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Why are there no videos of exorcisms?

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posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 04:15 PM
link s-vatican-certified-exorcist

Here is a link to an interview with the exorcist who was the inspiration for The Rite. A quote from him on The Exorcist

And, what’s fascinating about that movie, just as a quick aside, it is amazing to me that that movie was made in about 1972, so that is about a 37-year-old movie. That movie is still inscribed in an icon kind of way in the minds of people when they think of exorcism. I cannot tell you how many times people have even cited that movie, “Oh, I saw the movie The Exorcist, is that what you do?” Not The Exorcism of Emily Rose but The Exorcist. It is just amazing that after all these years that movie still has an embedded memory in the minds of so many people. Yes, to answer your question, I have exorcised in my three years as an exorcist, I’ve exorcised five people, and I would say that there was one particular situation that would probably be pretty similar to what you just played in terms of the movie. I don’t use the word “compel” but I do certainly say, “In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ I demand you to leave,” and I will say that repeatedly in the midst of the prayers of exorcism from the Solemn Rite that I pray over the people.

You'll notice he says that 1 out his 5 is like the movie.

There are things that happen that we can’t explain. When people, though, show signs of some kind of demoniacal manifestation such as foaming at the mouth or rolling of the eyes or taking on the appearance of a serpent sometimes or speaking in a language that they have no competency in but all of a sudden do, those are the classical signs. But again, that doesn’t always come in the first go-around

taking on the appearance of a serpent

I mean, would be nice to see that on video.

Well, I mean, before I took on this role I certainly believed in the reality of Satan. I think, now that I’ve been in this ministry, I’ve been — I’ve never had a doubt — but anybody who has a doubt can simply come and see what I’ve seen at times and then maybe they won’t have doubts either

He's in San Jose if anyone close by wants to go with him and film.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 04:22 PM

solomons path

Episode 3.19 of "Paranormal Witness" called "The Exorcist"(Nov 2013), a possessed woman is being exercised.

As mentioned in the thread, one can see how embarrassing that is for her and her family.

Also see, older exorcism footage that was aired on 20/20 "Real Exorcism 1991"
edit on 7-3-2014 by dreamingawake because: (no reason given)

If someone is looking for actual video proof of exorcism, why would you reference a produced/scripted docu/drama and a 20/20 episode that clearly shows a mentally disturbed/attention seeking woman giving the crowd what they want?

As mentioned in the thread, one can see how embarrassing that is for her and her family.
I'm not sharing VIDEOS with the OP. But rather the example of embarrassment as to why there are not many videos.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by tigertatzen

Yes thats the story I was talking about.

BTW, the guy from Ghost Adventures has bought the house.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by KidOK

Really?!?! I didn't know that...that is kinda cool! I hope they do a show on that...if they do, that would be so boss. If there are actually dark energies in the house they will get evidence for sure.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 05:19 PM


solomons path

Episode 3.19 of "Paranormal Witness" called "The Exorcist"(Nov 2013), a possessed woman is being exercised.

As mentioned in the thread, one can see how embarrassing that is for her and her family.

Also see, older exorcism footage that was aired on 20/20 "Real Exorcism 1991"
edit on 7-3-2014 by dreamingawake because: (no reason given)

If someone is looking for actual video proof of exorcism, why would you reference a produced/scripted docu/drama and a 20/20 episode that clearly shows a mentally disturbed/attention seeking woman giving the crowd what they want?

As mentioned in the thread, one can see how embarrassing that is for her and her family.
I'm not sharing VIDEOS with the OP. But rather the example of embarrassment as to why there are not many videos.

That's nothing more than a cop out . . .

There are plenty of conditions that are "embarrassing" to the person who suffers them and their families; however, they are well documented (cases and research). I saw nothing embarrassing in the videos, outside of the actions of a mentally disturbed women in the 20/20 piece. However, her actions are no more embarrassing than any other outburst from someone suffering from delusions.

One verified case would lead to proof of the supernatural, as well as vindicating/substantiating the claims made by those of the Abrahamic religions. It would lead to a massive influx of followers. Heck, it would lead to a Nobel prize. It would change the world, as we know it.

The only reason for modern exorcists to not employ scientific testing of the subject or open documentation is to hide the fact that there is no substance to their claims and keep this "phenomena" in the realm of ecclesiastic providence.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

yes. i would. i have always said should it ever happened to me i want it filmed and showed all over the world. but then some people still wouldn't believe it. no pleasing some people.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 05:57 PM
I would mention a few things in my reading of this thread:

1: Most of you who want videos of exorcisms then talk about how you think all of them are nothing but disturbed people who need real medical treatment.

2: Those of you who say that videos are likely scarce because of privacy concerns are probably right. How would you like to be the latest YouTube sensation because you foamed at the mouth, talked in tongues and walked up walls backward and now have to go back to work with everyone knowing that?

3: Most every paranormal investigation show out there has to deal with battery drainage when entities manifest themselves. Do you really think that demonic entities would be any different?

In short, even if we could find a video of a real exorcism, I suspect that a significant number of you who claim this would provide proof of religion's claims to you would still pass it off as just another disturbed person needing medical treatment. I don't think less of you for that. It's more comfortable than the alternative would be which would be to change your underlying belief systems.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 06:08 PM
This audio has always creeped me out.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 06:14 PM

I would mention a few things in my reading of this thread:

1: Most of you who want videos of exorcisms then talk about how you think all of them are nothing but disturbed people who need real medical treatment.

2: Those of you who say that videos are likely scarce because of privacy concerns are probably right. How would you like to be the latest YouTube sensation because you foamed at the mouth, talked in tongues and walked up walls backward and now have to go back to work with everyone knowing that?

3: Most every paranormal investigation show out there has to deal with battery drainage when entities manifest themselves. Do you really think that demonic entities would be any different?

In short, even if we could find a video of a real exorcism, I suspect that a significant number of you who claim this would provide proof of religion's claims to you would still pass it off as just another disturbed person needing medical treatment. I don't think less of you for that. It's more comfortable than the alternative would be which would be to change your underlying belief systems.

1. Not just any exorcism video...but the movie type ones. I think people are missing the point here; NOT THE CURRENT YOUTUBE YELLING EXORCISMS. I don't think disturbed people walk up walls, spit out nails, contort their body, etc. You couldn't label that exorcism as just another mental patient.

2. Have you watched TV lately? People will get on TV for anything. The highest rated TV reality show is a scripted series about Duck Hunters. Obviously you would have to get permission to video and put on the web.

3. Its inside. Usually on the bed. Unplug the demons cell phone and use the plug.

The best possible scenario is for the exorcist to video every exorcism; with permission of course. Most will be nothing, but obviously they are having some that are not normal. Have several cameras setup, audio recorders, infrared, the whole nine yards. A third party would be needed also. That way its not just the priest and the family.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 06:19 PM
And honestly, I dont know why exorcisms arent videotaped after the Anneliese Michele death know for legal reasons.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 06:19 PM
I used to be a practicing catholic. Even went to the catholic school for 8 years of my life. Supposedly, according to the priests, the few that go to the priests possessed, are to remain nameless. I know of only one supposed genuin possession, one of our priests performed in all of my 45 years. According to the priests they don't take possession lightly. They don't just perform exorcisms on just anyone that asks. They require hard core proof, then they have to go ask for all kinds of permission from all kinds of religious people.....that's all I know...I wouldn't want to see an actual possession. Then again, I am now a NON practicing catholic......

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 06:22 PM

I would mention a few things in my reading of this thread:

1: Most of you who want videos of exorcisms then talk about how you think all of them are nothing but disturbed people who need real medical treatment.

2: Those of you who say that videos are likely scarce because of privacy concerns are probably right. How would you like to be the latest YouTube sensation because you foamed at the mouth, talked in tongues and walked up walls backward and now have to go back to work with everyone knowing that?

3: Most every paranormal investigation show out there has to deal with battery drainage when entities manifest themselves. Do you really think that demonic entities would be any different?

In short, even if we could find a video of a real exorcism, I suspect that a significant number of you who claim this would provide proof of religion's claims to you would still pass it off as just another disturbed person needing medical treatment. I don't think less of you for that. It's more comfortable than the alternative would be which would be to change your underlying belief systems.

The biggest thing needed with the video would be independent confirmation . . . meaning medical doctors or some other third party (not clergy or family).

Videos can be faked and people lie for all sorts of reasons, so video isn't enough on it's own. But, it would be nice if a video surfaced that led to actual scientific inquiry.

As far as the battery drainage issue . . . I guess if you buy that excuse as to why Ghost Hunters never actually records something of significance . . . so be it.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:16 PM

If you or your family member were possessed by a demon, would YOU want the exorcism to be video taped? Nope. Neither would I. It would be embarrassing. I wouldn't allow it if it were me or my family or friends. It's a private matter.

i disagree. I think the reason would be opposite - that the "Church" would want to show the world that demons are real. No, it's NOT a private matter. If demons are possessing people it's Everyone's business and everyone Needs to see the proof.

In fact, I'd find it Really Suspect if the possessed person after the exorcism didn't run around screaming from the hill tops that demons are real. They would want to be the ones who warn others because they know from first hand experience.

edit on 7-3-2014 by JohnPhoenix because: sp

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Why? Most people wouldn't believe and would, in fact, think they were crazy and treat them like that.

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 11:52 AM
something to think about would be, why would a demon want proof of there existence getting out. The OP claims Christianity is in the decline so why would Satan want proof out there that he exists. that would go against everything he would be trying to do.

a nice little challenge if some of you are up to it/ willing to take the risk. start a Log on the forums, every day tell Satan you open your self up to him. That you are free to have his demons posses you, start collecting satanic items and keeping them in your house. do this for a year straight. if we want to get real technical, put up some web cams, record audio when you sleep. it would be nice if we could get multiple people to do something like this to see if there were consistencies.

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 12:04 PM

something to think about would be, why would a demon want proof of there existence getting out. The OP claims Christianity is in the decline so why would Satan want proof out there that he exists. that would go against everything he would be trying to do.

a nice little challenge if some of you are up to it/ willing to take the risk. start a Log on the forums, every day tell Satan you open your self up to him. That you are free to have his demons posses you, start collecting satanic items and keeping them in your house. do this for a year straight. if we want to get real technical, put up some web cams, record audio when you sleep. it would be nice if we could get multiple people to do something like this to see if there were consistencies.

If that was the case then exorcists would be out of a job. If someone becomes possessed simply turn on the camera and since the demon doesn't want to be seen, he leaves.

Thats quite a challenge too.

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by KidOK

In lore at least demons are known to suppress them selfs letting the host take control of there body.

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 12:57 PM
I don't have a video of an exorcism, however this is the closest thing I found that is convincing enough about demonic possession. I know how to embed videos, but I want to warn that it is disturbing. You have been warned.

This is something called Quimbayo and it seems to be practiced in Venezuela. There are TONS of videos on youtube. Here is the creepiest in my honest opinion.

edit on 8-3-2014 by bitsforbytes because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-3-2014 by bitsforbytes because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 01:19 PM

For those that think the testimony of witnesses is enough evidence, what do you make of exorcisms performed by Hindu and Buddhist priests/monks. If catholic accounts of exorcism are to be taken as proof for their god, why not Hindu exorcism as proof of Kali, Brahma, or the Buddha etc...?
edit on 7-3-2014 by renegadeloser because: typo

Believe it of not even Jesus noted that there were other methods to casting out demons. He however referred to His abilities to do so as the "finger of God". This in essence means that He had total authority recognized by the demons themselves and didn't need any measure of hocus pocus.

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 01:29 PM

This audio has always creeped me out.

This case is a good example of lack of authority. Folks that had children like this came to Jesus because the priests couldn't handle the situation with their methods.

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