people understood that there are "forces" trying to keep the light of day off of many of these findings.

Reading between the lines is what all good investigative journalists must do.....they have to connect the dots. I would think more people on ATS would realize this.

posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 12:53 PM
Global banking conspiraxy with many governments working to f up thie planet at the behest of evil centrql bankers? Without proficiency in the fine details and data, old news.

The big skulled race? The fact that giant skeletal remains, giant mummies, and giant weaponry have been dug all over the place for hundreds of years, with the mainstream scientific community either ignoring, or obfuscating any facts about it, or atracking the character of the scientists researching it, I dont think it is too big a veer of of the path she outlined here. I'm still wanting for more proof that these advanced racea are still here phywically today, but that is something that I feel we will not be happening upon. I think this lady might be off about these beings physically occupying the same material space we do at this time, but you cannot discount the existence of these beings in the past, despite all phycial finds, and the physical finds, and obvious lies the , edia is known to do.

Peer reviewed? Mainstream? The people and forces who are destroying this planet, own and control the mainstream, amd whatnyou hear from it. They will vehemontly tell you what peer reviewed articles to base your opinions on; any of tjose peers that end up finding things that the elitenwould rather not he thought of in peoples heads, they are all of a sudden fakes, liars, shills.

You think the evidence supporting these skulls as not of human dna, or the centeal banks dictating government policy for the aim of world control and desteuction, going to be established within widely utilized and recognized mainstream sources? I laugh, I laugh hard...

Not all whistle blowers will get accidented or suicided, just rhe ones who have the skill, resources, or charisma to actually make a dent in the elites sheild of lies. Those who get a movemnt going. Those with hard data. They will be the ones to eat it. The others are not really to be worried about when they sit there and talk.

posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

This does go to lessening the woman's credibility though... it takes a downhill slide at that statement, and makes the rest of what she says very questionable because this means she doesn't do much research... for someone with an ivy league education you would expect more, especially if they are whistle-blowers...

Exactly. But, then again, Wouldn't it make more sense for her to do that? consider it along these same lines:

although, when you throw in some crazy people tend to overlook you more... and perhaps that is her goal.

Seems to me all the more likely that it would be, especially given her education.
ETA: Or, looking at it from the opposite side, she is merely a distraction, a red herring, if you will, and that bit about those skulls is intended to discredit her, and see who will believe.
edit on 10-3-2014 by LucidWarrior because: Continuing line of thought.

posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by LucidWarrior

Very good points and I do agree with you... there is always more than one angle to look at this from.

posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by Bassago

Well it is interesting being as though David Icke is basically saying the same things that she is including the whole alien connection thing. I mean we know it is statistically improbable for aliens not to exist it would not be farfetched that they are on this planet and for one group to want to run an entire planet, I mean I’m not saying that I believe it but it’s not that far off when you think of it in those terms.

posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 11:22 PM
Now this is an interesting thread and I just look to how much the "status quo" has led people many times in the past to distort, lie and outright change historical facts. I've always been of the mindset of assuming the worst from those in power because history has shown them to be the cause of most of our problems. If the DNA says the Paracas skulls are a separate species of humanoid then her story at least gets some credibility from me.

If I told you 200 years ago man would walk on the moon and fly faster then sound, I bet most would have labeled me insane.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 12:19 AM
I've heard it said that the best information comes from sources that purposefully interject some wildly false statements that could raise doubt about the information or the one presenting it, precisely because if they were 100% truthful all the time then they would be offed in a nanosecond. Our task is to sift through it and use our intuition to get the choice bits without discrediting the person and their information entirely just based on the inconsistencies. I'm thinking the alien stuff is the disinfo in Karen's little spiel here; most of the rest may be legitimate.

On Hudes' Snowden revelation: I read that paper by Ames ( ) and had a light come on before her story. I always wondered why Omidyar (Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Laura Poitras, and Jeremy Scahill's new employer via the Intercept on-line) never got negative press for PAYING the man who is writing the anti-NSA stories. After all that noise about wanting to put Snowden away for life, why not get on the guy who now pays him to write those stories? Well, now we know: he - and probably all the above journalists - work for the government, at least now.

I got two theories on this, one more insidious than the other: either Greenwald et. al. were being persistent little buggers to the PTB and they were offered a 'golden handshake' to work profitably with Omidyar where they could be controlled - or suffer the fate of Michael Hastings; or they consisted of the 'second line of defense' to keep those whose minds haven't been completely dulled by the MSM satisfied that at least *someone* was reporting real news - this 'news' of which may have been a diversion for us all along!!

And you know what? I suspect Ms. Hudes might be one of the disinfo agents herself, wearing the guise of a 'conspiracy theorist' much like Neil Keenan, Benjamin Fulford, Cobra, Jim Willie, David Wilcox and others of that ilk.

I think the REAL game is described very, very well here:

And here:

In short, though Karen Hudes has and does impart useful information now and then, I think she is yet another shill who is throwing us off the path of TRUTH: that the globalists are very, very close to attaining their goal and when they do, it will look good at first...but in the end, the very same people at the top echelons will be in charge, with just the bit players leaving the stage...

...unless we all wake up to it first!

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 01:15 AM

reply to post by UxoriousMagnus

I was with you on this up until the part where she claims it's big headed non Homo Sapiens, non-ET's ruling the world from the shadows. Honestly at that point she lost me.

I'm not saying it isn't possible but simple logic says there is a better answer. Banksters and the .01% elite are responsible for the mess we're in as well as most of the last messes.

Still makes a great story, always better to shift blame to imaginary evil-doers and take the heat off those really responsible.

Flat out this response is far too common, why is it so difficult for most of you to open your mind and realize ANYTHING is possible.

Simple logic does NOT say there is a better answer, the entire worlds religions and atheist scoffers are steered away from asking deeper questions at ANY COST.

All manner of unanswered questions and people blaming other humans continuously, and where has that gotten anyone ?

All those elite and banksters believe in things that you scoff at, I find that the most funny part of all... ALL OF THEM buy into the system they have or DIE, they know something that you do not, and it is in many of the books they publish, but of course they are just crazy hah.

When will you either get BORED or SICK of being lied to , I guess never, well too late anyways, the final countdown has begun.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 02:30 AM

reply to post by UxoriousMagnus

It is thus with regard to the usage: immediately after the child is born, and while its head is still tender, they fashion it with their hands, and constrain it to assume a lengthened shape by applying bandages and other suitable contrivances whereby the spherical form of the head is destroyed, and it is made to increase in length." - Hippocrates (c. 400 BCE)

No one was born with their heads like that, they were shaped like that AFTER birth. This is a similar practice to the Japanese binding a child's feet...

Why would they do that? Could it be that they were trying to mimick those they worshiped. Not that I believe in these other-humanoids, but just sayin anyways.
edit on 11-3-2014 by Rezlooper because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 03:38 AM


reply to post by UxoriousMagnus

I was with you on this up until the part where she claims it's big headed non Homo Sapiens, non-ET's ruling the world from the shadows. Honestly at that point she lost me.

I'm not saying it isn't possible but simple logic says there is a better answer. Banksters and the .01% elite are responsible for the mess we're in as well as most of the last messes.

Still makes a great story, always better to shift blame to imaginary evil-doers and take the heat off those really responsible.

Flat out this response is far too common, why is it so difficult for most of you to open your mind and realize ANYTHING is possible.

Simple logic does NOT say there is a better answer, the entire worlds religions and atheist scoffers are steered away from asking deeper questions at ANY COST.

All manner of unanswered questions and people blaming other humans continuously, and where has that gotten anyone ?

All those elite and banksters believe in things that you scoff at, I find that the most funny part of all... ALL OF THEM buy into the system they have or DIE, they know something that you do not, and it is in many of the books they publish, but of course they are just crazy hah.

When will you either get BORED or SICK of being lied to , I guess never, well too late anyways, the final countdown has begun.

As I said, it's possible. It also seems much more probable (and logical) that we have human elitist agendas rather than big headed nonhuman shadow creatures running the world. Please point out some of the books they've been publishing and I'd be happy to take a look. Mind though, just because someone wrote it in a book doesn't mean Sauron and Orks are going to try and take over the world.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 05:40 AM
by affairs them know observe traffic and end-users thousands of tons of blood and gold

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 06:38 AM
I can't believe the Terrans and Protoss live together. Blizzard is throwing us off!

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 07:04 AM
Who cares about humanoids? Even if they're real an i'm 99.9% sure they're not, they are not the ones who will be gunning us an our children down in the streets. WAKE UP! Its time to snap out of the fantasy world an get back to our world. The one in which our own president has acknowlegded an called for a New World Order. An all he is is their puppet, just like George W. Bush was and the one before him. And the list goes on all the way back to Kennedy, our last great president. An we all know what a sad an sick thing happened to him. An all because he wouldn't be their puppet. Now I know some will say I'm ignorant an don't have a clue in the world, but you know thats ok. Its just this simple, our government is fake. They've all been hand selected. I mean if you had 2 canidates to choose between an they both were hand selected by a force so rich an powerful that they controlled every aspect of the way life is lived in each country but of course you didn't know this an your just doing what you believe is your patriotic duty then either way it don't matter who you choose cause hey they're both puppets. But this organization don't want any of this to come out just yet. No it might spoil their plans. They want you to continue your daily routine. All the while the world governments that they are in fact controlling are building up militarily for martial law. Just like our government is doing now because they know our economy is about to tank. People let me tell you something, your gonna hear everything is fine an the economy is gonna come back stronger than ever, but its not gonna. Its impossible! Nothing is impossible right? WRONG! But they want us to believe its coming back because they're still not ready. Yea they have ordered over 2 billion live ammunition rounds an ordered over a million plastic caskits (an thats just one estimate) an set up many a fema camps (prisons). But no they are still not ready. Even though they have moved thousands of military vehicles an personel into place. And some even from foreign countries. With truck loads of signs stating martial law. Na they're not coming for us. The citizens of this world better wake up before its to late. If we are not gonna stand up an fight together then all hope for our children is lost. So if you see that laying down to them is the best way out then have at it, but to me having to leave our home an live in a prison where my children will be subjected to untold horrors an you know as well as i do that they'll have guns an such an we'll be defenseless so they'll do what they want when they want, I'm just not going to do it. So we either stand together shoulder to shoulder united under God or we perish in horrible ways. An what I'm saying is coming is almost here. I can see it, better yet I can feel it in my bones an in my soul. Just spread the word an the warning signs. Its all over the news. Its all over youtube. People just will not open their eyes. That or they are just cowards and are scared. I don't care who you are. Skin color, religion, ethinticity, none of it matters any more. All that matters is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our children. All I'm saying is is be ready to fight for them. They'll be looking up to you for your love and help.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 07:48 AM
S and f op. Well done!

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by UxoriousMagnus

Charleston Atom Bomb TV Movie

It was a made for TV movie plot...since then it's spiraled out of control as a conspiracy theory.

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