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Stunning New Video - Alien Reverse Engineered Vehicles (the Fluxliner!) and ZPE

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posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 03:20 PM

reply to post by MysterX

If I handed you a piece of RAM and told yoy to build more how easy do you think it would be?

The problem is with actually building it. It isn't just a matter off "oh that's so easy" and you can just build it. You need tooling, and usually tooling to build the tooling. At some point you hit a wall we can't currently cross.

But come on mate, if i was a specialist in electronic design and manufacture it would be a piece of cake.

Besides, we discoverd silicon chips, how to build them, the tooling to build the tooling to build the ram and made orders of magnitude advances all in a few it obviously can be done, we've done it and now it is simplicity itself for ordinary factories to churn ram out all day long.

The same applies to the tooling, and tooling for the tooling to build just about anything else...time, research and money..not much elese is required.

And let's face it, the US has had lots of all three of those.

edit on 4-3-2014 by MysterX because: typo

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by MysterX

So you are telling me that if someone handed a piece of material that no one on earth had ever seen it's just a matter of throwing enough money at it. It doesn't matter if it is something that no one has any idea of how it works, throw enough money at it and we can do it?

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 03:33 PM

Great movie! I was curious, with so many replies to this post, why was it taken down so quickly from the live and recent topics?

I believe the number of flags and also incoming new threads bump things down or up accordingly.

With a long (OMG, an hour and a half!) video, people that are truly interested tend to go off and watch the video and not return to the thread to even flag it or comment.

Thank god for those people who call it all bunk and make lots of posts accordingly without having even watched it, or it would be lost down the memory hole immediately...

Thanks for commenting, I'm glad you got something out of it. It appears that producing this may have cost the writer his life, and for that reason alone it deserves to be treated respectfully.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by Zaphod58

Enough time, dedicated and brilliant research and lots of money...yes of course.

It's exactly how we have everything we have on Earth when you think about it.

100 years ago, nobody had seen any of our modern electronics, much less conceptualised any of it.

Today, after enough dedicated and brilliant research, time and money for R&D...we have what we have.

And THAT is even harder to do, than starting from a technological framework to begin with and then working on how something works, even if we have never seen it before.

The very fact that you're typing your posts at all, is testament and outright proof that we can indeed do so...or else we would have never had our technology to begin with.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 03:39 PM

reply to post by MysterX

So you are telling me that if someone handed a piece of material that no one on earth had ever seen it's just a matter of throwing enough money at it. It doesn't matter if it is something that no one has any idea of how it works, throw enough money at it and we can do it?

The point here is, if you KNOW something works, and what it's supposed to do, it may be a helluva lot easier to keep going no matter what dead ends your research runs into.

We're talking unlimited funds and the best brains money can buy, not about those guys who refused to look through Galileo's telescope because they already knew all about god...

If you watch from about 1 hour on, you'll see by the DETAILED BLUEPRINTS that it seems to be rather elegantly simple in design and used a lot of off the shelf parts. The actual vehicle described also was rather battered indicating it was not only quite old but a working prototype with a lot of miles on it.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 04:07 PM

If you watch from about 1 hour on, you'll see by the DETAILED BLUEPRINTS

I wonder if you even know what a detailed blueprint is, as there are none in that video....
edit on 4-3-2014 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by MysterX

If you don' even have the physics knowledge of how something works you can throw all the money you want at it and it won't help. You have to at least have some knowledge of how something works before you can engineer it. You can study antigravity plates all you want but if you don't understand it how do you build it?

You have to at least be close to the technology level to do it. The smartest people in the world couldn't reverse engineer a 747 if they didn't understand the basics of it.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by signalfire

So once again we have what would be a super secret squirrel black project, with an NDA that would scare God, but all the details are all over the net.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 04:48 PM


If you watch from about 1 hour on, you'll see by the DETAILED BLUEPRINTS

I wonder if you even know what a detailed blueprint is, as there are none in that video....
edit on 4-3-2014 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

Considering it was limited by the apparently attention span-boggling length of 90 minutes, I thought he did a very good job of not only showing detailed drawings of the craft but explaining how it worked. McCandlish repeatedly points out that it's a very simple design.

Frankly, it looks a helluva lot simpler than a modern jet engine or a V2 rocket. And since it appears to be based on information Tesla discussed over 100 years ago... how complicated can it really be to construct if you have a working model (alleged) to work off of? Reduced down to basics, it's a giant Tesla coil, with seats.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 04:49 PM
I am with zaphod on this on this one, although it is a good debate on the term 'reverse engineering' which is loosely banded around the site (and may warrant its own topic).
You need to understand what you are reverse engineering, you also need to control it- and often the technologies are developed alongside each other. History shows us that technologies, maths and physics go hand in hand- calculus was developed ( I will ignore Archimedes wander into this subject) just before Newton's natural laws of motion, made so much more powerful with these laws.
I thought that stealth technology was known before it could be properly applied. U2 had stealth elements but the F117 needed fly by wire technology to get it into the air. So these technologies are interlinked.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by Zaphod58

Unless you're willing to impugn the testimony of hundreds of military, intelligence and security professionals who have come forward over the years telling similar stories you have to accept that advanced technology from 'somewhere else' exists. The possibility that a handful of these have had details leak is entirely reasonable. The first allegedly recovered vehicle happened in 1942. That's over 70 years with multiple high-tech companies and some of the brightest minds on the planet working on the project with what amounts to unlimited budgets. The physics behind it are nothing particularly new and explain how it could potentially operate. Look what we have achieved technologically in the past 70yrs.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 04:53 PM

reply to post by signalfire

So once again we have what would be a super secret squirrel black project, with an NDA that would scare God, but all the details are all over the net.

As I've posted several times on ATS, the internet is a form of electronic telepathy. It's a way of getting information out there that may actually be 'safe' and those who have posted previously sequestered information on line may just be buying themselves safety thereby. It starts out a trickle and ends up a flood.

Do you really think that everything the governments of the world want secret is kept that way, that no one will ever talk?

I for one would really like to know where all my tax money has been going; they have already proven themselves capable of killing en masse and indiscriminately, what else are they up to without our awareness or consent?

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by jtma508

And amazingly almost all of the products that I have ever heard were reverse engineered were logical progressions of other technologies. Look at what has happened in the last 100 years to drive technology.

Wars push technology faster than almost anything else. WWI, WWII, and even Vietnam brought about things we take for granted today, from easy to use antibiotics to air travel. All of it was a logical progression from previous technologies.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by signalfire

I know perfectly well people talk. But you are telling me that the government is capable of reverse engineering alien technology because they are so advanced, but at the same time is so incompetent they can't remove ultra top secret information from a simple web page. Or even from several.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Maverick7

Wow you are kidding right or just another govt shill. Of course you can reverse engineer their tech. You can reverse anything given enough time and enough of what you are trying to make to replace when you break it. And of course your gonna break it lol.

I chose to believe you are smarter than that so I am left with conclusion your are working for the man. Lol... Sorry, not going to play here. Lol. Seriously...

Oh and nice op girl, you know my fingers get all fluttery when I see your avatar...... Lol.

The Bot

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by Zaphod58

Wow Zaphod58, what so hard to believe there. Wow kinda of hard to believe you said that. They have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Reality is this stuff is so compartmentalized one hand never knows what the other is doing. It is this way by design. Man, even the president does not have access to much of this stuff. Read any of their memoirs and you will find they were shut out.

Why do you think Obama changed so radically and quickly. He was told in no uncertain terms, remember Kennedy. If you worked in any area of DOD you know how easy the web page thing happens and how it in no way relates to other projects let alone black projects.

The Bot

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 05:38 PM

reply to post by MysterX

7 or 8 decades, plus trillions of dollars and no civilian or congressional oversight...

Thank you for pointing out the obvious; and yes, for those who might be wondering if they should 'waste and hour and a half' the detail of discussion of how this craft works shows that it might indeed be very simple. So simple they might actually be pretty easy to build, given the funds.

And that many people have been threatened, jailed or worse for coming forward with the same ideas (based on Tesla's thoughts which are now over 100 years old).

The writer and director of this movie died of multiple heavy metal poisoning soon after this movie was completed and the main character Mark McCandlish, says he has lost his multiple decade career as an aerospace technology illustrator because of his involvement with this (he was told that his blueprint of it was the most dangerous drawing ever produced) and the end of the film details how he has been threatened, as well as the numerous people who have died mysteriously after doing like research.

If there's nothing to it and it's all the fantasies of a bunch of research physicists with extra time on their hands, what exactly is worth killing over?
there has been a massive death toll in the u.f.o field and other field's of research i saw a news paper article when doctor david kelly died in England about how many people had died in mysterious circumstances world wide and it filled the middle page in a newspaper .

way too many bright people are dying EARLY it make's one wonder who is covering thing's up and why

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by dlbott

That's always the answer, yet for a program that is totally compartmentalized that people supposedly know a tiny little bit about it, every. single. detail of these supposed programs is all over the net.

So either they aren't compartmentalized, the government is too stupid to recognize their own classified information to remove it, or the projects don't exist.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 06:10 PM

reply to post by dlbott

That's always the answer, yet for a program that is totally compartmentalized that people supposedly know a tiny little bit about it, every. single. detail of these supposed programs is all over the net.

So either they aren't compartmentalized, the government is too stupid to recognize their own classified information to remove it, or the projects don't exist.

Well, I guess that solves THAT then. Nothing to see here, move along folks. Nothing to learn by simply watching the video and giving it some concerted thought or discussion, either.

After all, GREER is actually in a few minutes of it. Probably nonsense, all of it, then. Those same people we've tasked with launching nuclear weapons in our name when/if the time comes are probably delusional. That's it.

Lookit, I can't explain why stuff like this doesn't disappear into the memory hole the instant it hits the wires (maybe the NSA is too busy cooling their computers to actually look at their quadrillion bits of daily data?)

All I know is that people at a place with a great big neon sign on top of it entitled 'DENY IGNORANCE' should at the very least WATCH a movie before commenting on it or frantically recommending that others not 'waste' their time, or better yet, volunteer someone else's time (Isaac Koi) to watch it before they themselves do so in order to get the review first? (in a now-edited post by one of the first commenters).

An opinion based on small amounts of information is worth, what exactly?

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 06:23 PM

All I know is that people at a place with a great big neon sign on top of it entitled 'DENY IGNORANCE' should at the very least WATCH a movie before commenting on it or frantically recommending that others not 'waste' their time, or better yet, volunteer someone else's time (Isaac Koi) to watch it before they themselves do so in order to get the review first? (in a now-edited post by one of the first commenters).

Folks. Really.
It is worth a watch. I rarely watch stuff like this and detest Greer, but as the OP has stated, "This is not about Greer."
Skip to about 7 minutes in and watch from there.
This is about Mark McCandlish and hist story about the ARV..

It is rather interesting. I can't vouch for the integrity of the material, but IMO it is worth a watch..

After that, critique away...


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