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just because you dig up bones and fossils doesn't mean your interpretation of them is correct. Either, present evidence of every single transitional form OR accept that the fossils/bones were remains of a creatures that once existed, not a ''transitional'' form. If absence of evidence of God means God doesn't exist...then the absence of evidence of transitional forms means those ALLEGED transitional forms never existed either. As for ''lots of books'', there are also lots of books claiming the existence of God. So I guess we just choose the books that appeal to us.
reply to post by sk0rpi0n
Our species in 500,000 years old. The earth is four and a half billion years old.
Most scientists agree that life began about three and a half billion years ago. You really expect us to master that information in a quarter of the time it took to happen? Especially given that science took a while to find its feet. But if you happen to unearth Adam or Eve's bones somewhere, I guess we're at an impass. Even though we (non ID) do at least have bones. Lots and lots of bones. And lots of books about them. You get what I'm saying?
And in the same vein, lack of evidence for a Being beyond our percievable reality is an even weaker case in favor of atheism.
reply to post by sk0rpi0n
Lack of transitional fossils is still a pretty weak platform for building a case in favor of intelligent design. .
And in the same vein, lack of evidence for a Being beyond our percievable reality is an even weaker case in favor of atheism.
reply to post by AfterInfinity
Just a few.
Same goes for don't believe in God. No problem....just don't run for office. you reserve for yourself the right to demand evidence of the impossible, but manage to find convenient explanations as to why why you cannot provide the same, when asked of you. Until you can do so, stop popping into religious threads demanding evidence for God. Or you will be asked for evidence of transitionary forms from the single cell to bipedal mammals....again.
Its a moot argument. You wanna believe in sky wizards, go for it. Just don't run for office, please....
''some''??? I asked to see ALL of them. Whats that? You can't produce them? In that case, those supposed ''transitional forms'' never existed. No evidence = they never existed. Once again, please present the fossils of every single SUPPOSED transitional specimen in the so called evolutionary gradient. If you can't do so then stop asking theists direct evidence for God.
There ya go. Some transitional fossils
yeah you can't. So stop asking for proof of God that we can't provide, boy monkey.
boymonkey....Oh and you know we can not give you all the fossils that prove it but...
No evidence = they never existed.
Is there any evidence that virgin human women could give birth to babies? No? Then I guess you also believe your ''God'' Jesus, never existed.
No evidence = they never existed.
There is no evidence that Adam and Eve existed. Therefore, according to you, they never existed.
There is no evidence that Abraham ever existed. Therefore, according to you, he never existed.
There is no evidence that Noahs Ark existed. In fact, the evidence points to the fact it didn't.
Therefore, according to you, it never existed.
There is no evidence that Exodus ever took place. Therefore, according to you, it didn't.
There is no evidence that the 10 Commandments came from God on a mountaintop and were
given to Moses directly by God. Therefore, according to you, it didn't happen.
Its a deflection on your part, not mine. I never brought up Adam, Noah and Moses. So tell me....or rather, all of us here (whether theist or non-theist)....does your belief in your ''God'' Jesus' virgin on scientific facts or blind faith. Answer me. Directly.
YOU just said "no evidence = never existed". YOU said that. Therefore,according to YOU, Abraham, and Adam and Eve, and Noah and his ark, and Moses Exodus, and the mountaintop Ten Commandments never existed. Right? Not only is there no evidence to support the Noahs Ark myth, but there is a mountain of evidence AGAINST it. Therefore according to your 'logic', Noahs Ark didn't happen. Right?
yes...I said that. So therefore since there is ''no evidence that virgin human women could give birth to a baby, then does that mean Jesus never existed? Yes or no?
reply to post by sk0rpi0n
YOU just said "no evidence = never existed". YOU said that.
Its a deflection on your part, not mine.