posted on May, 25 2003 @ 10:51 PM
Outstanding post, informative, and nice links! When you take away the moral shroud of secrecy surrounding Israel, we really need to keep our eye on
them. I think you're right on the mark regarding Syria & NK.
"But Israel has been America�s ally since its inception, and Israel doesn�t make demands and threaten to launch an attack if they�re not given what
they want"
Don't forget about the Mossad's secret actions, though- like trying to blow up the mexican parliament, if my memory serves correctly. Israel has
gotten away with many questionable actions and should be investigated, they could really give the United States a bad reputation.
The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior- especially when that past behavior hasn't been punished!
Check this out, the State of Israel killed US servicemen in 1967:
"During the Six Day War between Israel and the Arab States, the American intelligence ship USS Liberty was attacked for 75 minutes in international
waters by Israeli aircraft and motor torpedo boats. Thirty-four men died and 172 were wounded."