posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by AlphaHawk
Read and study The Creature from Jekyll Island by G Edward Griffin. It contains all the proof one needs to establish that the Cabal of international
bankers have conspired to create wars and create countries' debt and create scarcity to become mega rich. The Illuminati is the mothership of
There is lot's of proof. Like the letter from Rothschild about establishing the Federal Reserve (a private cartel) --
Rothschild wrote saying "It (Central Bank ) gives the National Bank almost complete control of national finance. The few who understand the system
will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class... The great body of the
people, mentally incapable of comprehending, will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical
(contrary) to their interests." [The bankers created the legislation for the FED]
Go to youtube and search for Myron Fagan and listen to his radio speech
of the 1950s, one of the first major outings of the Illuminati.
Read books by Jim Marrs, and The Creature of Jekyll Island by Griffin.
Study the sinking of the Lusitania.
Study Presdents Adams, father and son.
Study why the colonists and our most famous Presidents stood against the Central Bank.
Study Bertrand Russel and his Skull and Bones and mispelled "Fire Iland" (sic).
Study the creation of the Federal Reserve and its ownership.