posted on Mar, 5 2014 @ 03:50 PM
S&F OP! Thanks!
14 months ago i probably wouldn't have watched this video; though if i did it may have stirred some emotions in me but nothing like i just felt. When
my son was born, just as the cliche' goes, my life changed in an instant.
The thought that my government has done this to so many children, to so many parents, to so many innocents,
in my name absolutely sickens me.
I've said it here before but i will reiterate: i have
nothing against the so called enemies of my government. No Iranian has ever harmed me, no
Iraqi has ever taken food from my son's mouth. These psychos do not speak for me and i pray every day for all of us normal, peaceful, and empathetic
people to finally get a chance to change things.
There is no real scarcity in this world; if we were not driven by the greed that has pounded into our heads since birth, if we all looked at how a
decision will better benefit humanity as a whole rather than how that decision will benefit me or my 'team' this world could be a wonderful place for
all of us.
Please share this video with real people in your life so they will hopefully have a moment of pause before they fall in lock step behind our 'leaders'
when they break out the war drums.
Cheers my friends!
edit to add: Without saying a word this young actress has conveyed so much emotion. What talent!
edit on 3/5/14 by soulshn because: =)