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Call for sober reflection and peace in Crimea, through exposure of American banana republic tactics.

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posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 12:19 AM
The Russians are being scary and good guys are hard to find.., it seems clear now that the revolution on the Maidan was orchestrated and financed by the good old US of A, and that's what that comment [snip] the Eu was all about, by whats her name," the so called diplomat,the tenor being; We Americans are doing it, taking an active role in geopolitical structuring while Europe is flapping lips" so they glorify their positions of deceit, and funded the " revolution "
Which explains why we now have a bunch of Russians on the other side of the fence saying no, [snip] you instead...!,
And though I have no sympathy for Russian nationalists, I don't think Ukranian ones are any better, so why not
let them work it out amongst themselves...
Why do Americans always feel they know what's best for everyone else,when their track record shows nothing but disasters ?
I guess its only business and it does not really matter who gets hurt as long as some people are always making money...!

edit on 9-3-2014 by Kandinsky because: censor circumvention

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 12:25 AM

it seems clear now that the revolution on the Maidan was orchestrated and financed by the good old US of A,
It does? The US orchestrated the demonstrations against Yanukovych? The people of Ukraine were actually in favor of alignment with Russia?

It's clear? Really?

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by Phage

Yes its clear that we should stay on the sidelines, all of us, the violence on the Maidan was orchestrated and the snipers
were quite possibly part of the orchestration.Western media reported total BS about the " revolution " in most of the documentary evidence it cleary shows the violence did not come from the cops..

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by survivalsurfer

Yes its clear that we should stay on the sidelines,
With that I agree.

Western media reported total BS about the " revolution " in most of the documentary evidence it cleary shows the violence did not come from the cops..
"Clearly" again. Based on what documentary evidence exactly? Video bites? Video can be very selectively edited. To assume that video clips can present a full story is a bit naive.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 01:03 AM
Well clear as mud anyhow, I listened to the news,read the commentaries and was struck by the biased slant to reports of the violence, also reported by people who were there and pro Europe and all that. Not nice,rather violent, but very well paid agitators at reportedly $200 per day..

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 01:24 AM
It's the last stand for fiat currency...imo

It's the Western IMF fiat currency bankers vs the Eastern hard currency bankers.

The IMF is the US/EU vs Russia, China, India - the BRICS.

Follow the money - honey.

The West is in debt & the East wants a Gold Backed Hard Currency...they want to break the US Petro Dollar & the US Dollar as the World Reserve Currency.

Every international transaction in the world is finalized in US Dollars. Russia and China are trying like hell to stop that.

Not hard to figure out...has nothing to do with Crimea or whatever piece of land the MSM talks about it's all about can Russia & China bring down the US Dollar & would say they probably can in time & that will will be bad for every man - woman and child in the US. It's going to get bad in the US - say the US Dollar is devalued by 50 to 75% - so say your $10,000 in the bank is only worth $2,500 when its all said and done and we need to give the Chinese the Grand Canyon for our debt or Yellowstone.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 03:00 AM


it seems clear now that the revolution on the Maidan was orchestrated and financed by the good old US of A,
It does? The US orchestrated the demonstrations against Yanukovych? The people of Ukraine were actually in favor of alignment with Russia?

It's clear? Really?

Yes, even US State Depatrment itself does confirm US involvement:

Ukraine is now a sovereign nation, but it is in fact already aligned with Russia. Economically, historically, ethnically, culturaly, geographicaly, militarily. I think almost every person in Russia has relatives in Ukraine and vice-versa. We freely cross borders (you only need a passport). How do you think an anti-Russian government can occur in such circumstances, since it can't be elected? Only through a coup d'etat. Only western regions of Ukraine are against the alignment with Russia and they always were considered separatists, but two weeks ago they suddenly took power by force. Situation is very unstable.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 03:07 AM
Sad to see that even Phage has been tainted by the western propaganda.
Guess this is helping the rest to weed out the nat-soc.

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by survivalsurfer
I'm waiting for all the shock and dismay when these guys decide they won't play ball with the west and try to call the shots.Then the US gov and MSM will be surprised by the "fascist leanings".Of the Ukrainian government that they had a hand in installing in the 1st place.

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