There is also a much larger problem going on here that I feel this young girl is aware, but the parents are out of touch with because they were born
in an era where one could get by with less education and on-the-job work skills. The fact that her father being a middle aged police officer
solidifies such. Let me note, she is not necessarily expressing it in a way to garner much sympathy from the general public, but I think the friends
parent attorney representing her may be of a similar opinion that I outline below. Otherwise he'd be saying the usual "boot strap your way out of
this like everyone has done before you".
Keeping up with the basics in terms of education and on-the-job work skills won’t be enough for jobs requiring future tech, labor market,
skill-sets. The poor and even the middle class (not the upper middle class) will simply NOT be able to keep up with the skill demands for employment,
while earning wages AND keeping a roof over their heads. In the future these very high costs skills needed to stay “relevant” will only be
affordable to the rich, or VERY far forward thinking middle class families, willing to sacrifice everything financially to keep their offspring
competitive in the larger job market.
I will begin with the usual assertion I hear in regards to the impact of these soon to be real “future-tech jobs”,
“Someone has to get paid to fix the robots!”
I hear this a lot as a rebuttal to mass automation in the workplace bent on replacing living workers with machines, BUT it misses a subtle point that
ONLY the children of the wealthy will have the opportunity to become TRUE experts in this field. Let me clarify, through the prior 20th century, a
poor kid who studied hard could become a lawyer, accountant, even a doctor sometimes with the right combination of hard work, savings, scholarships,
family support, etc. HOWEVER, in engineering university curriculum’s today, times are changing to favor kids who have access to expensive software
and hardware to “experiment” with and “practice” on before entering college. So when they finally get to college, those whom have had lots of
free time to “play” with robotics and programming outside of class WILL CERTAINLY outpace their less privileged peer who flips burgers part-time
to pay rent and school expenses.
Many people generally do not bother to ask themselves, would future robotics consulting companies prefer to hire low work experienced graduates, whom
have demonstrated HANDS-ON, non-professional robotics experience in the form of a “hobby portfolio” OR graduate with no “hobby portfolio”
experience, whom worked hard to graduate with a difficult major, but didn’t have as much free time to develop skills specifically related to their
major and have a long list of work experience, flipping burgers, unrelated to their major? I’m seeing this already happening in many different
engineering fields where the young workers being hired today are from wealthy families and great colleges, while at the same time being trained by
older folks whom were necessarily not as privileged in their youth, but got through school the hard, 20th century way and were trained on the job,
while paid, over long periods of time. Which certainly is no longer an option in 2014 and on because companies would prefer to churn experienced staff
rather than train fresh graduates in-house.
In the link below this paragraph I have posted an example of what I believe to be a young person from a well off family who majored in robotics at
USC, whom doesn’t appear to have had an unrelated part-time job to her major, while in college, possibly had lots time to “experiment” with the
technology in her spare time, got a masters degree back to back to the bachelors AND at the end of the day got a job offer at a University sponsored
dinner party for robotics majors. NOBODY I went to college with EVER got a job offer at a university sponsored dinner party, I’m sure many Ivy
league and top 10 school graduates do however. My point being, these future “robot repair jobs” are going to require smart kids with desire to
advance, that went to good schools, had lots of spare time and money to play with the tech outside of school AND got their jobs offered at dinner
parties, some of which will be non-paying internships at first. These jobs will not be gotten through sending out blind jobs applications or web job
boards, as was done in the 20th century. Basically what this girl is doing for Disney will in the near future be more like what a plumber or
electrician of today does, EXCEPT you won’t get trained on the job in a low-pay apprenticeship when at “entry level”. In fact to even be
considered for these “future-tech jobs” in the first place you’ll need to have good academic pedigree, lots of unpaid hobby time and 1+ years of
unpaid internships.
Here is her story, readers can decide for thenselves:
Those whom are going to be rendered jobless by automation/robotics/tech are going to be the least likely to be able to pick up these pieces in the
post-tech, coming era of traditional jobs destruction. Its going to IMPOSSIBLE for the poor to go back to school, get a masters degree in robotics, in
full-time only engineering programs, that strongly discourage their admitted students from taking part-time jobs, while favoring students who have
both the money and free time, don’t EVER work at an unrelated job to their majors, who then buy expensive robotics hardware/software to experiment
with outside of class.
Mark my words this future labor in the pursuit of “maintaining robots” is going to be the sole domain of rich kids with advanced degrees from good
schools because NO ONE is going to train anyone else perceived as lesser in that kind of job, WITH PAY.
Robotics and AI are essentially the same lie that was made when desktop computers in the workplace were supposed to reduce total work hours per week,
now rehashed for a 21st century audience.
I think its funny when regular people get excited about future tech jobs, concepts like the Singularity, lean Automation, advanced Robitics, etc. Do
people really think when these thing finally become real, functioning, working designs & products, applicable to commercial industry, that the
“peons” will all get a “Data from Start Trek” or a “C-3PO from Star Wars” to help out at home, at the job site or in the office?
To continue my above point, I believe “rich kid” job mobility is going to be a bigger problem for regular folks beyond what the previous "rich
kid" pedigree typically brought to them. That unfettered access to endless money and time to “explore” academics and hands-on work with no
consequences is going to END job mobility of any kind for the lower and middle classes, even those whom have met the typical required higher education
and work experience standards. Its a superstar only job market now with no room for middle of road folks.
Up to the 1940 a person could get just about any job with an 8th grade education, but today you need a BA or Masters for entry level.
Because the government figured out a long time ago that populations would certainly increase over time, but due to technology advancements, the
availability of jobs would not expand to meet that population growth. There is a reason they don’t want people dropping out of high school and then
encouraging that high school graduate to attend junior college, then a 4 year university and finally a Masters degree or PhD because it DECREASES the
amount of people looking for full-time employment at the SAME TIME, chasing after jobs in a market that CANNOT provide employment for everyone looking
and willing to work.
Look at it this way, when people could get a job with an 8th grade education they went out and did it as soon as possible (opportunity cost). Then
jobs got scarcer and the minimum became a high school diploma, adding 4 more years of people NOT Looking for jobs within their cohort. Then jobs got
even scarcer and the minimum became a 2 or 4 year college degree, adding an additional 2-4 years of people NOT looking for jobs within their cohort.
Now jobs are really scarce and may require a Masters or PHD, adding an additional 2-7 years of people NOT looking for jobs within their cohort.
Basically the way the economy has been structured TODAY, we are looking at young people within their cohort whom are NOT looking for full-time, career
type, employment for 6-15 YEARS, beyond K-12, while they finish school!!!
This has been done ON PURPOSE to keep the number people seeking employment lower. In 1920 after 8th grade everyone who was able went out to look for
work and typically found it, that’s simply NOT possible today under any circumstances. Easily accessed welfare will add another 1-3 years of people
within a cohort to those “not seeking employment”, not to the specific detriment of society, but to continue to mask the illusion that jobs and
upward mobility are available. So, if someone gets a graduate degree and collects 1-3 years of welfare of some kind that’s ONE less person competing
for scarce jobs. The extra years of welfare then are acting in the same way to the larger economy as the increased minimum education levels for
employment. Essentially to decrease the number of able-bodied applicants out on the job market at the same time. This cohort of people not pursuing
full-time employment also includes those in Prison, Government pensioners and the disabled on government assistance. If everyone needed to go out and
“get a job” or “start their own business” as many “capitalists” suggest these days, we would all be making 0.25 cents a day.
Guess when the largest “recorded” wage increase happened in history for, non-land owing, wage-laborers, post the introduction of fiat currency?
Any ideas?
I’ll tell you, it was after the black death pandemic in the 14th century.
How is that possible?
Because “the owners of capital”, post-black-death-pandemic still needed wage-laborers, but there was a HUGE shortage of able bodied people, so in
order for ANY work to get done they had to pay the peasants and other undesirables more, SIGNIFICANTLY MORE. This principle is still at work today,
when you take the time to recognize that portions of the population are actively discouraged from participating in the full-time labor market. This is
easily done, by throwing people in prison, forcing them to attend formal school longer and allowing more people to claim themselves as disabled or
collect both long and short term welfare. The next obvious step for government to further reduce the number of people participating in the full-time
labor market is to allow them easier access to welfare or as michaelochurch points out a guaranteed minimum wage or allowance that everyone gets
without having to provide labor to an employer. I’m not going to go into any specific economic theory, but this above noted cohort of
non-participants collecting a base amount of guaranteed welfare/allowance will keep wages stable for those whom are working full-time. If all people
capable of working full-time entered the jobs the market simultaneously, wages would crash and to a certain extent have, as of 2014.
There has ALWAYS been an economic system at work in the USA that limited the number of able bodied workers whom would be PAID and those who WOULD NOT
be paid. The “owners of capital” learned their lesson about labor shortages POST the “Black Death” and figured out from that day forward how
to keep wages down and potential available laborers numbers at maximum levels, while forcing them to compete for scarce available positions.
In the past when there wasn’t enough money to go around to pay wages the “owners of capital” simply brought in more indentured servant
immigrants (Irish, Italians, Chinese, etc) or used flat out slave labor (Blacks, Native Americans, domestic prisoners, POW’s, etc). The only
difference between now and then is that “owners of capital” can’t LEGALLY have slaves or indentured servants anymore, BUT they have the same
pressures as before, to keep their high wages flowing and laborers working even when there isn’t enough “PIE” to go around to pay those laborers
for services rendered. The mechanisms today that replaces slaves and indentured servants are the following: longer than needed formal education for
basic employment, off-shoring of labor, forced retirement, prisoners and welfare.
The only other choice when these conditions eventually arise will be the expansion of welfare because rich kids will want to work for fun or
enrichment, but there won’t be many job to go around anyway. So, someone has to go and it won’t be them at the end of the day. Making the legal
adult age 25, will give the middle class time to recover decades of wage loses and lower the likelihood of people willy-nilly having a child that they
know legally can live with them until 25. Baby making will drop off a cliff and daily wages will soar.
This young girl suing her parents know all this instinctively, but has poorly articulated her position to the general public. I hope she wins, if
only to affect change in the legal aspects of parenting.